From 61deef5cdf96cbfdd6ad45be49e80d597c00ca65 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: QuakeGod <>
Date: 星期二, 24 十二月 2024 08:37:21 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] 2024-12-24

 MTerm1/MTerm1View.cpp | 2152 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 files changed, 1,739 insertions(+), 413 deletions(-)

diff --git a/MTerm1/MTerm1View.cpp b/MTerm1/MTerm1View.cpp
index 4abbea4..125279b 100644
--- a/MTerm1/MTerm1View.cpp
+++ b/MTerm1/MTerm1View.cpp
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
 //	ON_COMMAND(ID_INDICATOR_MONITOR_STATUS, &CMTerm1View::OnIndicatorMonitorStatus)
@@ -754,6 +754,15 @@
+	else if (nType == typeEND)	{
+		if (needReDraw) {
+			//鐢诲乏渚фí绾�
+			//DrawLeftRightLine(pDC, x0, y0, 14, 18);
+			DrawAngleBracket(pDC, x0, y0, 8, 32);
+			DrawCellText1(pDC, _T("ED"), x0 + 16, y0 + m_LinePosY - 8, 24, 14);
+		}
+	}
 	else if (nType == typeLine1)
 	{	//Draw Line
@@ -765,8 +774,8 @@
 	else if (nType == typeLine2)
 	{	//Draw Line
-		pDC->MoveTo(x0, y0 + (0.32 * CellTotalHeight));
-		pDC->LineTo(x0, y0 - (0.69 * CellTotalHeight));
+		pDC->MoveTo(x0, y0 + int(0.32 * CellTotalHeight));
+		pDC->LineTo(x0, y0 - int(0.69 * CellTotalHeight));
 	else if (nType == typeNO)
@@ -1155,6 +1164,7 @@
 				nCol = 0; 
+		CellFocusChg(nRow, nCol);
 	if (nChar == VK_RIGHT) {
 		nCol += 1;
@@ -1167,15 +1177,17 @@
 				nCol = m_CellPerLine - 1;
+		CellFocusChg(nRow, nCol);
 	if (nChar == VK_UP) {
 		nRow -= 1;
 		if (nRow < 0) { nRow = 0; }
+		CellFocusChg(nRow, nCol);
 	if (nChar == VK_DOWN) {
 		nRow += 1;
 		if (nRow >= m_nTotalRow + nLinesinView) { nRow = m_nTotalRow + nLinesinView -1; }
+		CellFocusChg(nRow, nCol);
 	m_FocusRow = nRow;
 	m_FocusCol = nCol;
@@ -1211,7 +1223,7 @@
 	CString s1;
 	stCell & thecell = Cells[nRow][nCol];
-	s1.Format(_T("Cell %d %d Type %02X \r\n"), nRow, nCol, thecell.nType);
+	s1.Format(_T("Cell %d %d Type %02X OpType %02X \r\n"), nRow, nCol, thecell.nType,thecell.nOpType);
 	s1.AppendFormat(_T(" sCoilName %s sParam %s \r\n"), thecell.sCoilName, thecell.sParam );
 	s1.AppendFormat(_T("LeftUp %d leftDn %d "), thecell.bLeftLineUp, thecell.bLeftLineDn);
@@ -1308,8 +1320,10 @@
 		m_nCurProgStep = Cells[nRow][nCol].nProgStep;
 	if (!pDoc->m_bOnline) return;
-	//if (!m_bMonitoring) return;
+	if (!m_bMonitoring || !pDoc->m_bOnline) {
+	};
 	CString sParam;
 	sParam = Cells[nRow][nCol].sParam;
 	int nDataType, nDataAddr, nStat;
@@ -1445,13 +1459,14 @@
 	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ娣诲姞娑堟伅澶勭悊绋嬪簭浠g爜鍜�/鎴栬皟鐢ㄩ粯璁ゅ��
 	CString s1;
 	CMTerm1Doc * pDoc = (CMTerm1Doc*)GetDocument();
+	static int nCount = 0;
 	if (nIDEvent == 0) {
 	else if (nIDEvent == 1)
-		if (m_bMonitoring) {
+		nCount++;
+		if (m_bMonitoring && (nCount &1)) {
@@ -1485,22 +1500,25 @@
 void CMTerm1View::OnProgConvert()
