#include "stdafx.h" #include "ImageFunc.h" #include #include #include #include #include "../Functions.hpp" #include "../MHashINI/MHash.hpp" #define Pi 3.1415926535897932384626433 using namespace Gdiplus; #pragma comment(lib,"gdiplus.lib") int MyImage::AllocBuf(int width,int height,int stride,int PixelFormat1) { if (ShowCache != NULL) { ::delete ShowCache; ShowCache = NULL; } //stride ,ÒÔ64×Ö½Ú¶ÔÆë? if (stride==0) {stride=(width+Stride_Align-1)&(-Stride_Align);} if (buffer0!=NULL) { if (width==this->Width&&height==this->Height&&stride==this->Stride) { this->PixelFormat=PixelFormat1; m_thumbImg.IsValid=0; return true; } delete[] buffer0; delete[] buffer2; delete[] buffer3; } buffer0=new unsigned char[stride*height+Stride_Align]; buffer=(void *)(((INT_PTR)buffer0+Stride_Align-1)&(INT_PTR)(-Stride_Align)); this->Width=width; this->Height=height; this->Stride=stride; if (PixelFormat1!=0) this->PixelFormat=PixelFormat1; else {this->PixelFormat=MyPixelType_Mono8;} if (PixelFormat1 == MyPixelType_RGB8planar) { buffer2 = new unsigned char[stride*height + Stride_Align]; buffer3 = new unsigned char[stride*height + Stride_Align]; } IsValid=true; return true; } int MyImage::CopyFromGdipBitMap(Gdiplus::Bitmap * bitmap1) { if (bitmap1==NULL) {return -1;} int w,h; w=bitmap1->GetWidth(); h=bitmap1->GetHeight(); Rect rect1; rect1.X=0;rect1.Y=0;rect1.Width=w;rect1.Height=h; BitmapData bitmapData1; Gdiplus::PixelFormat pixelformat = bitmap1->GetPixelFormat(); if (pixelformat==PixelFormat8bppIndexed) { bitmap1->LockBits(&rect1,ImageLockModeRead,PixelFormat8bppIndexed,&bitmapData1); int stride1=bitmapData1.Stride; unsigned char * buf1=(unsigned char *)bitmapData1.Scan0; int r=CopyFromBuf(buf1,w,h,stride1,MyPixelType_Mono8); }else { bitmap1->LockBits(&rect1,ImageLockModeRead,PixelFormat32bppRGB,&bitmapData1); int stride1=bitmapData1.Stride; DWORD * buf1=(DWORD *)bitmapData1.Scan0; // this->AllocBuf(w,h); // int stride2=this->Stride; // unsigned char * pixels=(unsigned char *)buffer; // for (int i=0;iUnlockBits(&bitmapData1); return 1; } int MyImage::LoadFromBitmapFile(CString sFilePathName) { Bitmap bitmap1(sFilePathName); this->CopyFromGdipBitMap(&bitmap1); int j = sFilePathName.MakeUpper().Find(_T(".RAW")); if ( j!= -1) { int k = this->PixelFormat; if ( k == MyPixelType_Mono8) { this->PixelFormat = MyPixelType_BayerGR8; } } return 0; } int MyImage::SaveToFile(CString sFilePathName) { if (this->PixelFormat == MyPixelType_RGB8planar) { return 0; }if (this->PixelFormat == MyPixelType_ARGB32) { Bitmap * bitmap1=NULL; ConvertTypeToGdipBitmap32(&bitmap1); int r=SaveGdiPImageAsFile(bitmap1, sFilePathName); return r; } else { int r = SaveBufferToBmpFile(buffer, Width, Height, Stride, sFilePathName, 0, 0); return r; } } int MyImage::LoadRegionFromFile(CString sFilePathName) { myregions.clear(); MHash RegionCfg; RegionCfg.LoadFromFile(sFilePathName); int k = _tstoi(RegionCfg["Regions"]["TotalRegion"]); for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { MyRegion thisRegion; CString RegionNo; RegionNo.Format(_T("Region%d"), i + 1); thisRegion.IsValid = _tstoi(RegionCfg[RegionNo]["IsValid"]); thisRegion.RegionStr = RegionCfg[RegionNo]["Str"]; thisRegion.RegionColor = _tstoi(RegionCfg[RegionNo]["Color"]); int PtCount=_tstoi(RegionCfg[RegionNo]["PtCount"]); CString ResultStr[10]; for (int j = 0; j < PtCount; j++) { CString PtNo; PtNo.Format(_T("Pt%d"), j + 1); CString thisptstr = RegionCfg[RegionNo][PtNo]; Split(thisptstr, _T(","), ResultStr); MyPoint thispt; thispt.X = _tstoi(ResultStr[0]); thispt.Y = _tstoi(ResultStr[1]); thisRegion.pts.push_back(thispt); } myregions.push_back(thisRegion); } return 0; } int MyImage::SaveRegionToFile(CString sFilePathName) { CString s1; MHash RegionCfg; int k = myregions.size(); s1.Format(_T("%d"), k); RegionCfg["Regions"]["TotalRegion"]=s1; for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { MyRegion thisRegion; thisRegion = myregions.at(i); CString RegionNo; RegionNo.Format(_T("Region%d"), i + 1); s1.Format(_T("%d"), thisRegion.IsValid); RegionCfg[RegionNo]["IsValid"]=s1; RegionCfg[RegionNo]["Str"]=thisRegion.RegionStr; s1.Format(_T("%d"), thisRegion.RegionColor); RegionCfg[RegionNo]["Color"]=s1; int PtCount = thisRegion.pts.size(); s1.Format(_T("%d"), PtCount); RegionCfg[RegionNo]["PtCount"]=s1; for (int j = 0; j < PtCount; j++) { CString PtNo; MyPoint thispt; PtNo.Format(_T("Pt%d"), j + 1); thispt = thisRegion.pts.at(j); s1.Format(_T("%d,%d"), thispt.X, thispt.Y); RegionCfg[RegionNo][PtNo]=s1; } } RegionCfg.SaveToFile(sFilePathName); return 0; } int MyImage::CopyFromBuf(void * buf,int w,int h,int stride,int pixelformat) { if (stride==0) { stride=(w+Stride_Align-1)&(-Stride_Align); } SN=0; if (pixelformat==MyPixelType_BayerGB8) { int bpp = stride/w; int newstride = stride - 2*bpp; AllocBuf(w-2,h-2,newstride,pixelformat); for (int i=0; iPixelFormat=MyPixelType_BayerGR8; }else { AllocBuf(w,h,stride,pixelformat); memcpy(buffer,buf,h*stride); } // this->PixelFormat=pixelformat; return true; }; int MyImage::CopyFromBufR90(void * buf,int w,int h,int stride,int pixelformat) { AllocBuf(h,w,h,pixelformat); for (int i=0;iPixelFormat=MyPixelType_Mono8; return true; }; int MyImage::Meg3ImgIntoRGB8planar(MyImage & img1, MyImage &img2, MyImage & img3) { int nwidth, nheight, nstride; nwidth = img1.Width; nheight = img1.Height; nstride = img1.Stride ; this->PixelFormat = MyPixelType_RGB8planar; AllocBuf(nwidth, nheight, nstride, MyPixelType_RGB8planar ); memcpy(buffer, img1.buffer, nwidth*nheight); memcpy(buffer2, img2.buffer, nwidth*nheight); memcpy(buffer3, img3.buffer, nwidth*nheight); return 0; } int MyImage::Meg3ImgIntoRGB(MyImage & img1, MyImage &img2, MyImage & img3) { int nwidth, nheight, nstride; nwidth = img1.Width; nheight = img1.Height; nstride = img1.Stride * 4; this->PixelFormat = MyPixelType_ARGB32; AllocBuf(nwidth, nheight, nstride, MyPixelType_ARGB32); for (int i = 0; i < nheight; i++) { unsigned char * line1 = (unsigned char *)img3.buffer + i*img1.Stride; unsigned char * line2 = (unsigned char *)img2.buffer + i*img2.Stride; unsigned char * line3 = (unsigned char *)img1.buffer + i*img3.Stride; unsigned char * line5 = (unsigned char *)buffer + i*nstride; for (int j = 0; j < nwidth; j+=4) { line5[j*4 ] = line1[j]; line5[j*4+1] = line2[j]; line5[j*4+2] = line3[j]; line5[j * 4 + 4] = line1[j+1]; line5[j * 4 + 5] = line2[j+1]; line5[j * 4 + 6] = line3[j+1]; line5[j * 4 + 8] = line1[j+2]; line5[j * 4 + 9] = line2[j+2]; line5[j * 4 + 10] = line3[j+2]; line5[j * 4 + 12] = line1[j+3]; line5[j * 4 + 13] = line2[j+3]; line5[j * 4 + 14] = line3[j+3]; /* c1.R = line1[j+4]; c1.G = line2[j + 4]; c1.B = line3[j + 4]; line5[j + 4] = c1.argb; c2.R = line1[j + 5]; c2.G = line2[j + 5]; c2.B = line3[j + 5]; line5[j + 5] = c2.argb; c3.R = line1[j + 6]; c3.G = line2[j + 6]; c3.B = line3[j + 6]; line5[j + 6] = c3.argb; c4.R = line1[j + 7]; c4.G = line2[j + 7]; c4.B = line3[j + 7]; line5[j + 7] = c4.argb; //*/ } } return 0; } int MyImage::CreateThumbImg(int Width, int Height,float startX, float startY , float swidth, float sheight ) { if (!IsValid) return -1; int nThumbWidth, nThumbHeight; float nSrcStartX, nSrcStartY, nSrcWidth, nSrcHeight; if (Width == 0 || Height == 0) { nThumbWidth = 1280; nThumbHeight = 960; nSrcStartX = 0; nSrcStartY = 0; nSrcWidth = this->Width; nSrcHeight = this->Height; } else { nThumbWidth = Width; nThumbHeight = Height; if (swidth == 0 || sheight == 0) { nSrcStartX = 0; nSrcStartY = 0; nSrcWidth = this->Width; nSrcHeight = this->Height; } else { nSrcStartX = startX; nSrcStartY = startY; nSrcWidth = swidth; nSrcHeight = sheight; } } if (m_thumbImg.buffer&&m_thumbImg.nWidth != nThumbWidth || m_thumbImg.nHeight != nThumbHeight) { delete m_thumbImg.buffer; m_thumbImg.buffer = nullptr; } m_thumbImg.nWidth = nThumbWidth; m_thumbImg.nHeight = nThumbHeight; if (this->PixelFormat == MyPixelType_ARGB32) { if (m_thumbImg.buffer == 0) { m_thumbImg.buffer = new DWORD[nThumbWidth * nThumbHeight ]; } for (int i = 0; i < nThumbHeight; i++) { DWORD * line1 = (DWORD *)buffer + int(i*nSrcHeight / nThumbHeight+nSrcStartY) * (Stride/4); DWORD * tline1 = (DWORD *)m_thumbImg.buffer + i * nThumbWidth; for (int j = 0; j < nThumbWidth; j++) { tline1[j] = line1[int(j*nSrcWidth / nThumbWidth + nSrcStartX)]; //tline1[j] = 255; } } m_thumbImg.IsValid = 1; } else if (this->PixelFormat == MyPixelType_RGB8planar) { if (m_thumbImg.buffer == 0) { m_thumbImg.buffer = new DWORD[(nThumbWidth+3)/4*4 * (nThumbHeight+1)/2*2]; } for (int i = 0; i < nThumbHeight; i++) { unsigned char * line1 = (unsigned char *)buffer + int(i*nSrcHeight / nThumbHeight + nSrcStartY) * (Stride); unsigned char * line2 = (unsigned char *)buffer2 + int(i*nSrcHeight / nThumbHeight + nSrcStartY) * (Stride); unsigned char * line3 = (unsigned char *)buffer3 + int(i*nSrcHeight / nThumbHeight + nSrcStartY) * (Stride); DWORD * tline1 = (DWORD *)m_thumbImg.buffer + i * nThumbWidth; for (int j = 0; j < nThumbWidth; j++) { COLOR * c1 = (COLOR *)&(tline1[j]); c1->R = line1[int(j*nSrcWidth / nThumbWidth + nSrcStartX)]; c1->G = line2[int(j*nSrcWidth / nThumbWidth + nSrcStartX)]; c1->B = line3[int(j*nSrcWidth / nThumbWidth + nSrcStartX)]; //tline1[j] = 255; } } m_thumbImg.IsValid = 1; } else if (this->PixelFormat == MyPixelType_BayerGR8 || this->PixelFormat == MyPixelType_BayerGB8) { if (m_thumbImg.buffer == 0) { m_thumbImg.buffer = new unsigned char[(nThumbWidth + 3) / 4 * 4 * (nThumbHeight + 1) / 2 * 2]; } for (int i = 0; i < nThumbHeight; i+=2) { unsigned char * line1 = (unsigned char *)buffer + (int(i*nSrcHeight / nThumbHeight + nSrcStartY) & 0xfffffffe) * Stride; unsigned char * tline1 = (unsigned char *)m_thumbImg.buffer + i * nThumbWidth; unsigned char * line2 = (unsigned char *)buffer + ((int(i*nSrcHeight / nThumbHeight + nSrcStartY) & 0xfffffffe) + 1) * Stride; unsigned char * tline2 = (unsigned char *)m_thumbImg.buffer + (i+1) * nThumbWidth; for (int j = 0; j < nThumbWidth; j+=2) { tline1[j] = line1[int(j*nSrcWidth / nThumbWidth + nSrcStartX) & 0xfffffffe]; tline1[j + 1] = line1[(int(j*nSrcWidth / nThumbWidth + nSrcStartX) & 0xfffffffe) + 1]; tline2[j] = line2[int(j*nSrcWidth / nThumbWidth + nSrcStartX) & 0xfffffffe]; tline2[j + 1] = line2[(int(j*nSrcWidth / nThumbWidth + nSrcStartX) & 0xfffffffe) + 1]; //tline1[j] = 255;//line1[(j*this->Width / nWidth)&0xfffffffe]; //tline1[j+1] = 0;//line1[((j*this->Width / nWidth)&0xfffffffe)+1]; //tline2[j] = 0;//line2[(j*this->Width / nWidth)&0xfffffffe]; //tline2[j+1] = 255;//line2[((j*this->Width / nWidth)&0xfffffffe)+1]; } } m_thumbImg.IsValid = 1; } else { if (m_thumbImg.buffer == 0) { m_thumbImg.buffer = new unsigned char[nThumbWidth * nThumbHeight]; } for (int i = 0; i < nThumbHeight; i++) { unsigned char * line1 = (unsigned char *)buffer + int(i*nSrcHeight / nThumbHeight+nSrcStartY) * Stride; unsigned char * tline1 = (unsigned char *)m_thumbImg.buffer + i * nThumbWidth; for (int j = 0; j < nThumbWidth; j++) { tline1[j] = line1[int(j*nSrcWidth / nThumbWidth+nSrcStartX)]; } } m_thumbImg.IsValid = 1; } return 0; } int MyImage::DrawOnWindow(HWND hWnd,int Brightness,int Contrast) { /* if (this->IsHistoValid) { Graphics gr1(bitmap1); Pen pen1(Color(255,255,255,255),1); for (int i=0;i<256;i++) { int Length=this->HistoArray[i]*512/this->MaxHistoCount; if (Length>255) {Length=255;} gr1.DrawLine(&pen1,i,256,i,1); } } */ CString s1; s1.Format(_T("SN:%d %s "),this->SN,this->Name); s1+=InfoStr; CString * Lable; Lable = &s1; // DrawBitmapOnWindow(hWnd,bitmap1,&s1,&ResultStr); // if (bitmap1 == NULL) return 0; if (hWnd == NULL) return 0; if (!IsWindow(hWnd)) return 0; if (!IsWindowVisible(hWnd)) return 0; int srcw, srch; srcw = this->Width; srch = this->Height; if (srcw == 0 || srch == 0) return 0; RECT rect0; GetClientRect(hWnd, &rect0); int clientw, clienth; //¿Í»§Çøʵ¼ÊµÄ¿í¶ÈºÍ¸ß¶È clientw = rect0.right - rect0.left; clienth = rect0.bottom - rect0.top; SolidBrush brush1(Color(255, 0, 0, 0)); //дºÚ×Ö SolidBrush brush2(Color(255, 255, 255, 255)); //д°××Ö int w1, h1; //ͼƬÔÚ¿Í»§ÇøÏÔʾʱµÄ¿í¶ÈºÍ¸ß¶È, //¿¼Âǵ½±£³Ö¿í¸ß±È£¬Óë¿Í»§Çø´óС²»Ò»¶¨Ïàͬ int startx, starty; //ͼƬÔÚ¿Í»§ÇøµÄÆðʼλÖÃ; if (srcw*rect0.bottom == srch*rect0.right) { w1 = clientw; h1 = clienth; startx = rect0.left; starty = rect0.top; } else if (srcw*rect0.bottom>srch*rect0.right) //ͼƬºáÏò´ó£¬¸ß¶È²»Âú { w1 = clientw; h1 = clientw*srch / srcw; startx = rect0.left; starty = rect0.top + (clienth - h1) / 2; } else //ͼƬ×ÝÏò´ó,¿í¶È²»Âú { w1 = clienth*srcw / srch; h1 = clienth; startx = rect0.left + (clientw - w1) / 2; starty = rect0.top; } Bitmap *bitmap1 = NULL; if (IsToRefreshCache||ShowCache != NULL && (ShowCache->GetWidth() != w1 || ShowCache->GetHeight() != h1)) { ::delete ShowCache; ShowCache = NULL; IsToRefreshCache = 0; } if (ShowCache == NULL) { Rect rect4; rect4.X = 0; rect4.Y = 0; rect4.Width = w1; rect4.Height = h1; ConvertTypeToGdipBitmap32(&bitmap1, Brightness, Contrast); ShowCache = ::new Bitmap(w1, h1); Graphics gr4(ShowCache); gr4.DrawImage(bitmap1,rect4); //------------ ÏÔʾ Region int n = myregions.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { MyRegion thisregion = myregions.at(i); int k = thisregion.pts.size(); if (thisregion.IsValid) { Pen pen1(Color(255,255,0,0), 1); MyPoint lastPt = thisregion.pts.at(k - 1); for (int j = 0; j < k; j++) { MyPoint pt1 = thisregion.pts.at(j); gr4.DrawRectangle(&pen1, pt1.X*w1 / srcw - 2, pt1.Y*h1 / srch - 2 , 4, 4); gr4.DrawLine(&pen1, pt1.X*w1 / srcw , pt1.Y*h1 / srch, lastPt.X*w1 / srcw, lastPt.Y*h1 / srch); lastPt = pt1; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------- ///* if (Lable != NULL&&!Lable->IsEmpty()) { CStringW sw1; TToW(*Lable, sw1); // Pen pen1(Color(255,0,0,0),1); //»­ºÚÏß Pen pen2(Color(128, 128, 128, 128), 0.5); //»­»ÒÏß FontFamily fontfamily1(L"ºÚÌå"); int fontsize = h1 / 60; if (fontsize<16) { fontsize = 16; } Gdiplus::Font font1(&fontfamily1, fontsize, FontStyleRegular); // Gdiplus::Font font2(&fontfamily1,16,FontStyleRegular); StringFormat stringformat1; stringformat1.SetAlignment(StringAlignmentNear); stringformat1.SetLineAlignment(StringAlignmentNear); gr4.DrawString(sw1, sw1.GetLength(), &font1, Gdiplus::PointF(0.0f, 0.0f), &stringformat1, &brush1); gr4.DrawString(sw1, sw1.GetLength(), &font1, Gdiplus::PointF(2.0f, 2.0f), &stringformat1, &brush1); gr4.DrawString(sw1, sw1.GetLength(), &font1, Gdiplus::PointF(0.0f, 2.0f), &stringformat1, &brush1); gr4.DrawString(sw1, sw1.GetLength(), &font1, Gdiplus::PointF(2.0f, 0.0f), &stringformat1, &brush1); gr4.DrawString(sw1, sw1.GetLength(), &font1, Gdiplus::PointF(1.0f, 1.0f), &stringformat1, &brush2); } if (!ResultStr.IsEmpty()) { CStringW sw1; TToW(ResultStr, sw1); // Pen pen1(Color(255,0,0,0),1); //»­ºÚÏß Pen pen2(Color(128, 128, 128, 128), 0.5); //»­»ÒÏß SolidBrush brush3(Color(255, 0, 0, 0)); //дºÚ×Ö SolidBrush brush4(Color(128, 0, 255, 0)); //дÂÌ×Ö FontFamily fontfamily1(L"ºÚÌå"); int fontsize = h1 / 4; if (fontsize<48) { fontsize = 48; } Gdiplus::Font font1(&fontfamily1, fontsize, FontStyleRegular); // Gdiplus::Font font2(&fontfamily1,16,FontStyleRegular); StringFormat stringformat1; stringformat1.SetAlignment(StringAlignmentCenter); stringformat1.SetLineAlignment(StringAlignmentCenter); float centerx, centery; centerx = (w1) / 2; centery = (h1) / 2; // gr1.DrawString(sw1,sw1.GetLength(),&font1,Gdiplus::PointF(centerx+0.0f,centery+0.0f),&stringformat1,&brush3); // gr1.DrawString(sw1,sw1.GetLength(),&font1,Gdiplus::PointF(centerx+2.0f,centery+2.0f),&stringformat1,&brush3); // gr1.DrawString(sw1,sw1.GetLength(),&font1,Gdiplus::PointF(centerx+0.0f,centery+2.0f),&stringformat1,&brush3); // gr1.DrawString(sw1,sw1.GetLength(),&font1,Gdiplus::PointF(centerx+2.0f,centery+0.0f),&stringformat1,&brush3); gr4.DrawString(sw1, sw1.GetLength(), &font1, Gdiplus::PointF(centerx + 1.0f, centery + 1.0f), &stringformat1, &brush4); } gr4.Flush(); } Rect rect1; rect1.X = startx; rect1.Y = starty; rect1.Width = w1; rect1.Height = h1; HDC hdc1 = GetDC(hWnd); Graphics gr1(hdc1); gr1.DrawImage(ShowCache, rect1); //»­Í¼Ïñ if (startx != 0) //ÔÚͼÏñµÄÁ½²à»­±³¾° { gr1.FillRectangle(&brush1, 0, 0, startx, clienth); gr1.FillRectangle(&brush1, startx + w1, 0, startx, clienth); } if (starty != 0) { gr1.FillRectangle(&brush1, 0, 0, clientw, starty); gr1.FillRectangle(&brush1, 0, starty + h1, clientw, starty); } // gr1.Flush(); //*/ ReleaseDC(hWnd, hdc1); if (bitmap1!=NULL) ::delete bitmap1; return 1; }; int MyImage::DrawThumbOnWindow(HWND hWnd, int Brightness, int Contrast) { if (!m_thumbImg.IsValid) CreateThumbImg(); Bitmap *bitmap1 = NULL; ConvertThumbToGdipBitmap32(&bitmap1, Brightness, Contrast); /* if (this->IsHistoValid) { Graphics gr1(bitmap1); Pen pen1(Color(255,255,255,255),1); for (int i=0;i<256;i++) { int Length=this->HistoArray[i]*512/this->MaxHistoCount; if (Length>255) {Length=255;} gr1.DrawLine(&pen1,i,256,i,1); } } */ CString s1; s1.Format(_T("SN:%d %s "), this->SN, this->Name); s1 += InfoStr; DrawBitmapOnWindow(hWnd, bitmap1, &s1, &ResultStr); ::delete bitmap1; return 1; }; int MyImage::ConvertTypeToGdipBitmap32(Gdiplus::Bitmap** bitmapdest,int Brightness,int Contrast) { /* PixelType_Mono8 PixelType_BayerGB8 PixelType_BayerGB12 PixelType_YUV422packed PixelType_YUV422_YUYV_Packed PixelType_BayerGB12Packed */ int i,j,k,l; int w,h; w=this->Width; h=this->Height; int pixeltype; pixeltype=this->PixelFormat; if (*bitmapdest==NULL) { *bitmapdest=::new Gdiplus::Bitmap(w,h); } else if ((*bitmapdest)->GetWidth()!=w&&(*bitmapdest)->GetHeight()!=h) { ::delete *bitmapdest;*bitmapdest=NULL; *bitmapdest=::new Gdiplus::Bitmap(w,h); } unsigned char * srcpixel=(unsigned char *)buffer; Gdiplus::BitmapData bitmapdata1; bitmapdata1.PixelFormat=PixelFormat32bppRGB; Gdiplus::Rect rect1(0,0,w,h); Gdiplus::Status GdipStatus=(*bitmapdest)->LockBits(&rect1,Gdiplus::ImageLockModeWrite,//|ImageLockModeUserInputBuf, PixelFormat32bppRGB,&bitmapdata1);//PixelFormat32bppRGB if (GdipStatus!=Gdiplus::Ok) { CString Errs1; Errs1.Format(_T("Gdip LockBits Error %d \r\n"),GdipStatus); // SysLog(Errs1); return 0; } COLOR c1; UINT * pixels; pixels=(UINT *)bitmapdata1.Scan0; int s=bitmapdata1.Stride; if (pixeltype==MyPixelType_Mono8) { for (i=0;iGetHeight()!=h||bitmapRaw8->GetWidth()!=w) { ::delete bitmapRaw8; bitmapRaw8=::new Gdiplus::Bitmap(w,h,PixelFormat8bppIndexed); } Gdiplus::ColorPalette * pal1=(Gdiplus::ColorPalette *) new unsigned char[1048]; pal1->Flags=2; pal1->Count=256; int i; for (i=0;i<256;i++) { pal1->Entries[i]=Gdiplus::Color::MakeARGB(255,i,i,i); } bitmapRaw8->SetPalette(pal1); delete [] pal1; Gdiplus::Rect rect1(0,0,w,h); Gdiplus::BitmapData bitmapdataRaw8; bitmapdataRaw8.PixelFormat=PixelFormat8bppIndexed; Gdiplus::Status GdipStatus=bitmapRaw8->LockBits(&rect1,Gdiplus::ImageLockModeWrite,PixelFormat8bppIndexed,&bitmapdataRaw8); if (GdipStatus!=Gdiplus::Ok) { CString Errs1; Errs1.Format(_T("Gdip LockBits Error %d \r\n"),GdipStatus); // SysLog(Errs1); return 0; } Raw12ToRaw8(bitmapdataRaw8.Scan0,srcpixel,w,h); bitmapRaw8->UnlockBits(&bitmapdataRaw8); unsigned short *srcpixel2=(unsigned short *) srcpixel; int r,g,b; for (i=0;i>4; c1.G=g>>4; c1.B=b>>4; pixels[l+j]=c1.argb; pixels[l+j+1]=c1.argb; } //ÆæÊýÐÐ for (j=0;j>4; c1.G=g>>4; c1.B=b>>4; pixels[l+s/4+j]=c1.argb; pixels[l+s/4+j+1]=c1.argb; } } } if (pixeltype==MyPixelType_YUV422packed) { int y,u,v; int r,g,b; for (i=0;i255){r=255;} if (g>255){g=255;} if (b>255) {b=255;} c1.R=r; c1.G=g; c1.B=b; pixels[l+j]=c1.argb; y=srcpixel[k+j*2+3]; r=int(y+1.402*(v-128)); g=int(y-0.34414*(u-128)-0.71414*(v-128)); b=int(y+1.772*(u-128)); if (r<0){r=0;} if (g<0) {g=0;} if (b<0) {b=0;} if (r>255){r=255;} if (g>255){g=255;} if (b>255) {b=255;} c1.R=r; c1.G=g; c1.B=b; pixels[l+j+1]=c1.argb; } } } if (pixeltype==MyPixelType_YUV422_YUYV_Packed) { int y,u,v; int r,g,b; for (i=0;i255?255:r); c1.G=(g>255?255:g); c1.B=(b>255?255:b); pixels[l+j]=c1.argb; y=srcpixel[k+j*2+2]; r=int(y+1.402*(v-128)); g=int(y-0.34414*(u-128)-0.71414*(v-128)); b=int(y+1.772*(u-128)); if (r<0){r=0;} if (g<0) {g=0;} if (b<0) {b=0;} c1.R=(r>255?255:r); c1.G=(g>255?255:g); c1.B=(b>255?255:b); pixels[l+j+1]=c1.argb; } } } //*/ if (this->PixelFormat==MyPixelType_BayerGB12_Packed) { //unsigned short *srcpixel2=(unsigned short *) srcpixel; /* int r,g,b; for (i=0;i>4)+(((unsigned int)srcpixel[k+j*3/2+2]&0xff)<<4); r=((unsigned int)srcpixel[k+stride+j*3/2]<<4)+((unsigned int)(srcpixel[k+stride+j*3/2+1]&0xf)); //b=g; //r=g; c1.R=r>>4; c1.G=g>>4; c1.B=b>>4; pixels[l+j]=c1.argb; pixels[l+j+1]=c1.argb; } //ÆæÊýÐÐ for (j=0;j>4)+((unsigned int)(srcpixel[k+j*3/2+2]&0xff)<<4); r=((unsigned int)srcpixel[k+stride+j*3/2]<<4)+((unsigned int)(srcpixel[k+stride+j*3/2+1]&0xf)); c1.R=r>>4; c1.G=g>>4; c1.B=b>>4; pixels[l+s/4+j]=c1.argb; pixels[l+s/4+j+1]=c1.argb; } } */ double SysGamma=1.0f; BayerGB12PackedToRGB32(pixels,srcpixel,w,h,(float)SysGamma); } (*bitmapdest)->UnlockBits(&bitmapdata1); return 1; } int MyImage::ConvertThumbToGdipBitmap32(Gdiplus::Bitmap** bitmapdest, int Brightness, int Contrast) { /* PixelType_Mono8 PixelType_BayerGB8 PixelType_BayerGB12 PixelType_YUV422packed PixelType_YUV422_YUYV_Packed PixelType_BayerGB12Packed */ int i, j, k, l; int w, h; w = m_thumbImg.nWidth; h = m_thumbImg.nHeight; int pixeltype; pixeltype = this->PixelFormat; if (*bitmapdest == NULL) { *bitmapdest = ::new Gdiplus::Bitmap(w, h); } else if ((*bitmapdest)->GetWidth() != w && (*bitmapdest)->GetHeight() != h) { ::delete *bitmapdest; *bitmapdest = NULL; *bitmapdest = ::new Gdiplus::Bitmap(w, h); } unsigned char * srcpixel = (unsigned char *)m_thumbImg.buffer; Gdiplus::BitmapData bitmapdata1; bitmapdata1.PixelFormat = PixelFormat32bppRGB; Gdiplus::Rect rect1(0, 0, w, h); Gdiplus::Status GdipStatus = (*bitmapdest)->LockBits(&rect1, Gdiplus::ImageLockModeWrite,//|ImageLockModeUserInputBuf, PixelFormat32bppRGB, &bitmapdata1);//PixelFormat32bppRGB if (GdipStatus != Gdiplus::Ok) { CString Errs1; Errs1.Format(_T("Gdip LockBits Error %d \r\n"), GdipStatus); // SysLog(Errs1); return 0; } COLOR c1; UINT * pixels; pixels = (UINT *)bitmapdata1.Scan0; int s = bitmapdata1.Stride; if (pixeltype == MyPixelType_Mono8) { for (i = 0; iUnlockBits(&bitmapdata1); return 1; } int GdipDrawRoundRect(Gdiplus::Graphics &gr1, Gdiplus::Pen &pen1, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int r) { gr1.DrawLine(&pen1,x1+r,y1,x2-r,y1); gr1.DrawLine(&pen1,x1+r,y2,x2-r,y2); gr1.DrawLine(&pen1,x1,y1+r,x1,y2-r); gr1.DrawLine(&pen1,x2,y1+r,x2,y2-r); gr1.DrawArc(&pen1,x1,y1,r*2,r*2,180,90); gr1.DrawArc(&pen1,x2-2*r,y1,r*2,r*2,270,90); gr1.DrawArc(&pen1,x1,y2-r*2,r*2,r*2,90,90); gr1.DrawArc(&pen1,x2-r*2,y2-r*2,r*2,r*2,0,90); return 1; } int SaveBufferToFile(void * pBuf, size_t nSize, CString sFilePathName) { CString sFilePath; int j; j = sFilePathName.ReverseFind(_T('\\')); sFilePath = sFilePathName.Left(j); SHCreateDirectoryEx(NULL, sFilePath, NULL); CFile file1; CFileException e1; j = file1.Open(sFilePathName, CFile::modeWrite | CFile::modeCreate, NULL, &e1); if (!j) { return 0; } file1.Write(pBuf, nSize); file1.Close(); return 1; } int SaveBufferToBmpFile(void * buf1,int width, int height, int stride, CString FilePathName,LONG XPelsPerMeter,LONG YPelsPerMeter) { //·Ö½âÎļþ·¾¶ºÍÎļþÃû CString sFilePath; int j; j=FilePathName.ReverseFind(_T('\\')); sFilePath=FilePathName.Left(j); //¼ì²éÊÇ·ñÓпÉÓõĴÅÅÌ¿Õ¼ä ULARGE_INTEGER luse; ULARGE_INTEGER ltotal; ULARGE_INTEGER lfree; double fuse,ftotal,ffree; GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(sFilePath,&luse,<otal,&lfree); fuse=luse.QuadPart/1024.0/1024.0/1024.0; ftotal=ltotal.QuadPart/1048576.0/1024.0; ffree=lfree.QuadPart/1048576.0/1024.0; if (fuse<1.0) {return false;} //Èç¹û¿ÉÓÿռäСÓÚ1G£¬ÄÇô²»´æ´¢Îļþ¡£ //´´½¨Ä¿Â¼ SHCreateDirectoryEx(NULL,sFilePath,NULL); //¿ªÊ¼´´½¨Î»Í¼Îļþ long newStride; newStride=((width+3)&0xfffc); BITMAPFILEHEADER header1; // BITMAPINFO info1; BITMAPINFOHEADER infoheader1; // RGBQUAD buf[256]; header1.bfType=0x4d42; header1.bfSize=newStride*height+1078; header1.bfReserved1=0; header1.bfReserved2=0; header1.bfOffBits=1078; infoheader1.biSize=40; infoheader1.biWidth=width; infoheader1.biHeight=height; infoheader1.biPlanes=1; infoheader1.biBitCount=8; infoheader1.biCompression=BI_RGB; infoheader1.biSizeImage=0; infoheader1.biXPelsPerMeter=XPelsPerMeter; infoheader1.biYPelsPerMeter=YPelsPerMeter; infoheader1.biClrUsed=0; infoheader1.biClrImportant=0; RGBQUAD pallette[256]; for (int i=0;i<256;i++) { pallette[i].rgbBlue=i; pallette[i].rgbGreen=i; pallette[i].rgbRed=i; pallette[i].rgbReserved=0; } CFile file1; CFileException e1; j=file1.Open(FilePathName,CFile::modeWrite|CFile::modeCreate,NULL,&e1); if (!j) {return 0;} file1.Write(&header1,sizeof(header1)); file1.Write(&infoheader1,sizeof(infoheader1)); file1.Write(pallette,1024); for (int i=0;iGetWidth(); srch=srcbitmap->GetHeight(); HDC hdc1=GetDC(DestWindow); Graphics gr1(hdc1); RECT rect0; GetClientRect(DestWindow,&rect0); int clientw,clienth; //¿Í»§Çøʵ¼ÊµÄ¿í¶ÈºÍ¸ß¶È clientw=rect0.right-rect0.left; clienth=rect0.bottom-rect0.top; int w1,h1; //ͼƬÔÚ¿Í»§ÇøÏÔʾʱµÄ¿í¶ÈºÍ¸ß¶È, //¿¼Âǵ½±£³Ö¿í¸ß±È£¬Óë¿Í»§Çø´óС²»Ò»¶¨Ïàͬ int startx,starty; //ͼƬÔÚ¿Í»§ÇøµÄÆðʼλÖÃ; if (srcw*rect0.bottom==srch*rect0.right) { w1=clientw; h1=clienth; startx=rect0.left; starty=rect0.top; }else if (srcw*rect0.bottom>srch*rect0.right) //ͼƬºáÏò´ó£¬¸ß¶È²»Âú { w1=clientw; h1=clientw*srch/srcw; startx=rect0.left; starty=rect0.top+(clienth-h1)/2; } else //ͼƬ×ÝÏò´ó,¿í¶È²»Âú { w1=clienth*srcw/srch; h1=clienth; startx=rect0.left+(clientw-w1)/2; starty=rect0.top; } Rect rect1; rect1.X=startx; rect1.Y=starty; rect1.Width=w1; rect1.Height=h1; SolidBrush brush1(Color(255,0,0,0)); //дºÚ×Ö SolidBrush brush2(Color(255,255,255,255)); //д°××Ö gr1.DrawImage(srcbitmap,rect1); //»­Í¼Ïñ if (startx!=0) //ÔÚͼÏñµÄÁ½²à»­±³¾° { gr1.FillRectangle(&brush1,0,0,startx,clienth); gr1.FillRectangle(&brush1,startx+w1,0,startx,clienth); } if (starty!=0) { gr1.FillRectangle(&brush1,0,0,clientw,starty); gr1.FillRectangle(&brush1,0,starty+h1,clientw,starty); } ///* if (Lable!=NULL&&!Lable->IsEmpty()) { CStringW sw1; TToW(*Lable,sw1); // Pen pen1(Color(255,0,0,0),1); //»­ºÚÏß Pen pen2(Color(128,128,128,128),0.5); //»­»ÒÏß FontFamily fontfamily1(L"ºÚÌå"); int fontsize=h1/60; if (fontsize<16) {fontsize=16;} Gdiplus::Font font1(&fontfamily1,fontsize,FontStyleRegular); // Gdiplus::Font font2(&fontfamily1,16,FontStyleRegular); StringFormat stringformat1; stringformat1.SetAlignment(StringAlignmentNear); stringformat1.SetLineAlignment(StringAlignmentNear); gr1.DrawString(sw1,sw1.GetLength(),&font1,Gdiplus::PointF(startx+0.0f,starty+0.0f),&stringformat1,&brush1); gr1.DrawString(sw1,sw1.GetLength(),&font1,Gdiplus::PointF(startx+2.0f,starty+2.0f),&stringformat1,&brush1); gr1.DrawString(sw1,sw1.GetLength(),&font1,Gdiplus::PointF(startx+0.0f,starty+2.0f),&stringformat1,&brush1); gr1.DrawString(sw1,sw1.GetLength(),&font1,Gdiplus::PointF(startx+2.0f,starty+0.0f),&stringformat1,&brush1); gr1.DrawString(sw1,sw1.GetLength(),&font1,Gdiplus::PointF(startx+1.0f,starty+1.0f),&stringformat1,&brush2); } if (ResultStr!=NULL&&!ResultStr->IsEmpty()) { CStringW sw1; TToW(*ResultStr,sw1); // Pen pen1(Color(255,0,0,0),1); //»­ºÚÏß Pen pen2(Color(128,128,128,128),0.5); //»­»ÒÏß SolidBrush brush3(Color(255,0,0,0)); //дºÚ×Ö SolidBrush brush4(Color(128,0,255,0)); //дÂÌ×Ö FontFamily fontfamily1(L"ºÚÌå"); int fontsize=h1/4; if (fontsize<48) {fontsize=48;} Gdiplus::Font font1(&fontfamily1,fontsize,FontStyleRegular); // Gdiplus::Font font2(&fontfamily1,16,FontStyleRegular); StringFormat stringformat1; stringformat1.SetAlignment(StringAlignmentCenter); stringformat1.SetLineAlignment(StringAlignmentCenter); float centerx,centery; centerx=(rect0.right+rect0.left)/2; centery=(rect0.top+rect0.bottom)/2; // gr1.DrawString(sw1,sw1.GetLength(),&font1,Gdiplus::PointF(centerx+0.0f,centery+0.0f),&stringformat1,&brush3); // gr1.DrawString(sw1,sw1.GetLength(),&font1,Gdiplus::PointF(centerx+2.0f,centery+2.0f),&stringformat1,&brush3); // gr1.DrawString(sw1,sw1.GetLength(),&font1,Gdiplus::PointF(centerx+0.0f,centery+2.0f),&stringformat1,&brush3); // gr1.DrawString(sw1,sw1.GetLength(),&font1,Gdiplus::PointF(centerx+2.0f,centery+0.0f),&stringformat1,&brush3); gr1.DrawString(sw1,sw1.GetLength(),&font1,Gdiplus::PointF(centerx+1.0f,centery+1.0f),&stringformat1,&brush4); } // gr1.Flush(); //*/ ReleaseDC(DestWindow,hdc1); return 0; } int DrawImageOnWindow(HWND DestWindow, Image* srcimage, CString * Lable, CString * ResultStr, double scale) { if (srcimage == NULL) return 0; if (DestWindow == NULL) return 0; if (!IsWindow(DestWindow)) return 0; if (!IsWindowVisible(DestWindow)) return 0; int srcw, srch; srcw = srcimage->GetWidth(); srch = srcimage->GetHeight(); HDC hdc1 = GetDC(DestWindow); Graphics gr1(hdc1); RECT rect0; GetClientRect(DestWindow, &rect0); int clientw, clienth; //¿Í»§Çøʵ¼ÊµÄ¿í¶ÈºÍ¸ß¶È clientw = rect0.right - rect0.left; clienth = rect0.bottom - rect0.top; int w1, h1; //ͼƬÔÚ¿Í»§ÇøÏÔʾʱµÄ¿í¶ÈºÍ¸ß¶È, //¿¼Âǵ½±£³Ö¿í¸ß±È£¬Óë¿Í»§Çø´óС²»Ò»¶¨Ïàͬ int startx, starty; //ͼƬÔÚ¿Í»§ÇøµÄÆðʼλÖÃ; if (srcw*rect0.bottom == srch*rect0.right) { w1 = clientw; h1 = clienth; startx = rect0.left; starty = rect0.top; } else if (srcw*rect0.bottom>srch*rect0.right) //ͼƬºáÏò´ó£¬¸ß¶È²»Âú { w1 = clientw; h1 = clientw*srch / srcw; startx = rect0.left; starty = rect0.top + (clienth - h1) / 2; } else //ͼƬ×ÝÏò´ó,¿í¶È²»Âú { w1 = clienth*srcw / srch; h1 = clienth; startx = rect0.left + (clientw - w1) / 2; starty = rect0.top; } Rect rect1; rect1.X = startx; rect1.Y = starty; rect1.Width = w1; rect1.Height = h1; SolidBrush brush1(Color(255, 0, 0, 0)); //дºÚ×Ö SolidBrush brush2(Color(255, 255, 255, 255)); //д°××Ö gr1.DrawImage(srcimage, rect1); //»­Í¼Ïñ if (startx != 0) //ÔÚͼÏñµÄÁ½²à»­±³¾° { gr1.FillRectangle(&brush1, 0, 0, startx, clienth); gr1.FillRectangle(&brush1, startx + w1, 0, startx, clienth); } if (starty != 0) { gr1.FillRectangle(&brush1, 0, 0, clientw, starty); gr1.FillRectangle(&brush1, 0, starty + h1, clientw, starty); } if (Lable != NULL&&!Lable->IsEmpty()) { CStringW sw1; TToW(*Lable, sw1); // Pen pen1(Color(255,0,0,0),1); //»­ºÚÏß Pen pen2(Color(128, 128, 128, 128), 0.5); //»­»ÒÏß FontFamily fontfamily1(L"ºÚÌå"); int fontsize = h1 / 60; if (fontsize<16) { fontsize = 16; } Gdiplus::Font font1(&fontfamily1, fontsize, FontStyleRegular); // Gdiplus::Font font2(&fontfamily1,16,FontStyleRegular); StringFormat stringformat1; stringformat1.SetAlignment(StringAlignmentNear); stringformat1.SetLineAlignment(StringAlignmentNear); gr1.DrawString(sw1, sw1.GetLength(), &font1, Gdiplus::PointF(startx + 0.0f, starty + 0.0f), &stringformat1, &brush1); gr1.DrawString(sw1, sw1.GetLength(), &font1, Gdiplus::PointF(startx + 2.0f, starty + 2.0f), &stringformat1, &brush1); gr1.DrawString(sw1, sw1.GetLength(), &font1, Gdiplus::PointF(startx + 0.0f, starty + 2.0f), &stringformat1, &brush1); gr1.DrawString(sw1, sw1.GetLength(), &font1, Gdiplus::PointF(startx + 2.0f, starty + 0.0f), &stringformat1, &brush1); gr1.DrawString(sw1, sw1.GetLength(), &font1, Gdiplus::PointF(startx + 1.0f, starty + 1.0f), &stringformat1, &brush2); } if (ResultStr != NULL&&!ResultStr->IsEmpty()) { CStringW sw1; TToW(*ResultStr, sw1); // Pen pen1(Color(255,0,0,0),1); //»­ºÚÏß Pen pen2(Color(128, 128, 128, 128), 0.5); //»­»ÒÏß SolidBrush brush3(Color(255, 0, 0, 0)); //дºÚ×Ö SolidBrush brush4(Color(128, 0, 255, 0)); //дÂÌ×Ö FontFamily fontfamily1(L"ºÚÌå"); int fontsize = h1 / 4; if (fontsize<48) { fontsize = 48; } Gdiplus::Font font1(&fontfamily1, fontsize, FontStyleRegular); // Gdiplus::Font font2(&fontfamily1,16,FontStyleRegular); StringFormat stringformat1; stringformat1.SetAlignment(StringAlignmentCenter); stringformat1.SetLineAlignment(StringAlignmentCenter); float centerx, centery; centerx = (rect0.right + rect0.left) / 2; centery = (rect0.top + rect0.bottom) / 