- 	std::pair<int,CString> result = LDSCheckRule();
-	if (result.first == 111)
-	{
-		DbgLog(result.second);
-		return;
-	}
+ //	std::pair<int,CString> result = LDSCheckRule();
+	//if (result.first == 111)
+	//{
+	//	DbgLog(result.second);
+	//	return;
+	//}
 	CString s1;
 	s1.Format(_T("Prog Convert"));
-	SysLog(s1);
-	int r = TransLDSToProg();
+ 	SysLog(s1);
+	int r = TransLDSToProgAOV();  //TransLDSToProg();
 	s1.Format(_T("LDS To Prog result %d"), r);
 	if (r==0) 
 	//	m_bModified = 0;
+		GetDocument()->FindProgPair();
+		GetDocument()->TransProgToBin();
 		int j=TransProgToLDS();
 		s1.Format(_T("Porg to LDS retuls %d"), j);
@@ -1511,6 +1529,7 @@
 		s1.Format(_T("Error in Prog Convert"));
 void CMTerm1View::OnUpdateProgConvert(CCmdUI *pCmdUI)
@@ -1591,6 +1610,12 @@
 /// <param name="cell1"></param>
 void CMTerm1View::SetCellToView(stCell cell1, int flag)               //**************************************************************************************************//
+	bool changeVLine = false;
+	if ((Cells[m_FocusRow][m_FocusCol].bLeftLineDn != cell1.bLeftLineDn) 
+		|| (Cells[m_FocusRow][m_FocusCol].bLeftLineUp != cell1.bLeftLineUp))
+	{
+		changeVLine = true;
+	}
 	Cells[m_FocusRow][m_FocusCol] = cell1;
 	m_bModified = 1;
 	needReDraw = 1;
@@ -1614,6 +1639,7 @@
 		Cells[m_FocusRow - 1][m_FocusCol].bLeftLineDn = 1;
 	case 2:
@@ -1625,13 +1651,18 @@
 		Cells[m_FocusRow - 1][m_FocusCol].bLeftLineDn = 0;
-	//鍗曞厓鏍间綅缃悗绉�
-	m_FocusCol += 1;
+	//濡傛灉鍙樺寲鐨勬槸绔栫嚎锛岀劍鐐逛笉鍚庣Щ
+	if (!changeVLine)
+	{
+		//鍗曞厓鏍间綅缃悗绉�
+		m_FocusCol += 1;
+	}
 	if (m_FocusCol >= 16) 
 		m_FocusCol = 0;
@@ -1951,6 +1982,9 @@
 	POINT StPts[100];
 	//	StPts[0] = POINT{ 0, 0 };
 	POINT EndPt[100];
+//	POINT StrPt[100];
+//	int nStrPts = 0;
 	int nEndPts = 0;
 	nSts = 0;
 	int nCurLine = 0;
@@ -1977,6 +2011,34 @@
 			switch (nOp)
 			case OP_NOP:
+				break;
+			case OP_END:
+				nCellType =  typeEND;
+				nCurLine = cy;
+				cx = 0;
+				if (cx <= m_CellPerLine) {
+					int hasData = 1;
+					while (hasData) {
+						hasData = 0;
+						for (int j = 0; j < m_CellPerLine; j++) {
+							if (Cells[nCurLine][j].nType != 0) {
+								nCurLine++; hasData = 1; break;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					cy = nCurLine;
+					for (int j = 0; j < m_CellPerLine; j++)
+					{
+						Cells[cy][j].nType = typeLine1;
+					}
+					Cells[cy][m_CellPerLine - 1].nType = nCellType;
+					Cells[cy][cx].nOpType = nOp;
+					Cells[cy][m_CellPerLine - 1].nProgStep = i;
+				}
+				if (cy > maxy) { maxy = cy; }
+				//cy++;
+				break;
 			case OP_ST:
 			case OP_ST_:
@@ -2048,15 +2110,23 @@
 					else if (nPairOp == 0) 
-						nCurLine = maxy + 1; //鍙﹁捣涓�琛�
-						maxy = nCurLine;
-						cx = 0; cy = nCurLine;
+//						if (i > 0 && nOp == pDoc->Progs[i-1].nOpType1)//濡傛灉鍓嶉潰涔熸槸ST锛岄偅灏变笉鎹㈣
+//						{
+//						}
+//						else
+//						{
+							nCurLine = ++maxy;
+							cx = 0;
+							cy = nCurLine;
+//						}
 				stpos[nSts] = i;
 				StPts[nSts] = POINT{ cx,cy };
 				Cells[cy][cx].nType = pDoc->Progs[i].nOpType1 == OP_ST ? typeNO : typeNC; //typeNC
+				Cells[cy][cx].nOpType = nOp;
 				Cells[cy][cx].nProgStep = i;
 				Cells[cy][cx].sCoilName = pDoc->Progs[i].Params[0].sParamStr;
 				Cells[cy][cx].sParam = pDoc->Progs[i].Params[0].sParamStr;
@@ -2111,6 +2181,7 @@
 				StPts[nSts] = POINT{ cx,cy };
 				Cells[cy][cx].nType = typeCMP;
+				Cells[cy][cx].nOpType = nOp;
 				Cells[cy][cx].nProgStep = i;
 				Cells[cy][cx].sParam = OpName;
 				Cells[cy][cx].sCoilName = ShowTxt;
@@ -2129,6 +2200,7 @@
 			case OP_AN_:
 				Cells[cy][cx].nType = nOp == OP_AN ? typeNO : typeNC; //typeNC
+				Cells[cy][cx].nOpType = nOp;
 				Cells[cy][cx].nProgStep = i;
 				Cells[cy][cx].sParam = pDoc->Progs[i].Params[0].sParamStr;
 				Cells[cy][cx].sCoilName = pDoc->Progs[i].Params[0].sParamStr;
@@ -2143,6 +2215,7 @@
 			case OP_AN_LE:
 			case OP_AN_GE:
 				Cells[cy][cx].nType = typeCMP;
+				Cells[cy][cx].nOpType = nOp;
 				Cells[cy][cx].nProgStep = i;
 				Cells[cy][cx].sCoilName = ShowTxt;
 				Cells[cy][cx + 1].nType = typeExt1;
@@ -2191,27 +2264,28 @@
 				StPts[nSts] = POINT{ cx,cy };//+++
 				Cells[cy][cx].nProgStep = i;
 				Cells[cy][cx].nType = nOp == OP_OR ? typeNO : typeNC; //typeNC
+				Cells[cy][cx].nOpType = nOp;
 				Cells[cy][cx].sCoilName = pDoc->Progs[i].Params[0].sParamStr;
 				Cells[cy][cx].sParam = pDoc->Progs[i].Params[0].sParamStr;
 				Cells[cy][cx].nDataType = pDoc->Progs[i].Params[0].nParamType;
 				Cells[cy][cx].nDataAddr = pDoc->Progs[i].Params[0].nParamAddr;
-				//if (cx <= EndPt[nEndPts - 1].x)
-				//{	//鏈琛ラ綈
-				//	for (int j = cx; j < EndPt[nEndPts - 1].x; j++)
-				//	{
-				//		Cells[cy][j].nType = typeLine1;
-				//	}
-				//	cx = EndPt[nEndPts - 1].x;
-				//}
-				//else {
-				//	//鍓嶄竴琛岃ˉ榻�
-				//	for (int j = EndPt[nEndPts - 1].x; j < cx; j++)
-				//	{
-				//		Cells[EndPt[nEndPts - 1].y][j].nType = typeLine1;
-				//	}
+				if (cx <= EndPt[nEndPts - 1].x)
+				{	//鏈琛ラ綈
+					for (int j = cx; j < EndPt[nEndPts - 1].x; j++)
+					{
+						Cells[cy][j].nType = typeLine1;
+					}
+					cx = EndPt[nEndPts - 1].x;
+				}
+				else {
+					//鍓嶄竴琛岃ˉ榻�
+					for (int j = EndPt[nEndPts - 1].x; j < cx; j++)
+					{
+						Cells[EndPt[nEndPts - 1].y][j].nType = typeLine1;
+					}
-				//}
+				}
 				for (int j = EndPt[nEndPts - 1].y; j < cy; j++)
@@ -2252,6 +2326,7 @@
 				cy = nCurLine;
 				Cells[cy][cx].nType = typeCMP;
+				Cells[cy][cx].nOpType = nOp;
 				Cells[cy][cx].nProgStep = i;
 				Cells[cy][cx].sCoilName = ShowTxt;
 				Cells[cy][cx + 1].nType = typeExt1;
@@ -2292,6 +2367,7 @@
 			case OP_NOT:
 				Cells[cy][cx].nType = typeNOT;