2; // gr1.DrawString(sw1,sw1.GetLength(),&font1,Gdiplus::PointF(centerx+0.0f,centery+0.0f),&stringformat1,&brush3); // gr1.DrawString(sw1,sw1.GetLength(),&font1,Gdiplus::PointF(centerx+2.0f,centery+2.0f),&stringformat1,&brush3); // gr1.DrawString(sw1,sw1.GetLength(),&font1,Gdiplus::PointF(centerx+0.0f,centery+2.0f),&stringformat1,&brush3); // gr1.DrawString(sw1,sw1.GetLength(),&font1,Gdiplus::PointF(centerx+2.0f,centery+0.0f),&stringformat1,&brush3); gr1.DrawString(sw1, sw1.GetLength(), &font1, Gdiplus::PointF(centerx + 1.0f, centery + 1.0f), &stringformat1, &brush4); } // gr1.Flush(); ReleaseDC(DestWindow, hdc1); return 0; } int LoadImageFromBuffer(void *pBuffer, ULONGLONG sizeImage, Gdiplus::Image ** ppimage1) { HGLOBAL hBuffer; hBuffer = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, sizeImage); if (hBuffer == NULL) { //s1.Format(_T("·ÖÅäÄÚ´æʧ°Ü \r\n")); MyLogger1.LogTxt(s1); return 0; } // s1.Format(_T("·ÖÅäÄÚ´æ³É¹¦ HGlobal %x\r\n"), hBuffer); MyLogger1.LogTxt(s1); LPVOID pImageData = ::GlobalLock(hBuffer); if (pImageData == NULL) { //s1.Format(_T("Ëø¶¨ÄÚ´æʧ°Ü\r\n")); MyLogger1.LogTxt(s1); ::GlobalFree(hBuffer); return 0; } //s1.Format(_T("Ëø¶¨ÄÚ´æ³É¹¦ HGlobal %p\r\n"), pImageData); MyLogger1.LogTxt(s1); memcpy(pImageData, pBuffer, sizeImage); ::GlobalUnlock(hBuffer); IStream *ps = NULL; Gdiplus::Image *pImg = NULL; if (::CreateStreamOnHGlobal(hBuffer, TRUE, &ps) == S_OK) { //s1.Format(_T("´´½¨Stream³É¹¦ \r\n")); MyLogger1.LogTxt(s1); pImg = Gdiplus::Image::FromStream(ps); if (pImg != NULL) { int w, h; w = pImg->GetWidth(); h = pImg->GetHeight(); //s1.Format(_T("´´½¨Image³É¹¦ W %d h %d \r\n"), w, h); MyLogger1.LogTxt(s1); } //_SanUiGdiImageValid(pImg); *ppimage1 = pImg; ps->Release(); //::GlobalFree(hBuffer); return 1; } return 1; } int HistoGram::MakeHistoGram(Gdiplus::Bitmap * bitmap, int startx, int starty, int width, int height) { int i,w,h; if (width==0) { w=bitmap->GetWidth();} else {w=width;} if (height==0) {h=bitmap->GetHeight();} else {h=height;} totalpixels=0; maxRsample=0; maxRsampleindex=0; maxGsample=0; maxGsampleindex=0; maxBsample=0; maxBsampleindex=0; maxVsample=0; maxVsampleindex=0; totalRvalues=0; totalGvalues=0; totalBvalues=0; totalVvalues=0; minRvalue=255; maxRvalue=0; minGvalue=255; maxGvalue=0; minBvalue=255; maxBvalue=0; minVvalue=255; maxVvalue=0; for (i=0;i<256;i++) { Rsamples[i]=0; Gsamples[i]=0; Bsamples[i]=0; Vsamples[i]=0; } UINT * pixels; COLOR c1; // BYTE R,G,B; BYTE V; Gdiplus::BitmapData bitmapData0; Gdiplus::Rect rect0(startx,starty,w,h); Gdiplus::Status GdipStatus=bitmap->LockBits(&rect0,Gdiplus::ImageLockModeRead,PixelFormat32bppRGB,&bitmapData0); if (GdipStatus!=Gdiplus::Ok) { CString Errs1; Errs1.Format(_T("Gdip LockBits Error %d \r\n"),GdipStatus); // SysLog(Errs1); return 0; } // bitmap->UnlockBits(&bitmapData0); // bitmap->LockBits(&rect0,ImageLockModeRead,PixelFormat32bppRGB,&bitmapData0); pixels=(UINT *)bitmapData0.Scan0; totalpixels=h*w; int step;step=totalpixels/1048576; if (step<1) {step=1;} step=1; int s=bitmapData0.Stride/4; // int k; for (i=0;iUnlockBits(&bitmapData0); ///* totalpixels-=Vsamples[0]; Rsamples[0]=0; Gsamples[0]=0; Bsamples[0]=0; Vsamples[0]=0; for (i=0;i<256;i++) { totalRvalues+=Rsamples[i]*i; totalGvalues+=Gsamples[i]*i; totalBvalues+=Bsamples[i]*i; totalVvalues+=Vsamples[i]*i; if (Rsamples[i]>0) { if (imaxRvalue) {maxRvalue=i;} if (Rsamples[i]>maxRsample) {maxRsample=Rsamples[i];maxRsampleindex=i;} } if (Gsamples[i]>0) { if (imaxGvalue) {maxGvalue=i;} if (Gsamples[i]>maxGsample) {maxGsample=Gsamples[i];maxGsampleindex=i;} } if (Bsamples[i]>0) { if (imaxBvalue) {maxBvalue=i;} if (Bsamples[i]>maxBsample) {maxBsample=Bsamples[i];maxBsampleindex=i;} } if (Vsamples[i]>0) { if (imaxVvalue) {maxVvalue=i;} if (Vsamples[i]>maxVsample) {maxVsample=Vsamples[i];maxVsampleindex=i;} } } //*/ if (0==totalpixels) {totalpixels=1;} aveRvalue=(float)totalRvalues/totalpixels; aveGvalue=(float)totalGvalues/totalpixels; aveBvalue=(float)totalBvalues/totalpixels; aveVvalue=(float)totalVvalues/totalpixels; if (maxRsample==0) {maxRsample=1;} if (maxGsample==0) {maxGsample=1;} if (maxBsample==0) {maxBsample=1;} if (maxVsample==0) {maxVsample=1;} return totalpixels; }; // HISTOGRAM(); // HISTOGRAM(Bitmap * bitmap); // HISTOGRAM(Bitmap * bitmap) // { // MakeHistoGram(bitmap); // }; int HistoGram::getRpercentvalue(float percent) { int i,j; j=0; for (i=0;i<256;i++) { j+=Rsamples[i]; if (j>=percent*totalpixels) {break;} } return i; } int HistoGram::getGpercentvalue(float percent) { int i,j; j=0; for (i=0;i<256;i++) { j+=Gsamples[i]; if (j>=percent*totalpixels) {break;} } return i; } int HistoGram::getBpercentvalue(float percent) { int i,j; j=0; for (i=0;i<256;i++) { j+=Bsamples[i]; if (j>=percent*totalpixels) {break;} } return i; } int HistoGram::getVpercentvalue(float percent) { int i,j; j=0; for (i=0;i<256;i++) { j+=Vsamples[i]; if (j>=percent*totalpixels) {break;} } return i; } float HistoGram::GetMostRvalue() { float r; int i; i=maxRsampleindex; if (i==0) { r=float(Rsamples[i]*i+Rsamples[i+1]*(i+1))/(Rsamples[i]+Rsamples[i+1]); return r; } if (i==255) { r=float(Rsamples[i-1]*(i-1)+Rsamples[i]*(i))/(Rsamples[i-1]+Rsamples[i]); return r; } if (Rsamples[i-1]>Rsamples[i+1]) { int sample1,samplemax,sample2; sample1=Rsamples[i-1]; samplemax=Rsamples[i]; sample2=Rsamples[i+1]; r=float(i)-float((samplemax-sample2)-(samplemax-sample1))/(samplemax-sample2)/2; } else { int sample1,samplemax,sample2; sample2=Rsamples[i-1]; samplemax=Rsamples[i]; sample1=Rsamples[i+1]; r=float(i)+float((samplemax-sample2)-(samplemax-sample1))/(samplemax-sample2)/2; } //r=double(Rsamples[i-1]*(i-1)+Rsamples[i]*(i)+Rsamples[i+1]*(i+1))/(Rsamples[i-1]+Rsamples[i]+Rsamples[i+1]); return r; } float HistoGram::GetMostGvalue() { float g; int i; i=maxGsampleindex; if (i==0) { g=float(Gsamples[i]*i+Gsamples[i+1]*(i+1))/(Gsamples[i]+Gsamples[i+1]); return g; } if (i==255) { g=float(Gsamples[i-1]*(i-1)+Gsamples[i]*(i))/(Gsamples[i-1]+Gsamples[i]); return g; } if (Gsamples[i-1]>Gsamples[i+1]) { int sample1,samplemax,sample2; sample1=Gsamples[i-1]; samplemax=Gsamples[i]; sample2=Gsamples[i+1]; g=float(i)-float((samplemax-sample2)-(samplemax-sample1))/(samplemax-sample2)/2; } else { int sample1,samplemax,sample2; sample2=Gsamples[i-1]; samplemax=Gsamples[i]; sample1=Gsamples[i+1]; g=float(i)+float((samplemax-sample2)-(samplemax-sample1))/(samplemax-sample2)/2; } // g=double(Gsamples[i-1]*(i-1)+Gsamples[i]*(i)+Gsamples[i+1]*(i+1))/(Gsamples[i-1]+Gsamples[i]+Gsamples[i+1]); return g; } float HistoGram::GetMostBvalue() { float b; int i; i=maxBsampleindex; if (i==0) { b=float(Bsamples[i]*i+Bsamples[i+1]*(i+1))/(Bsamples[i]+Bsamples[i+1]); return b; } if (i==255) { b=float(Bsamples[i-1]*(i-1)+Bsamples[i]*(i))/(Bsamples[i-1]+Bsamples[i]); return b; } if (Bsamples[i-1]>Bsamples[i+1]) { int sample1,samplemax,sample2; sample1=Bsamples[i-1]; samplemax=Bsamples[i]; sample2=Bsamples[i+1]; b=float(i)-float((samplemax-sample2)-(samplemax-sample1))/(samplemax-sample2)/2; } else { int sample1,samplemax,sample2; sample2=Bsamples[i-1]; samplemax=Bsamples[i]; sample1=Bsamples[i+1]; b=float(i)+float((samplemax-sample2)-(samplemax-sample1))/(samplemax-sample2)/2; } b=float(Bsamples[i-1]*(i-1)+Bsamples[i]*(i)+Bsamples[i+1]*(i+1))/(Bsamples[i-1]+Bsamples[i]+Bsamples[i+1]); return b; } int QuadRectTransForm(Gdiplus::Bitmap* bitmapsrc,POINT srcpt[4],Gdiplus::Bitmap * bitmapdest,Gdiplus::Rect destrect) { Gdiplus::PointF pt[4]; for (int i=0;i<4;i++) { pt[i].X=float(srcpt[i].x);pt[i].Y=float(srcpt[i].y); } return QuadRectTransForm(bitmapsrc,pt,bitmapdest,destrect); } int QuadRectTransForm(Gdiplus::Bitmap* bitmapsrc,Gdiplus::Point srcpt[4],Gdiplus::Bitmap * bitmapdest,Gdiplus::Rect destrect) { Gdiplus::PointF pt[4]; for (int i=0;i<4;i++) { pt[i].X=float(srcpt[i].X);pt[i].Y=float(srcpt[i].X); } return QuadRectTransForm(bitmapsrc,pt,bitmapdest,destrect); return 1; } UINT __cdecl TransFormThread(LPVOID pParam) { TransFormThreadDataStruct * mydata=(TransFormThreadDataStruct *)pParam; int w,h; w=mydata->destrect.Width; h=mydata->destrect.Height; Gdiplus::PointF startpt,endpt,curpt; Gdiplus::PointF leftdelta,rightDelta; Gdiplus::PointF leftstart,rightstart; Gdiplus::PointF curstart,curdelta; int i,j,k,l; int curx,cury; //×îÁÙ½üµÄÏñËØ? ×óÉϽǵÄÏñËØ COLORf c1f; COLOR c1; COLOR src[2][2]; float jitx,jity,remainx,remainy; UINT * myDestPixels=mydata->destpixels; int myno=mydata->ThreadNo; double time1=GetTickCountmS(); for (i=mydata->starth;iendh;i++) { startpt.X=(mydata->srcpt[0].X*(h-i)+mydata->srcpt[3].X*(i))/(float)h; startpt.Y=(mydata->srcpt[0].Y*(h-i)+mydata->srcpt[3].Y*(i))/(float)h; endpt.X=(mydata->srcpt[1].X*(h-i)+mydata->srcpt[2].X*(i))/(float)h; endpt.Y=(mydata->srcpt[1].Y*(h-i)+mydata->srcpt[2].Y*(i))/(float)h; l=i*mydata->deststride; for (j=0;j=mydata->srcw-1) {continue;} if (cury<0||cury>=mydata->srch-1) {continue;} jitx=curpt.X-curx; jity=curpt.Y-cury; //Ë«ÏßÐÔ²åÖµ remainx=1.0f-jitx; remainy=1.0f-jity; double remainxremainy=remainx*remainy; double jitxremainy=jitx*remainy; double remainxjity=remainx*jity; double jitxjity=jitx*jity; k=cury*mydata->srcstride; src[0][0].argb = mydata->srcpixels[k+curx]; src[0][1].argb = mydata->srcpixels[k+curx+1]; src[1][0].argb = mydata->srcpixels[k+mydata->srcstride+curx]; src[1][1].argb = mydata->srcpixels[k+mydata->srcstride+curx+1]; c1f.R=float( src[0][0].R*remainxremainy+src[0][1].R*jitxremainy+src[1][0].R*remainxjity+src[1][1].R*jitxjity); c1f.G=float( src[0][0].G*remainxremainy+src[0][1].G*jitxremainy+src[1][0].G*remainxjity+src[1][1].G*jitxjity); c1f.B=float( src[0][0].B*remainxremainy+src[0][1].B*jitxremainy+src[1][0].B*remainxjity+src[1][1].B*jitxjity); c1.R=int(c1f.R); c1.G=int(c1f.G); c1.B=int(c1f.B);c1.A=255; myDestPixels[l+j]=c1.argb; //srcpixels[cury*srcstride+curx]; //×îÁÚ½üÏñËØÈ¡Öµ } } double time2=GetTickCountmS(); double time3=time2-time1; mydata->Done=1; return 1000+myno; }; int QuadRectTransForm(Gdiplus::Bitmap* bitmapsrc,Gdiplus::PointF srcpt[4],Gdiplus::Bitmap * bitmapdest,Gdiplus::Rect destrect) { Gdiplus::BitmapData bitmapdatasrc; Gdiplus::BitmapData bitmapdatadest; int srcw,srch; if (bitmapsrc==NULL) {return -1;} srcw=bitmapsrc->GetWidth(); srch=bitmapsrc->GetHeight(); Gdiplus::Rect rect1(0,0,srcw,srch); Gdiplus::Status sta1,sta2; sta1=bitmapsrc->LockBits(&rect1,Gdiplus::ImageLockModeRead,PixelFormat32bppARGB,&bitmapdatasrc); if (sta1!=Gdiplus::Ok) { return -1; } sta2=bitmapdest->LockBits(&destrect,Gdiplus::ImageLockModeWrite,PixelFormat32bppARGB,&bitmapdatadest); if (sta2!=Gdiplus::Ok) { return -1; } UINT *srcpixels=(UINT *)bitmapdatasrc.Scan0; int srcstride=bitmapdatasrc.Stride/4;; UINT *destpixels=(UINT *)bitmapdatadest.Scan0; int deststride=bitmapdatadest.Stride/4; int w,h; w=destrect.Width; h=destrect.Height; #define ThreadCount 2 TransFormThreadDataStruct TransFromThreadData[ThreadCount]; for (int i=0;im_hThread; } else { dwerr=GetLastError(); s1.Format(_T("BeginThread %d fail %d \r\n"),i,dwerr); // SysLog(s1); } } // DWORD iRet; // iRet=WaitForMultipleObjects(ThreadCount,hthreads,true,3000); while(1) { int jumpout=1; for (int i=0;i=srcw-1) {continue;} if (cury<0||cury>=srch-1) {continue;} jitx=curpt.X-curx; jity=curpt.Y-cury; //Ë«ÏßÐÔ²åÖµ remainx=1.0f-jitx; remainy=1.0f-jity; double remainxremainy=remainx*remainy; double jitxremainy=jitx*remainy; double remainxjity=remainx*jity; double jitxjity=jitx*jity; src[0][0].argb = srcpixels[cury*srcstride+curx]; src[0][1].argb = srcpixels[cury*srcstride+curx+1]; src[1][0].argb = srcpixels[(cury+1)*srcstride+curx]; src[1][1].argb = srcpixels[(cury+1)*srcstride+curx+1]; //c1f.R= src[0][0].R*remainx*remainy+src[0][1].R*jitx*remainy+src[1][0].R*remainx*jity+src[1][1].R*jitx*jity; //c1f.G= src[0][0].G*remainx*remainy+src[0][1].G*jitx*remainy+src[1][0].G*remainx*jity+src[1][1].G*jitx*jity; //c1f.B= src[0][0].B*remainx*remainy+src[0][1].B*jitx*remainy+src[1][0].B*remainx*jity+src[1][1].B*jitx*jity; c1f.R= src[0][0].R*remainxremainy+src[0][1].R*jitxremainy+src[1][0].R*remainxjity+src[1][1].R*jitxjity; c1f.G= src[0][0].G*remainxremainy+src[0][1].G*jitxremainy+src[1][0].G*remainxjity+src[1][1].G*jitxjity; c1f.B= src[0][0].B*remainxremainy+src[0][1].B*jitxremainy+src[1][0].B*remainxjity+src[1][1].B*jitxjity; c1.R=int(c1f.R); c1.G=int(c1f.G); c1.B=int(c1f.B);c1.A=255; destpixels[i*deststride+j]=c1.argb; //srcpixels[cury*srcstride+curx]; //×îÁÚ½üÏñËØÈ¡Öµ } } */ bitmapdest->UnlockBits(&bitmapdatadest); bitmapsrc->UnlockBits(&bitmapdatasrc); return 1; } int GetEncoderClsid(const WCHAR* format, CLSID* pClsid) { UINT num = 0; // number of image encoders UINT size = 0; // size of the image encoder array in bytes Gdiplus::ImageCodecInfo* pImageCodecInfo = NULL; Gdiplus::GetImageEncodersSize(&num, &size); if(size == 0) return -1; // Failure pImageCodecInfo = (Gdiplus::ImageCodecInfo*)(malloc(size)); if(pImageCodecInfo == NULL) return -1; // Failure Gdiplus::GetImageEncoders(num, size, pImageCodecInfo); for(UINT j = 0; j < num; ++j) { if( wcscmp(pImageCodecInfo[j].MimeType, format) == 0 ) { *pClsid = pImageCodecInfo[j].Clsid; free(pImageCodecInfo); return j; // Success } } free(pImageCodecInfo); return -1; // Failure } int SaveGdiPImageAsFile(Gdiplus::Bitmap * bitmap1, CString sFileName, double Ratio,int Quality) { // double tick0=GetTickCountmS(); CString s1; int w,h; if (Ratio==0) {Ratio=1;} if (bitmap1==NULL) { s1.Format(_T("ԴͼÏñΪ¿Õ£¬²»Äܱ£´æ\r\n")); // SysLog(s1); return 0; } if (bitmap1->GetWidth()==0||bitmap1->GetHeight()==0) { s1.Format(_T("ԴͼÏñΪ¿Õ£¬²»Äܱ£´æ\r\n")); // SysLog(s1); return 0; } CString sFilePath; sFilePath=sFileName.Left(sFileName.ReverseFind(_T('\\'))); //¼ì²éÊÇ·ñÓпÉÓõĴÅÅÌ¿Õ¼ä ULARGE_INTEGER luse; ULARGE_INTEGER ltotal; ULARGE_INTEGER lfree; double fuse,ftotal,ffree; GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(sFilePath,&luse,<otal,&lfree); fuse=luse.QuadPart/1024.0/1024.0/1024.0; ftotal=ltotal.QuadPart/1048576.0/1024.0; ffree=lfree.QuadPart/1048576.0/1024.0; if (fuse<2.0) {return 0;} //Èç¹û¿ÉÓÿռäСÓÚ2G£¬ÄÇô²»´æ´¢Îļþ¡£ //´´½¨Ä¿Â¼ SHCreateDirectoryEx(NULL,sFilePath,NULL); //´´½¨BMPÎļþ w=int(bitmap1->GetWidth()*Ratio+0.5); h=int(bitmap1->GetHeight()*Ratio+0.5); Gdiplus::Bitmap bitmapsave(w,h,PixelFormat24bppRGB); Gdiplus::Graphics graphic3(&bitmapsave); graphic3.SetSmoothingMode(Gdiplus::SmoothingModeHighQuality); graphic3.DrawImage(bitmap1,Gdiplus::Rect(0,0,w,h),0,0,bitmap1->GetWidth(),bitmap1->GetHeight(),Gdiplus::UnitPixel); //±ÈÀýËõ·Å CLSID bmpClsid; CLSID gifClsid; CLSID pngClsid; CLSID jpegClsid; CLSID tifClsid; GetEncoderClsid(L"image/bmp", &bmpClsid); GetEncoderClsid(L"image/jpeg", &jpegClsid); GetEncoderClsid(L"image/gif", &gifClsid); GetEncoderClsid(L"image/tiff", &tifClsid); GetEncoderClsid(L"image/png", &pngClsid); // int i,j; // CString s1; CStringW sw1; CString s2; //FilePathName=Prsfilepath+_T("\\")+savedfilename; s1=sFileName; // ::SysLog(s1); // wcscpy_s(wbuf1,1000,ToWChar(s1.GetBuffer(100))); ULONG picquality=Quality; Gdiplus::EncoderParameters * pparas1 = (Gdiplus::EncoderParameters *) new byte[sizeof(EncoderParameters) + sizeof(EncoderParameter)]; pparas1->Count=1; pparas1->Parameter[0].Guid=Gdiplus::EncoderQuality; pparas1->Parameter[0].Type=Gdiplus::EncoderParameterValueTypeLong; pparas1->Parameter[0].NumberOfValues=1; pparas1->Parameter[0].Value=&picquality; //pparas1->Count = 2; //ULONG value2 = EncoderValueCompressionLZW; //pparas1->Parameter[1].Guid = Gdiplus::EncoderCompression; //pparas1->Parameter[1].Type = Gdiplus::EncoderParameterValueTypeLong; //pparas1->Parameter[1].NumberOfValues = 1; //pparas1->Parameter[1].Value = &value2; #ifdef UNICODE sw1.Format(L"%s",s1); #else WCHAR wbuf1[1000]; wcscpy_s(wbuf1,1000,ToWChar(s1.GetBuffer(100))); sw1.Format(L"%s",wbuf1); #endif if (sw1.Find(L".BMP") > 0) { bitmapsave.Save(sw1, &bmpClsid, pparas1); } else if (sw1.Find(L".JPG") > 0) { bitmapsave.Save(sw1, &jpegClsid, pparas1); } else if (sw1.Find(L".GIF") > 0) { bitmapsave.Save(sw1, &gifClsid, pparas1); } else if (sw1.Find(L".TIF") > 0) { bitmapsave.Save(sw1, &tifClsid, pparas1); } else if (sw1.Find(L".PNG") > 0) { bitmapsave.Save(sw1, &pngClsid, pparas1); } else { bitmapsave.Save(sw1, &bmpClsid, pparas1); } // double tick1=GetTickCountmS(); delete[] pparas1; return 1; } int SaveGdiPImageAsBuffer(Gdiplus::Image * image1, void ** ppBuffer, ULONGLONG *psizeImage, double Ratio, int Quality) { // double tick0=GetTickCountmS(); CString s1; int w, h; if (Ratio == 0) { Ratio = 1; } if (image1 == NULL) { s1.Format(_T("ԴͼÏñΪ¿Õ£¬²»Äܱ£´æ\r\n")); // SysLog(s1); return 0; } w = int(image1->GetWidth()*Ratio + 0.5); h = int(image1->GetHeight()*Ratio + 0.5); Gdiplus::Bitmap bitmapsave(w, h, PixelFormat24bppRGB); Gdiplus::Graphics graphic3(&bitmapsave); graphic3.SetSmoothingMode(Gdiplus::SmoothingModeHighQuality); graphic3.DrawImage(image1, Gdiplus::Rect(0, 0, w, h), 0, 0, image1->GetWidth(), image1->GetHeight(), Gdiplus::UnitPixel); //±ÈÀýËõ·Å CLSID bmpClsid; CLSID gifClsid; CLSID pngClsid; CLSID jpegClsid; CLSID tifClsid; GetEncoderClsid(L"image/bmp", &bmpClsid); GetEncoderClsid(L"image/jpeg", &jpegClsid); GetEncoderClsid(L"image/gif", &gifClsid); GetEncoderClsid(L"image/tiff", &tifClsid); GetEncoderClsid(L"image/png", &pngClsid); // int i,j; // CString s1; CStringW sw1; CString s2; //FilePathName=Prsfilepath+_T("\\")+savedfilename; // ::SysLog(s1); // wcscpy_s(wbuf1,1000,ToWChar(s1.GetBuffer(100))); ULONG picquality = Quality; Gdiplus::EncoderParameters paras1; paras1.Count = 1; paras1.Parameter[0].Guid = Gdiplus::EncoderQuality; paras1.Parameter[0].Type = Gdiplus::EncoderParameterValueTypeLong; paras1.Parameter[0].NumberOfValues = 1; paras1.Parameter[0].Value = &picquality; IStream *ps2; CreateStreamOnHGlobal(NULL, TRUE, &ps2); bitmapsave.Save(ps2, &jpegClsid, ¶s1); LARGE_INTEGER dlibMove; dlibMove.QuadPart = 0; ULARGE_INTEGER libNewPosition; ps2->Seek(dlibMove, STREAM_SEEK_END, &libNewPosition); int sizeImage; sizeImage = libNewPosition.QuadPart; ps2->Seek(dlibMove, STREAM_SEEK_SET, &libNewPosition); void * pBuffer = new char[sizeImage]; DWORD dwRead; ps2->Read(pBuffer, sizeImage, &dwRead); *psizeImage = sizeImage; *ppBuffer = pBuffer; return 1; } HSI RGBToHSI(COLOR c1) { float nMax,nMin,ndelMax; float ndelR,ndelG,ndelB; float nH,nS,nV; float nR,nB,nG; HSI hsb2; nR=c1.R/255.0f; nG=c1.G/255.0f; nB=c1.B/255.0f; nMax=max(nR,max(nG,nB)); nMin=min(nR,min(nG,nB)); ndelMax=nMax-nMin; nV=nMax; if (ndelMax==0) {nS=0;nH=0;} //×î´óÖµÓë×îСֵÏàµÈ£¬´¿É«¡£ else { nS=ndelMax/nMax; ndelR = (((nMax - nR) / 6.0f) + (ndelMax / 2.0f)) / ndelMax; ndelG = (((nMax - nG) / 6.0f) + (ndelMax / 2.0f)) / ndelMax; ndelB = (((nMax - nB) / 6.0f) + (ndelMax / 2.0f)) / ndelMax; if (nR==nMax) { nH = ndelB - ndelG; } else if (nG==nMax) { nH = (1.0f / 3) + ndelR - ndelB; } else if (nB==nMax) { nH = (2.0f / 3) + ndelG - ndelR; } if (nH<0) {nH+=1;} if (nH>1) {nH-=1;} } hsb2.H =(nH*240); hsb2.S =(nS*240); hsb2.I =(nV*240); return hsb2 ; } /* RGB?-----------?Lab (¸÷·ÖÁ¿ÊýÖµ·¶Î§£ºR/G/B: 0~255; L: 0~100, a/b:0~255) RGB---?Lab: X = 0.412453*R + 0.357580*G + 0.180423*B; Y = 0.212671*R + 0.715160*G + 0.072169*B; Z = 0.019334*R + 0.119193*G + 0.950227*B; X = X/(255*0.950456); Y = Y/255; Z = Z/(255*1.088754); Èç¹ûY > 0.008856£¬Ôò : fY = Y^(1/3); fX = X^(1/3); fZ = Z^(1/3); L= 116*fY - 16; Èç¹ûY < 0.008856£¬Ôò fY = 7.787*Y + 16/116; fX = 7.787*X + 16/116; fZ = 7.787*Z + 16/116; L= 903.3*Y; a = 500.0*(fX - fY) +128; b = 200.0*(fY - fZ) +128; Lab---?RGB: a = a-128; b = b-128; fY = ((L + 16) / 116))^3; Èç¹ûfY < 0.008856£¬ÔòfY = L / 903.3; Y = fY; Èç¹ûfY > 0.008856£¬ÔòfY = fY^(1/3); Èç¹ûfY < 0.008856£¬ÔòfY = 7.787 * fY + 16/116; fX = a / 500 + fY; Èç¹ûfX > 0.206893£¬ÔòX = fX^(1/3); Èç¹ûfX < 0.206893£¬ÔòX = (fX - 16/116) / 7.787; fZ = fY - b /200; Èç¹ûfZ > 0.206893£¬ÔòZ = fZ^(1/3); Èç¹ûfX < 0.206893£¬ÔòZ = (fZ - 16/116) / 7.787; X = X * 0.950456 * 255; Y = Y *255; Z = Z * 1.088754 * 255; R = 3.240479*X - 1.537150*Y - 0.498535*Z G =-0.969256*X + 1.875992*Y + 0.041556*Z; B = 0.055648*X - 0.204043*Y + 1.057311*Z; */ /* ´ÓRGBµ½LabÉ«²Ê¿Õ¼äµÄת»» 2008ÄêÆßÔÂ27ÈÕ ÐÇÆÚÈÕ, 03:35 - ¼üÅÌÉúÑÄ / Programming ËäÈ»Èô¸ÉÄêÇ°¾Í¿´¹ýÁ˹ØÓÚÉ«²Ê¿Õ¼äµÄ½éÉÜ£¬µ«ÊÇÖ±µ½½ñÌì²Å×Ô¼º¶¯ÊÖд´úÂë×öÕâ¼þÊÂÇé¡£ËäÈ»ÍøÂçÉÏÒѾ­ÓкܶàÏֳɵÄÀý×Ó£¬µ«ÊÇÒ»Ôò½ö½öÊÊÓÃÓÚ¸¡µãÐ͵ÄÊý¾Ý£¬ÁíÒ»·½Ã棬ÔÚʵÏÖÉÏÒ²ÓÐһЩÉпÉÓÅ»¯Ö®´¦¡£ É«²ÊÄ£ÐͳýÁË×î³£¼ûµÄRGBÒÔÍ⣬»¹ÓÐHSB¡¢YCbCr¡¢XYZ¡¢LabµÈ¡£HSBÒ»°ã½ö½ö×÷ΪͼÏñ´¦Àí¹ý³ÌÖеÄÁÙʱģʽ£¬YCbCr³£³£ÓÃÓÚͼÏñµÄѹËõ´¦Àí£¬¶øXYZÔòÑϸñ°´ÕÕÈËÑÛ¶Ô¹âÐźŵÄÃô¸Ð¶È½øÐзֲ¼¡£ ÕâÀォҪÉÔ×÷ÌÖÂ۵ıãÊÇLabÄ£ÐÍ¡£ÍøÂçÉÏÖî¶àµÄ½éÉܶ¼ËµLabÊÇ»ùÓÚXYZµÄ£¬¹ÊÈËÃÇÒ»°ãÒ²Ö»ÄÜÕÒµ½XYZºÍLabÖ®¼äµÄת»»£¬¶øRGBµ½LabµÄת»»Ö»ÄÜʹÓÃXYZ×÷ΪÖмäģʽ¼ä½Ó½øÐС£¿ÉϧµÄÊÇ£¬ÕâÖÖÏÖ×´Ô´ÓÚÎó½â¡£¶øÔÚͼÏñ´¦ÀíÈí¼þÖУ¨±ÈÈçPhotoshop£©£¬ÍùÍù²ÉÓÃÒ»¸ö¸üΪ¼òµ¥µÄËã·¨¡£ ÎÒÃÇ¿ÉÒÔÏȹ۲ìRGBµ½XYZµÄת»»£º [X,Y,Z] = [M] * [R,G,B] ÆäÖÐMΪһ3x3¾ØÕó£º [M] = [0.4125, 0.3576, 0.1805; 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Lab lab1; float R,G,B; R=c1f.R; G=c1f.G; B=c1f.B; // if (!(R>=0)||!(R<=256)) // { // lab1.L=0;lab1.a=0;lab1.b=0; // return lab1; // } X = (0.0017017755110158063242130877282104f*R + 0.0014753702536507966372219765884924f*G + 0.00074442286278437743072179842839524f*B); Y = (0.00083400392156862745098039215686275f*R + 0.0028045490196078431372549019607843f*G + 0.00028301568627450980392156862745098f*B); Z = (0.000069638878794601218367014756605923f*R + 0.00042931968967440276305056325044635f*G + 0.0034226100589819764107392847380458f*B); if (Y > 0.008856451679f) // ½øÐÐÐÞÕý, (6/29)^3 ,Ô¼ 1/113; { fY = pow(Y,(1.0f/3)); lab1.L= 116*fY - 16; } else { fY = 7.787f*Y + 16.0f/116; lab1.L= 903.3f*Y; } if (X > 0.008856451679f) // ½øÐÐÐÞÕý, (6/29)^3 ,Ô¼ 1/113; fX = pow(X,(1.0f/3)); else fX = 7.787f*X + 16.0f/116; if (Z > 0.008856451679f) // ½øÐÐÐÞÕý, (6/29)^3 ,Ô¼ 1/113; fZ = pow(Z,(1.0f/3)); else fZ = 7.787f*Z + 16.0f/116; lab1.a = 500.0f*(fX - fY) +128; lab1.b = 200.0f*(fY - fZ) +128; return lab1; } COLORf LabToRGBf(Lab lab1) { float X,Y,Z,fX,fY,fZ; COLORf c1f; float L,a,b; a = lab1.a-128; b = lab1.b-128; L=lab1.L; fY = pow(((L + 16) / 116.0f),3.0f); if (fY <= 0.008856f) {fY = L / 903.3f;} Y = fY; if (Y > 0.008856f) {fY = pow(Y,(1.0f/3));} if (Y <= 0.008856f) {fY = 7.787f * Y + 16.0f/116;} fX = a / 500 + fY; if (fX > 0.206893f) {X = pow(fX,(3.0f));} if (fX <= 0.206893f) {X = (fX - 16.0f/116) / 7.787f;} fZ = fY - b /200; if (fZ > 0.206893f) {Z = pow(fZ,(3.0f));} if (fZ <= 0.206893f) {Z = (fZ - 16.0f/116) / 7.787f;} X = X * 0.950456f * 255; Y = Y *255; Z = Z * 1.088754f * 255; c1f.R = 3.240479f*X - 1.537150f*Y - 0.498535f*Z; c1f.G =-0.969256f*X + 1.875992f*Y + 0.041556f*Z; c1f.B = 0.055648f*X - 0.204043f*Y + 1.057311f*Z; return c1f; } HSI RGBfToHSI(COLORf &c1) { float nMax,nMin,ndelMax; float ndelR,ndelG,ndelB; float nH,nS,nV; float nR,nB,nG; HSI hsb2; nR=c1.R/255.0f; nG=c1.G/255.0f; nB=c1.B/255.0f; if (!(nR>=0)||!(nR<=256)) { hsb2.H=0;hsb2.S=0;hsb2.I=0; return hsb2; } nMax=max(nR,max(nG,nB)); nMin=min(nR,min(nG,nB)); ndelMax=nMax-nMin; nV=nMax; if (ndelMax==0) {nS=0;nH=0;} //×î´óÖµÓë×îСֵÏàµÈ£¬´¿É«¡£ else { nS=ndelMax/nMax; ndelR = (((nMax - nR) / 6.0f) + (ndelMax / 2.0f)) / ndelMax; ndelG = (((nMax - nG) / 6.0f) + (ndelMax / 2.0f)) / ndelMax; ndelB = (((nMax - nB) / 6.0f) + (ndelMax / 2.0f)) / ndelMax; if (nR==nMax) { nH = ndelB - ndelG; } else if (nG==nMax) { nH = (1.0f / 3) + ndelR - ndelB; } else if (nB==nMax) { nH = (2.0f / 3) + ndelG - ndelR; } if (nH<0) {nH+=1;} if (nH>1) {nH-=1;} } hsb2.H =(nH*240); hsb2.S =(nS*240); hsb2.I =(nV*240); return hsb2 ; } DWORD HSIToRGB(HSI hsb1) { COLOR color2; float nH,nS,nV; float nR,nG,nB; float f,p,q,t; int k; nH=hsb1.H/240.0f; nS=hsb1.S/240.0f; nV=hsb1.I/240.0f; k = (int)( (int(hsb1.H) / 40) % 6); f = (hsb1.H / 40.0f) - k; p=nV*(1-nS); q=nV*(1-f*nS); t=nV*(1-(1-f)*nS); if (k==0) { nR=nV;nG=t;nB=p; } else if (k==1) { nR=q;nG=nV;nB=p; } else if (k==2) { nR=p;nG=nV;nB=t; } else if (k==3) { nR=p;nG=q;nB=nV; } else if (k==4) { nR=t;nG=p;nB=nV;} else if (k==5) { nR=nV;nG=p;nB=q;} color2.R=int(nR*255);color2.G=int(nG*255);color2.B=int(nB*255); //R=nV*100;G=nV*100;B=nV*100; return color2.argb ; } COLORf HSIToRGBf(HSI hsb1) { COLORf color2; float nH,nS,nV; float nR,nG,nB; float f,p,q,t; int k; nH=hsb1.H/240.0f; nS=hsb1.S/240.0f; nV=hsb1.I/240.0f; k = (int)( (int(hsb1.H) / 40) % 6); f = (hsb1.H / 40.0f) - k; p=nV*(1-nS); q=nV*(1-f*nS); t=nV*(1-(1-f)*nS); if (k==0) { nR=nV;nG=t;nB=p; } else if (k==1) { nR=q;nG=nV;nB=p; } else if (k==2) { nR=p;nG=nV;nB=t; } else if (k==3) { nR=p;nG=q;nB=nV; } else if (k==4) { nR=t;nG=p;nB=nV;} else if (k==5) { nR=nV;nG=p;nB=q;} color2.R=nR*255;color2.G=nG*255;color2.B=nB*255; //R=nV*100;G=nV*100;B=nV*100; return color2 ; } #define EVEN(x) ((srcbuf[(x)*3/2]<<4)+(srcbuf[(x)*3/2+1]&0xf)) #define ODD(x) (((*(unsigned short *)(&srcbuf[(x)*3/2+1]))>>4)&0x0fff) int Raw12toRaw16(void * dest,void * src,int width,int height) { int i,l;//,k,l; unsigned short int a,b; unsigned short int * destbuf=(unsigned short *)dest; unsigned char * srcbuf=(unsigned char *)src; l=width*height; // memcpy(destbuf,srcbuf,l); // memcpy(destbuf+width*height/2,srcbuf,l); // return 0; for (i=0;i255) {j=255;} LUTgamma[i]=j; } unsigned short int buf1[4][3200]; unsigned short int G00,B01,G02,B03; unsigned short int R10,G11,R12,G13; unsigned short int G20,B21,G22,B23; unsigned short int R30,G31,R32,G33; for (i=0;i<3;i++) { l=i*width; for (j=0;j>8)&0xf; k=*(unsigned *)(srcbuf+(n+j+2)*3/2); *((unsigned *)&buf1[(i+2)&0x3][j+2])=(k<<4)&0x0fff0ff0|(k>>8)&0xf; // buf1[(i+2)&0x3][j]=EVEN(n+j);buf1[(i+2)&0x3][j+1]=ODD(n+j); // buf1[(i+2)&0x3][j+2]=EVEN(n+j+2);buf1[(i+2)&0x3][j+3]=ODD(n+j+2); } for (j=0;j>8)&0xf; k=*(unsigned *)(srcbuf+(p+j+2)*3/2); *((unsigned *)&buf1[(i+3)&0x3][j+2])=(k<<4)&0x0fff0ff0|(k>>8)&0xf; // buf1[(i+3)&0x3][j]=EVEN(p+j);buf1[(i+3)&0x3][j+1]=ODD(p+j); // buf1[(i+3)&0x3][j+2]=EVEN(p+j+2);buf1[(i+3)&0x3][j+3]=ODD(p+j+2); } for (j=0;jabs(G11-G13)) {destbuf[m+j+2].G=LUTgamma[(G11+G13)/2];} else {destbuf[m+j+2].G=LUTgamma[(G02+G22+G11+G13)/4];} destbuf[m+j+2].R=LUTgamma[R12]; destbuf[n+j+1].B=LUTgamma[B21]; if (abs(G11-G31)abs(G20-G22)) {destbuf[n+j+1].G=LUTgamma[(G20+G22)/2];} else {destbuf[n+j+1].G=LUTgamma[(G11+G31+G20+G22)/4];} destbuf[n+j+1].R=LUTgamma[(R10+R30+R12+R32)/4]; destbuf[n+j+2].B=LUTgamma[(B21+B23)/2]; destbuf[n+j+2].G=LUTgamma[G22]; destbuf[n+j+2].R=LUTgamma[(R12+R32)/2]; } } return 0; } /* R03=srcbuf[k+2]; B12=srcbuf[l+1];G13=srcbuf[l+2]; G22=srcbuf[m+1];R23=srcbuf[m+2]; B32=srcbuf[n+1]; for (j=2;jARGB=pixel.ARGB ; pixel.B=B23; //if (abs(signed(B03-B43))>8; c1[l+j].G=pixel[l+j].G>>8; c1[l+j].B=pixel[l+j].B>>8; c1[l+j].A=pixel[l+j].A>>8; } } return 0; } int RGB32toRGB64(void * destbuf,void * srcbuf,int width,int height) { int i,l; l=width*height; RGB16 * pixel=(RGB16 *)destbuf; COLOR * c1=(COLOR *)srcbuf; for (i=0;i0.5) {delH=1-delH;} distance=sqrtf(kH*kH*delH*delH+kS*kS*delS*delS+kV*kV*delV*delV)*240.0f; // s1.Format(_T("%d %d %d %d %d %d %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f\r\n"),hsb1.H,hsb1.S,hsb1.I,hsb2.H,hsb2.S,hsb2.I,delH,delS,delV,distance); // SysLog(s1); return distance; return 0; } */ /* float Calk(HSI hsb0,HSI hsb1,HSI hsb2) { float k; //¼ÆËã¿Õ¼äµã¶ÔÖ±ÏߵĴ¹×ãλÖ㬼´´¹×ãÔÚÖ±ÏßÉϵÄÁ½µãÖ®¼äµÄ±ÈÀý¡£ //hsb0Ϊ¿Õ¼äµã£¬hsb1ºÍhsb2È·¶¨¿Õ¼äÖ±Ïß¡£ float x0,x1,x2,y0,y1,y2,z0,z1,z2; float PercentH,PercentS,PercentV; PercentH=1.0f;PercentS=0.10f;PercentV=0.05f; x0=hsb0.H*PercentH; x1=hsb1.H*PercentH; x2=hsb2.H*PercentH; y0=hsb0.S*PercentS; y1=hsb1.S*PercentS; y2=hsb2.S*PercentS; z0=hsb0.I*PercentV; z1=hsb1.I*PercentV; z2=hsb2.I*PercentV; k=((x0-x1)*(x2-x1)+(y0-y1)*(y2-y1)+(z0-z1)*(z2-z1)) / ((x2-x1)*(x2-x1)+(y2-y1)*(y2-y1)+(z2-z1)*(z2-z1)); return k; } */ /* float CalPos(HSI hsb1) { float n; int i; int lastCheckedClass=0; float kPosition[maxClasses]; HSI chsb1,chsb2; HSI hsbs[100]; float Nf[100]; float distancehsb[100]; int TotalHsbs; float k; //ÏȽ«ËùÓÐÑÕÉ«µãͳ¼Æ³öÀ´£»»¹Óи÷ÑÕÉ«µã¶ÔÓ¦µÄ·ÖÖµ£» TotalHsbs=0; for (i=0;i=2.0f) { n=-1; return n; } if (mindistanceindex==0) { //±ßÔµµã£¬Ò²·ÖÂäÔÚ±ßÔµÄںͱßÔµÍâ k=Calk(hsb1,hsbs[0],hsbs[1]); if (k<0) //ÂäÔÚ±ßÔµµãÍâ { n=(Nf[1]-Nf[0])*k+Nf[0]; return n; } else { //ÂäÔÚ±ßÔµµãÄÚ n=(Nf[1]-Nf[0])*k+Nf[0]; return n; } } else if (mindistanceindex==TotalHsbs-1) { //±ßÔµµã£¬Ò²·ÖÂäÔÚ±ßÔµÍâºÍ±ßÔµÄÚ k=Calk(hsb1,hsbs[mindistanceindex-1],hsbs[mindistanceindex]); if (k>1) //ÂäÔÚ±ßÔµµãÍâ { n=(Nf[i]-Nf[mindistanceindex-1])*k+Nf[mindistanceindex-1]; return n; } else { //ÂäÔÚ±ßÔµµãÄÚ n=(Nf[mindistanceindex]-Nf[mindistanceindex-1])*k+Nf[mindistanceindex-1]; return n; } } else { //Öмäµã //Òª¿´¿¿ÖмäµãµÄÄÄ¶Ë float k1,k2; float n1,n2; k1=Calk(hsb1,hsbs[mindistanceindex-1],hsbs[mindistanceindex]); k2=Calk(hsb1,hsbs[mindistanceindex],hsbs[mindistanceindex+1]); n1=(Nf[mindistanceindex]-Nf[mindistanceindex-1])*k1+Nf[mindistanceindex-1]; n2=(Nf[mindistanceindex+1]-Nf[mindistanceindex])*k2+Nf[mindistanceindex]; if (k1<=1&&k2<0) //´¦ÓÚÒ»²àµã¡£ { n=n1; return n; } if (k1>1&&k2<0) //´¦ÓÚÁ½µãÖ®¼ä£¬ÍâÍä { n=Nf[i]; return n; } if (k1<=1&&k2>=0) //´¦ÓÚÁ½µãÖ®¼ä£¬ÄÚÍä { n=(n1+n2)/2; return n; } if (k1>=1&&k2>=0) //´¦ÓÚÁíÒ»²àµã { n=n2; return n; } } for (i=0;i=0&&kPosition[i]<=1&&kPosition[i+1]<0) {n=kPosition[i]*(Classes[i].N2-Classes[i].N1)+Classes[i].N1;break;} if (kPosition[i]>=0&&kPosition[i]<=1&&kPosition[i+1]>=0&&kPosition[i+1]<=1) {n=(kPosition[i]*(Classes[i].N2-Classes[i].N1)+Classes[i+1].N1+kPosition[i+1]*(Classes[i+1].N2-Classes[i+1].N1)+Classes[i+1].N1)/2;break;} if (kPosition[i]>1&&kPosition[i+1]<0) { n=Classes[i].N2;break; } } return n; } */ /* for (i=0;i=4) //Èç¹ûÔÚ3¸öµã»òÒÔÉÏÔÚͬһÌõÏßÉÏ£¬ÈÏΪÊÇÒ»ÌõÓÐЧµÄÏß¡£ { line1found=1; break; } else //·ñÔòÖØÐÂÕÒÏß¡£ { pt1valid[j]=0; for (k=j+1;kargb=pixel.argb ; pixel.R=line2[j+1]; //if (abs(signed(B03-B43))argb=pixel.argb ; pixel.R=B23; //if (abs(signed(B03-B43))argb=pixel.argb ; pixel.B=line2[j+1]; //if (abs(signed(B03-B43))argb=pixel.argb ; pixel.B=B23; //if (abs(signed(B03-B43))GetWidth()==0||bitmap1->GetHeight()==0) {return 0;} int i,j,k; int w,h; w=bitmap1->GetWidth(); h=bitmap1->GetHeight(); if (0==w||0==h) {return 0;} Gdiplus::BitmapData bitmapdata0; UINT * pixels; Gdiplus::Rect rect0(0,0,w,h); Gdiplus::Status GdipStatus=bitmap1->LockBits(&rect0,Gdiplus::ImageLockModeRead,PixelFormat32bppRGB,&bitmapdata0); if (GdipStatus!=Gdiplus::Ok) { CString Errs1; Errs1.Format(_T("Gdip LockBits Error %d \r\n"),GdipStatus); // SysLog(Errs1); return 0; } pixels=(UINT *)bitmapdata0.Scan0 ; // xsecs=w/xstep; // ysecs=h/ystep; // int m,n; COLOR c1; // int secR,secG,secB,secV; // float aveR,aveG,aveB,aveV; float totalaveR,totalaveG,totalaveB; totalaveR=0;totalaveG=0;totalaveB=0; for (i=0;iUnlockBits(&bitmapdata0); // double tick1=GetTickCountmS(); CString s1; // s1.Format(_T("´´½¨°×ƽºâÊý×飬w,h %d %d ÓÃʱ %.2fmS\r\n"),w,h,tick1-tick0); // SysLog(s1); wbcorrloaded=1; autowbcorronopen=1; // ((CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_CHECK_WBCORR))->SetCheck(true); return 1; } int SecWhiteBalance::LoadBayerWBParamFromFile(CString sFilePathName) { CString s1; // s1.Format(_T("´ÓÎļþ %s ¼ÓÔØ°×ƽºâ½ÃÕýÄ£°å \r\n"),sFilePathName); // SysLog(s1); int j=0; Gdiplus::Bitmap bitmap1(sFilePathName); if (bitmap1.GetWidth()!=0) {j=ReadBayerWBParamFromBmp(&bitmap1);} return j; } int SecWhiteBalance::ReadBayerWBParamFromBmp(Gdiplus::Bitmap * bitmap1) { // double tick0=GetTickCountmS(); if (bitmap1==NULL) {return 0;} if (bitmap1->GetWidth()==0||bitmap1->GetHeight()==0) {return 0;} int i,j,k; int w,h; w=bitmap1->GetWidth(); h=bitmap1->GetHeight(); if (0==w||0==h) {return 0;} Gdiplus::BitmapData bitmapdata0; unsigned char * pixels; Gdiplus::Rect rect0(0,0,w,h); Gdiplus::Status GdipStatus=bitmap1->LockBits(&rect0,Gdiplus::ImageLockModeRead,PixelFormat8bppIndexed,&bitmapdata0); if (GdipStatus!=Gdiplus::Ok) { CString Errs1; Errs1.Format(_T("Gdip LockBits Error %d \r\n"),GdipStatus); // SysLog(Errs1); return 0; } pixels=(unsigned char *)bitmapdata0.Scan0 ; int stride=bitmapdata0.Stride; // xsecs=w/xstep; // ysecs=h/ystep; // int m,n; //COLOR c1; // int secR,secG,secB,secV; // float aveR,aveG,aveB,aveV; float totalaveR,totalaveG,totalaveB; totalaveR=0;totalaveG=0;totalaveB=0; for (i=0;iUnlockBits(&bitmapdata0); float wbV; wbtotalV=0; for (i=0;iSetCheck(true); return 1; } int SecWhiteBalance::WBCorrect(Gdiplus::Bitmap * bitmap1,Gdiplus::Bitmap * bitmap2,float fRateV, float fRateR, float fRateG, float fRateB) { return WBCorrectVC(bitmap1,bitmap2, fRateR, fRateG, fRateB); } // // int SecWhiteBalance::WBCorrect1(Gdiplus::Bitmap * bitmap1) // { // if (this->wbcorrloaded==0) {return 0;} // double tick0=GetTickCountmS(); // int i,j,k; // if (bitmap1==NULL) // {return 0;} // int w,h; // w=bitmap1->GetWidth(); // h=bitmap1->GetHeight(); // if (0==w||0==h) // {return 0;} // Gdiplus::BitmapData bitmapdata0; // UINT * pixels; // Gdiplus::Rect rect0(0,0,w,h); // // UINT * pixels2; // COLOR * c2; // Gdiplus::Status GdipStatus=bitmap1->LockBits(&rect0,Gdiplus::ImageLockModeRead|Gdiplus::ImageLockModeWrite,PixelFormat32bppRGB,&bitmapdata0); // if (GdipStatus!=Gdiplus::Ok) // { // CString Errs1; // Errs1.Format(_T("Gdip LockBits Error %d \r\n"),GdipStatus); // // SysLog(Errs1); // return 0; // } // pixels=(UINT *)bitmapdata0.Scan0 ; // int s=bitmapdata0.Stride/4; // /* // threadinfo1[0].pParam1=this; // threadinfo1[0].pParam2=0; // threadinfo1[0].starty=0; // threadinfo1[0].endy=wbysecs/2; // threadinfo1[0].pixels=pixels; // threadinfo1[0].h=h; // threadinfo1[0].w=w; // threadinfo1[0].torun=1; // threadinfo1[0].stride=bitmapdata0.Stride; // threadinfo1[0].finish=0; // // threadinfo1[1].pParam1=this; // threadinfo1[1].pParam2=(LPVOID)1; // threadinfo1[1].starty=wbysecs/2; // threadinfo1[1].endy=wbysecs; // threadinfo1[1].pixels=pixels; // threadinfo1[1].h=h; // threadinfo1[1].w=w; // threadinfo1[1].torun=1; // threadinfo1[1].stride=bitmapdata0.Stride; // threadinfo1[1].finish=0; // */ // // CWinThread * thread1; // // CWinThread * thread2; // /* // thread1=AfxBeginThread(WBcorrThreadJumper,&(threadinfo1[0]),0,0,CREATE_SUSPENDED,0); // thread2=AfxBeginThread(WBcorrThreadJumper,&(threadinfo1[1]),0,0,CREATE_SUSPENDED,0); // // thread1->m_bAutoDelete=true; // // thread2->m_bAutoDelete=true; // // ::SetThreadAffinityMask(thread1->m_hThread,0x00000001); // // ::SetThreadAffinityMask(thread2->m_hThread,0x00000002); // thread1->ResumeThread(); // thread2->ResumeThread(); // for (i=0;i<10000;i++) // { // if (threadinfo1[0].finish==0||threadinfo1[1].finish==0) // { // Sleep(10); // } // else // { // break; // } // } // //*/ // // int xsec,ysec; // // int m,n; // // COLOR c1; // // int secV; // // int aveV; // // int yoff,ystep,xoff,xstep; // int offset; // float wbR,wbG,wbB; // // short int R,G,B; // short int wbRcorr,wbGcorr,wbBcorr; // // if (0) // for (i=0;iR*wbRcorr>>7; // if (R>255) {c1.R=255;} // else {c2->R=R;} // G=c2->G*wbGcorr>>7; // c2->G=min(255,G); // B=c2->B*wbBcorr>>7; // c2->B =min(255,B); // c2++; // //*/ //======================================== // // /* //======================MMX ´úÂë==================================== 120mS // if (usemmx) // { // tmp = _m_from_int(c2->argb); // tmp = *pIn (ÔÚtmpµÄµÍ32λдÈëÊý¾Ý) // // tmp = _mm_unpacklo_pi8(tmp, nNull ); //½«tmpÖеÍλµÄ4¸ö×Ö½Úת»¯Îª×Ö // //×ֵĸßλÓÃnNullÖжÔӦλÉϵÄλֵÌî³ä¡£ // // tmp = _mm_mullo_pi16 (tmp , nCoeff); //½«tmpÖеÄÿһ¸ö×ÖÏà³Ë£¬½«Ïà³Ë½á¹ûµÄ¸ßλË͵½nCoeff£¬ÔÚtmpÖÐÖ»±£Áôÿ¸ö½á¹ûµÄµÍλ¡£ // // tmp = _mm_srli_pi16 (tmp , 7); // ½«tmpÖеÄÿһ¸ö×ÖÓÒÒÆ7룬Ï൱ÓÚ³ýÒÔ128 // // tmp = _mm_packs_pu16 (tmp, nNull); // ʹÓñ¥ºÍģʽ½«tmpÖеĽá¹û×öÈçÏ´¦Àí£º // //½«tmpÖеÄ4¸ö×Öת»¯Îª4¸ö×Ö½Ú£¬²¢½«Õâ4¸ö×Ö½Úдµ½tmpÖеĵÍ32λÖÐ // // ͬʱ£¬½«nNullÖеÄ4¸ö×Öת»¯Îª4¸ö×Ö½Ú£¬²¢½«Õâ4¸ö×Ö½Úдµ½tmpµÄ¸ß32λÖС£ // // c2->argb = _m_to_int(tmp)|0xff000000; // *pOut = tmp (½«tmpµÍ32λµÄÊý¾Ý·ÅÈëpOutÊý×éÖÐ) // c2++; // } // //*/ //======================================================= // ////======================= SSE INTRIC ´úÂë ======================== // //__m128 a1=_mm_setzero_ps(); // //a1=_mm_load // // __m128 a; // // __m128i b; // // __m128d c; // // _mm_packuswb() // ///* //==================== SSE »ã±àÓÅ»¯ ========================== 30mS // int xstep_2=xstep/2; // /* // _asm // { // //tmp=_m_from_int(c2->argb); // //start: // movq xmm0,mmword ptr[nNull]; // movdqa xmm4,nCorr128; // mov eax,c2; // sub eax,4; // mov ecx,xstep; // loop1: // //mov edx,dword ptr [eax+ecx*4] // movd xmm1,dword ptr [eax+ecx*4]; //edx; // // movd mm1,dword ptr [eax+ecx*4]; // // movq mmword ptr[tmp],mm0; // //tmp=_mm_unpacklo_pi8(tmp,nNull); // //movq xmm0,mmword ptr [nNull]; // // movdqa xmm2,xmm0 // movaps xmm2,xmm0 // // movq mm0,mmword ptr [tmp]; // movaps xmm3,xmm4 // // punpcklbw xmm1,xmm2; // // movq mmword ptr [tmp],mm1; // // tmp=_mm_mull0_pi16(tmp,nCoeff); // //movdq xmm2,xmmword ptr [nCoeff] // // movdqa xmm2,nCorr128; // // // movq mm1,mmword ptr[tmp] // pmullw xmm1,xmm3; ×¢ÊÍ // // movq mmword ptr[tmp],mm1 // // tmp = _mm_srli_pi16(tmp,7) // // movq mm0,mmword ptr[tmp] // psrlw xmm1,7; // // movq mmwordptr[tmp],mm1; // //tmp=_mm_packs_pu16(tmp,nNull); // // movq mm0,mmword ptr [nNull] // // movq mm1,mmword ptr [tmp] // packuswb xmm1,xmm2; // // movq mmword ptr [tmp],mm1; // //c2->argb=_m_to_int(tmp)|0xff000000; // // movq mm1,mmword ptr[tmp] // movd dword ptr [eax+ecx*4],xmm1; // //or edx,0ff000000h; // //mov dword ptr[eax+ecx*4],edx; // //mulps xmm3,xmm4; // // loop loop1 // // //dec ebx; // //jne loop1; // } // */ // //*///=============================================================== // // } // } // // _mm_empty(); // } // } // // // bitmap1->UnlockBits(&bitmapdata0); // double tick1=GetTickCountmS(); // CString s1; // // s1.Format(_T("°×ƽºâÐÞÕýÍê³É ÓÃʱ %.2fmS\r\n"),tick1-tick0); // // SysLog1(s1); // return 1; // } int SecWhiteBalance::WBCorrectVC(Gdiplus::Bitmap * bitmap1,Gdiplus::Bitmap * bitmap2,float fRateV, float fRateR, float fRateG, float fRateB) { if (bitmap2==NULL||bitmap1==bitmap2) { return WBCorrect1VC(bitmap1,fRateV, fRateR, fRateG, fRateB); } else { return WBCorrect2VC(bitmap1,bitmap2,fRateV, fRateR, fRateG, fRateB); } return 0; } int SecWhiteBalance::WBCorrect1VC(Gdiplus::Bitmap * bitmap1,float fRateV, float fRateR, float fRateG, float fRateB) { if (this->wbcorrloaded==0) {return 0;} double tick0=GetTickCountmS(); int i,j,k; if (bitmap1==NULL) {return 0;} int w,h; w=bitmap1->GetWidth(); h=bitmap1->GetHeight(); if (0==w||0==h) {return 0;} Gdiplus::BitmapData bitmapdata0; UINT * pixels; Gdiplus::Rect rect0(0,0,w,h); // UINT * pixels2; COLOR * c2; Gdiplus::Status GdipStatus=bitmap1->LockBits(&rect0,Gdiplus::ImageLockModeRead|Gdiplus::ImageLockModeWrite,PixelFormat32bppRGB,&bitmapdata0); if (GdipStatus!=Gdiplus::Ok) { CString Errs1; Errs1.Format(_T("Gdip LockBits Error %d \r\n"),GdipStatus); // SysLog(Errs1); return 0; } pixels=(UINT *)bitmapdata0.Scan0 ; int s=bitmapdata0.Stride/4; int yoff,ystep,xoff,xstep; int offset; float wbR,wbG,wbB; short int R,G,B; short int wbRcorr,wbGcorr,wbBcorr; // if (0) for (i=0;iR*wbRcorr>>7; c2->R=min(255,R); G=c2->G*wbGcorr>>7; c2->G=min(255,G); B=c2->B*wbBcorr>>7; c2->B =min(255,B); // c2->R=0; c2++; } } } } bitmap1->UnlockBits(&bitmapdata0); double tick1=GetTickCountmS(); return 1; } int SecWhiteBalance::WBCorrect2VC(Gdiplus::Bitmap * bitmap1,Gdiplus::Bitmap * bitmap2,float fRateV, float fRateR, float fRateG, float fRateB) { return 1; } int SecWhiteBalance::WBBayerCorrect(MyImage * Image1,MyImage * Image2,float fRateV, float fRateR, float fRateG, float fRateB) { return WBBayerCorrectVC(Image1, Image2, fRateV, fRateR, fRateG, fRateB); } int SecWhiteBalance::WBBayerCorrectVC(MyImage * Image1,MyImage * Image2,float fRateV, float fRateR, float fRateG, float fRateB) { if (Image2==NULL||Image1==Image2) { return WBBayerCorrect1VC(Image1->buffer,Image1->GetWidth(),Image1->GetHeight(),Image1->Stride, fRateV, fRateR, fRateG, fRateB); } else { return WBBayerCorrect2VC(Image1,Image2,fRateV, fRateR, fRateG, fRateB); } return 0; } int SecWhiteBalance::WBBayerCorrect1VC(void * buf1,int w,int h,int stride,float fRateV, float fRateR, float fRateG, float fRateB) { if (this->wbcorrloaded==0) {return 0;} double tick0=GetTickCountmS(); int i,j,k; if (buf1==NULL) {return 0;} // int w,h; // w=Image1->GetWidth(); // h=Image1->GetHeight(); if (0==w||0==h) {return 0;} // Gdiplus::BitmapData bitmapdata0; unsigned char * pixels; pixels=(unsigned char *)buf1 ; int yoff,ystep,xoff,xstep; int offset; // float wbR,wbG,wbB,wbG2; short int R,G,B,G2; short int wbRcorr,wbGcorr,wbBcorr,wbG2corr; for (i=0;iwbcorrloaded==0) {return -1;} double tick0=GetTickCountmS(); int i,j,k; if (Image1==NULL) {return -1;} if (!Image1->IsValid) {return -1;} int w,h; w=Image1->GetWidth(); h=Image1->GetHeight(); if (0==w||0==h) {return 0;} int w2,h2; if (Image2==NULL) {return -1;} if (!Image2->IsValid){Image2->AllocBuf(w,h,w,MyImage::MyPixelType_BayerGR8);} w2=Image2->GetWidth();h2=Image2->GetHeight(); if (w!=w2||h!=h2) {Image2->AllocBuf(w,h,w,MyImage::MyPixelType_BayerGR8);} unsigned char * pixels; pixels=(unsigned char *)Image1->GetBuffer(); unsigned char * pixels2; pixels2=(unsigned char *)Image2->GetBuffer(); int stride=Image1->GetStride(); int yoff,ystep,xoff,xstep; int offset; // float wbR,wbG,wbB,wbG2; short int R,G,B,G2; short int wbRcorr,wbGcorr,wbBcorr,wbG2corr; for (i=0;iincount-1) {l=incount-1;} sum1+=inbuf[l]*corebuf[j]; } outbuf[i]=sum1; } return i; } int juanjiV(int incount,int corecount,int stride, int x, double inbuf[], double outbuf[],double corebuf[]) { int i,j; int k1=(corecount)/2; int l; double sum1; for (i=0;iincount-1) { l=incount-1; } sum1+=inbuf[l*stride + x]*corebuf[j]; } outbuf[i*stride + x]=sum1; } return i; } int juanji2D(double inbuf[], int sizex, int sizey, int stride, double outbuf[], double corebuf[], int coresizex, int coresizey, int corestrie) { int halfcorex=coresizex/2; int halfcorey=coresizey/2; //for (int i = 0; i < sizey; i++) //{ // int l0 = i*stride; // int startcory = (i - halfcorey < 0) ? halfcorey - i : 0; // int endcory = (i + coresizey - 1 >= sizey) ? coresizey - (i + coresizey - sizey) : coresizey; // for (int j = 0; j < sizex; j++) // { // int startcorx = (j - halfcorex < 0) ? halfcorex - j : 0;; // int endcorx = (j + coresizex - 1 >= sizex) ? coresizex - (j + coresizex - sizex) : coresizex; // int l1 = l0 + j; // outbuf[l1] = 0; // for (int k = startcory; k < endcory; k++) // { // int l2 = l1 + (k - halfcorey)*stride; // for (int l = startcorx; l < endcorx; l++) // { // outbuf[l1] += inbuf[l2 + (l - halfcorex)] * corebuf[k*corestrie + l]; // } // } // } //} for (int i = 0; i < halfcorey; i++) { int l0 = i*stride; for (int j = 0; j < halfcorex; j++) outbuf[l0 + j] = 0; for (int j = sizex-halfcorex; j < sizex; j++) outbuf[l0 + j] = 0; } for (int i = sizey-halfcorey; i < sizey; i++) { int l0 = i*stride; for (int j = 0; j < halfcorex; j++) outbuf[l0 + j] = 0; for (int j = sizex - halfcorex; j < sizex; j++) outbuf[l0 + j] = 0; } for (int i=halfcorey;i // int juanji2D3x3(T inbuf[], int sizex, int sizey, int stride, T outbuf[], T corebuf[3][3]) // { // // for (int i=1;i int juanji2D3x3(T inbuf[], int sizex, int sizey, int stride, T outbuf[], T corebuf[3][3]) { for (int i=1;i int juanji2D3x3(float inbuf[], int sizex, int sizey, int stride, float outbuf[], float corebuf[3][3]) { __m256 km1,km2,km3; km1=_mm256_loadu_ps(corebuf[0]); km2=_mm256_loadu_ps(corebuf[1]); km3=_mm256_loadu_ps(corebuf[2]); km1=_mm256_shuffle_ps(km2,km3,0x4e); // _mm256_rsqrt_ps() for (int i=1;imaxvalidpts)||(validpts==maxvalidpts&&totalinterceptdest; src2=p1->src; size_t2=p1->size; X_aligned_memcpy_sse2(dest2, src2, size_t2); p1->done=1; return 1000; } void fastmemcpy(void* dest, const void* src, const unsigned long size_t) { void * dest2,* src2; unsigned long size_t2; src2=(void *)src; dest2=dest; size_t2=size_t; if (((UINT)dest)&0xf) { UINT delta; dest2=(void *)((((UINT)dest)+15)&0xfffffff0); delta=(UINT)dest2-(UINT)dest; size_t2-=delta; src=(void *)((UINT(src))+delta); } X_aligned_memcpy_sse2(dest2, src2, size_t2); } void fastmemcpyMT(void* dest, const void* src, const unsigned long size_t) { MemcpyThreadDataStruct threaddata[2]; threaddata[0].src=(void *)src; threaddata[0].dest=dest; threaddata[0].size=size_t/2; threaddata[0].done=0; threaddata[1].src=(unsigned char *)src+size_t/2; threaddata[1].dest=(unsigned char *)dest+size_t/2; threaddata[1].size=size_t/2; threaddata[1].done=0; AfxBeginThread(memcpyThread,LPVOID(&threaddata[0])); AfxBeginThread(memcpyThread,LPVOID(&threaddata[1])); while(1) { if (threaddata[0].done&&threaddata[1].done) {break;} } } int GetLineSegmentPart(double startx, double starty, double endx, double endy, double numerator, double denominator, double & x1, double & y1) { x1=(startx*(denominator-numerator)+endx*numerator)/denominator; y1=(starty*(denominator-numerator)+endy*numerator)/denominator; return 1; } double LineSegmentDirection(PointD pt1,PointD pt2,PointD pt3) { PointD d1,d2; d1=pt3-pt1;d2=pt2-pt1; return d1.x*d2.y-d1.y*d2.x; } int IsOnLineSegment(MyLineSegment linesegment1,PointD pt1) { double x_min,x_max,y_min,y_max; if (linesegment1.start.xx_max||pt1.yy_max) return false; else return true; } int IsLineSegmentCross(MyLineSegment linesegment1, MyLineSegment linesegment2) { PointD pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4; pt1=linesegment1.start;pt2=linesegment1.end; pt3=linesegment2.start;pt4=linesegment2.end; double d1,d2,d3,d4; d1=LineSegmentDirection(pt3,pt4,pt1); d2=LineSegmentDirection(pt3,pt4,pt2); d3=LineSegmentDirection(pt1,pt2,pt3); d4=LineSegmentDirection(pt1,pt2,pt4); if (d1*d2<0&&d3*d4<0) return true; else if (d1==0&&IsOnLineSegment(linesegment2,pt1)) return true; else if (d2==0&&IsOnLineSegment(linesegment2,pt2)) return true; else if (d3==0&&IsOnLineSegment(linesegment1,pt3)) return true; else if (d4==0&&IsOnLineSegment(linesegment1,pt4)) return true; else return false; } /* int IsLineSegmentCross(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, double x4, double y4) { PointD pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4; pt1=PointD(x1,y1);pt2=PointD(x2,y2); pt3=PointD(x3,y3);pt4=PointD(x4,y4); double d1,d2,d3,d4; d1=LineSegmentDirection(pt3,pt4,pt1); d2=LineSegmentDirection(pt3,pt4,pt2); d3=LineSegmentDirection(pt1,pt2,pt3); d4=LineSegmentDirection(pt1,pt2,pt4); if (d1*d2<0&&d3*d4<0) return true; else if (d1==0&&IsOnLineSegment(linesegment2,pt1)) return true; else if (d2==0&&IsOnLineSegment(linesegment2,pt2)) return true; else if (d3==0&&IsOnLineSegment(linesegment1,pt3)) return true; else if (d4==0&&IsOnLineSegment(linesegment1,pt4)) return true; else return false; return false; } */ int CannyËã·¨() { return 0; }; int Hough(MyImage& img1,stHoughResult res[],int MaxFound, double Threshold,int starta,int enda) { const int hough_space=256; int width=img1.Width; int height=img1.Height; int stride=img1.Stride; int centerX=width/2; int centerY=height/2; double hough_interval=3.1415926535897932384626433/(double)hough_space; int maxL=max(width,height); int max_length=(int)(1.41421356237*maxL); int hough_strides=(max_length+3)&0xfffffffc; unsigned char *pixels=(unsigned char *)img1.GetBuffer(); /* //½¨Á¢ÌØÕ÷µãµÄ¼¯ºÏ int TotalPixel=0; Point ptx[9999]; unsigned char score1[9999]; for (int i=0;imaxb) {maxb=maxk;} if (maxk=max_length)) { continue; } hough_2d[cell*hough_strides+maxk]+=pixel; } } } int max_hough=0; int max_x=0,max_y=0; //²ÎÊý¿Õ¼äÕÒ×î´óÖµ for (int i=starta;imax_hough) { max_hough=thissum; max_x=j;max_y=i; } } } //ÕÒ¼«Öµ int totalfound=0; res[totalfound].Pt=PointD(max_y,max_x-max_length/2); res[totalfound].Score=max_hough; totalfound++; for (int i=starta+1;i=MaxFound) break; } } } /* //ת»»µ½Í¼ÏñÏÔʾ char factor=max_hough/127; if (factor<1) {factor=1;} if (max_hough<1) {max_hough=1;} unsigned char *hough_2d2=new unsigned char[hough_space*hough_strides]; int kk; for (int i=0;i a; //*/ delete [] hough_2d; return totalfound; return 0; } int NewHough(MyImage& img1,stHoughResult res[],int MaxFound, double Threshold,int starta,int enda) { const int hough_space=256; int width=img1.Width; int height=img1.Height; int stride=img1.Stride; int centerX=width/2; int centerY=height/2; double hough_interval=3.1415926535897932384626433/(double)hough_space; int maxL=max(width,height); int max_length=(int)(1.41421356237*maxL); int hough_strides=(max_length+3)&0xfffffffc; unsigned char *pixels=(unsigned char *)img1.GetBuffer(); //½¨Á¢ÌØÕ÷µãµÄ¼¯ºÏ int TotalPixel=0; Gdiplus::Point ptx[9999]; unsigned char score1[9999]; unsigned char used[9999]; unsigned char used2[9999]; for (int i=0;iThreshold) { for (int l=0;l=MaxFound) break; } break; } } } return totalfound; return 0; } int TransRGBToBayerGR(Gdiplus::Bitmap * bitmap1,CString sFilePathname) { if (bitmap1==NULL) {return 0;} int w,h; w=bitmap1->GetWidth(); h=bitmap1->GetHeight(); if (0==w||0==h) {return 0;} Gdiplus::BitmapData bitmapdata0; UINT * pixels; Gdiplus::Rect rect0(0,0,w,h); Gdiplus::Status GdipStatus=bitmap1->LockBits(&rect0,Gdiplus::ImageLockModeRead,PixelFormat32bppRGB,&bitmapdata0); if (GdipStatus!=Gdiplus::Ok) { CString Errs1; Errs1.Format(_T("Gdip LockBits Error %d \r\n"),GdipStatus); return 0; } pixels=(UINT *)bitmapdata0.Scan0 ; int stride=bitmapdata0.Stride/4; int stride2=(stride+63)&(-64); unsigned char * buf1=new unsigned char [h*stride2]; //#pragma omp parallel for for (int i=0;iUnlockBits(&bitmapdata0); SaveBufferToBmpFile(buf1,w,h,stride2,sFilePathname); delete []buf1; return true; } int TransRGBToBayerGR2(Gdiplus::Bitmap * bitmap1,CString sFilePathname) { if (bitmap1==NULL) {return 0;} int w,h; w=bitmap1->GetWidth(); h=bitmap1->GetHeight(); if (0==w||0==h) {return 0;} Gdiplus::BitmapData bitmapdata0; UINT * pixels; Gdiplus::Rect rect0(0,0,w,h); Gdiplus::Status GdipStatus=bitmap1->LockBits(&rect0,Gdiplus::ImageLockModeRead,PixelFormat32bppRGB,&bitmapdata0); if (GdipStatus!=Gdiplus::Ok) { CString Errs1; Errs1.Format(_T("Gdip LockBits Error %d \r\n"),GdipStatus); return 0; } pixels=(UINT *)bitmapdata0.Scan0 ; int stride=bitmapdata0.Stride/4; unsigned char * buf1=new unsigned char [h*stride]; #pragma omp parallel for for (int i=0;iUnlockBits(&bitmapdata0); SaveBufferToBmpFile(buf1,w,h,stride,sFilePathname); delete [] buf1; return true; } double RefCompare(double * buf1, int count1, double * buf2, int count2 ,int mode) { double refcount=0; int count=min(count1,count2); double a,b,c=0; for (int i=0;i(padded),cv::Mat::zeros(padded.size(),CV_32F)};//´´½¨Í¨µÀ cv::Mat complexIm1; cv::Mat complexIm2; cv::Mat complexIm3; time2=GetTickCountmS(); s1.Format(_T("fdf init %.3fmS\r\n"),time2-time1); TRACE(s1); if (showstatus) { cv::Mat T; plane[0].copyTo(T); cv::normalize(T,T,255,0,CV_MINMAX); cv::imwrite("D:\\1\\fdf_padded.bmp",cv::Mat_(T)); } time1 = GetTickCountmS(); //*******************************dft************************************ cv::merge(plane,2,complexIm1);//ºÏ²¢Í¨µÀ cv::dft(complexIm1,complexIm2);//½øÐиµÁ¢Ò¶±ä»»£¬½á¹û±£´æÔÚ×ÔÉí cv::split(complexIm2,plane);//·ÖÀëͨµÀ time2=GetTickCountmS(); s1.Format(_T("fdf dft %.3fmS\r\n"),time2-time1); TRACE(s1); if (1) { time1 = GetTickCountmS(); //*******************************shift************************************ { int cx=plane[0].cols/2; int cy=plane[0].rows/2; cv::Mat temp; cv::Mat part1(plane[0],cv::Rect(0,0,cx,cy)); cv::Mat part2(plane[0],cv::Rect(cx,0,cx,cy)); cv::Mat part3(plane[0],cv::Rect(0,cy,cx,cy)); cv::Mat part4(plane[0],cv::Rect(cx,cy,cx,cy)); part1.copyTo(temp); part4.copyTo(part1); temp.copyTo(part4); part2.copyTo(temp); part3.copyTo(part2); temp.copyTo(part3); } { int cx=plane[0].cols/2; int cy=plane[0].rows/2; cv::Mat temp; cv::Mat part1(plane[1],cv::Rect(0,0,cx,cy)); cv::Mat part2(plane[1],cv::Rect(cx,0,cx,cy)); cv::Mat part3(plane[1],cv::Rect(0,cy,cx,cy)); cv::Mat part4(plane[1],cv::Rect(cx,cy,cx,cy)); part1.copyTo(temp); part4.copyTo(part1); temp.copyTo(part4); part2.copyTo(temp); part3.copyTo(part2); temp.copyTo(part3); } time2=GetTickCountmS(); s1.Format(_T("fdf shift %.3fmS\r\n"),time2-time1); TRACE(s1); } if (showstatus) { cv::Mat T; cv::magnitude(plane[0],plane[1],T); T+=cv::Scalar::all(1); cv::log(T,T); cv::normalize(T,T,255,0,CV_MINMAX); cv::imwrite("D:\\1\\fdf_dft.bmp",cv::Mat_(T)); } if (1) { time1 = GetTickCountmS(); //*******************************filter************************************ for (int k=0; kw) endx = w; if (endy>h) endy = h; for (int i=starty; i(i); for (int j=startx; j(i); for (int j=startx; j(T)); } if (1) { time1 = GetTickCountmS(); //*******************************shift************************************ { int cx=plane[0].cols/2; int cy=plane[0].rows/2; cv::Mat temp; cv::Mat part1(plane[0],cv::Rect(0,0,cx,cy)); cv::Mat part2(plane[0],cv::Rect(cx,0,cx,cy)); cv::Mat part3(plane[0],cv::Rect(0,cy,cx,cy)); cv::Mat part4(plane[0],cv::Rect(cx,cy,cx,cy)); part1.copyTo(temp); part4.copyTo(part1); temp.copyTo(part4); part2.copyTo(temp); part3.copyTo(part2); temp.copyTo(part3); } { int cx=plane[0].cols/2; int cy=plane[0].rows/2; cv::Mat temp; cv::Mat part1(plane[1],cv::Rect(0,0,cx,cy)); cv::Mat part2(plane[1],cv::Rect(cx,0,cx,cy)); cv::Mat part3(plane[1],cv::Rect(0,cy,cx,cy)); cv::Mat part4(plane[1],cv::Rect(cx,cy,cx,cy)); part1.copyTo(temp); part4.copyTo(part1); temp.copyTo(part4); part2.copyTo(temp); part3.copyTo(part2); temp.copyTo(part3); } time2=GetTickCountmS(); s1.Format(_T("fdf ishift %.3fmS\r\n"),time2-time1); TRACE(s1); } time1 = GetTickCountmS(); //*****************************idft************************************** cv::merge(plane,2,complexIm2); cv::idft(complexIm2,complexIm3);//¸µÁ¢Ò¶Äæ±ä»» cv::split(complexIm3,plane);//½á¹ûÒ²ÊǸ´Êý time2=GetTickCountmS(); s1.Format(_T("fdf idft %.3fmS\r\n"),time2-time1); TRACE(s1); time1 = GetTickCountmS(); cv::Mat output; plane[0].copyTo(output); cv::normalize(output,output,255,0,CV_MINMAX); for (int i=0; i(i); for (int j=0; j(T)); } return 0; } #endif /* _WIN64 */