+				Cells[cy][cx].nOpType = nOp;
 				Cells[cy][cx].sCoilName = _T("NOT");
 				Cells[cy][cx].nProgStep = i;
@@ -2300,63 +2376,96 @@
 			case OP_DF:
 			case OP_DF_:
 				Cells[cy][cx].nType = nOp == OP_DF ? typeDF : typeDF_;
+				Cells[cy][cx].nOpType = nOp;
 				Cells[cy][cx].sCoilName = nOp == OP_DF ? _T("DF") : _T("DF/");
 				Cells[cy][cx].nProgStep = i;
 			case OP_ANS:
+				/*
+				//ANS璇存槑鏄湁鐜矾锛屾暣琛岃繘琛岀Щ鍔紙鍚戝彸锛変粠鍚庡悜鍓嶈繘琛岀Щ鍔�
+				EndPt[nEndPts].y;
+				for (int i = EndPt[nEndPts-1].x ; i > 0; i--)
+				{
+					for (int j = EndPt[nEndPts].x; j >= 0; j--)
+					{
+						if (j > 0
+							&& Cells[cy + 1][j-1].nType == typeNone 
+							|| Cells[cy + 1][j - 1].nType == typeLine1 
+							|| Cells[cy + 1][j - 1].nType == typeLine2)
+						{
+							continue;						
+						}
+						Cells[cy + 1][j] = Cells[cy + 1][j - 1];
+					}
+				}
+				Cells[EndPt[nEndPts].y][EndPt[nEndPts-1].x].bLeftLineDn = 1;
+				Cells[EndPt[nEndPts].y+1][EndPt[nEndPts-1].x].bLeftLineUp = 1;
+				*/
 			case OP_ORS:
-				//褰撳墠搴忓垪涓庡墠闈㈢殑搴忓垪鍚堝苟銆�
+				// 褰撳墠搴忓垪涓庡墠闈㈢殑搴忓垪鍚堝苟銆�
 				//EndPt[nEndPts] = POINT{ cx,cy };
 				//StPts[nSts - 1]; EndPt[nEndPts - 1];
-				StPts[nSts - 1]; 
-				EndPt[nEndPts - 1];
+				StPts[nSts - 1]; EndPt[nEndPts - 1];
 				if (nEndPts <= 0)
-				////鍒ゆ柇浜岃�呴暱搴�
-				//if (cx < EndPt[nEndPts - 1].x)
-				//{	
-				//	//鏈琛ラ綈
-				//	for (int j = cx; j < EndPt[nEndPts - 1].x; j++)
-				//	{
-				//		Cells[cy][j].nType = typeLine1;
-				//	}
-				//	cx = EndPt[nEndPts - 1].x;
-				//}
-				//else 
-				//{
-				//	//鍓嶄竴琛岃ˉ榻�
-				//	for (int j = EndPt[nEndPts - 1].x; j < cx; j++)
-				//	{
-				//		Cells[EndPt[nEndPts - 1].y][j].nType = typeLine1;
-				//	}
-				//}
-				////杩炴帴涓婁笅绾�
-				//for (int j = EndPt[nEndPts - 1].y; j < cy; j++)
-				//{
-				//	Cells[j][cx].bLeftLineDn = 1;
-				//	Cells[j + 1][cx].bLeftLineUp = 1;
-				//}
-				////鍏夋爣浣嶇疆, 鍓嶄竴缁撴潫鐐逛綅缃�
-				//cy = EndPt[nEndPts - 1].y;
+				//鍒ゆ柇浜岃�呴暱搴�
+				if (cx < EndPt[nEndPts - 1].x)
+				{	
+					//鏈琛ラ綈
+					for (int j = cx; j < EndPt[nEndPts - 1].x; j++)
+					{
+						Cells[cy][j].nType = typeLine1;
+					}
+					cx = EndPt[nEndPts - 1].x;
+				}
+				else 
+				{
+					//鍓嶄竴琛岃ˉ榻�
+					for (int j = EndPt[nEndPts - 1].x; j < cx; j++)
+					{
+						//if (Cells[EndPt[nEndPts - 1].y][j].nType == typeNone)
+						{
+							Cells[EndPt[nEndPts - 1].y][j].nType = typeLine1;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				//杩炴帴涓婁笅绾�
+				for (int j = EndPt[nEndPts - 1].y; j < cy; j++)
+				{
+					Cells[j][cx].bLeftLineDn = 1;
+					Cells[j + 1][cx].bLeftLineUp = 1;
+				}
+				//Cells[cy][cx].bLeftLineUp = 1;
+				//Cells[cy-1][cx].bLeftLineDn = 1;
+				//鍏夋爣浣嶇疆, 鍓嶄竴缁撴潫鐐逛綅缃�
+				cy = EndPt[nEndPts].y;
+			//	cx = EndPt[nEndPts].x;
 			case OP_PSHS:
 				EndPt[nEndPts] = POINT{ cx,cy };
+				StrPt[nStrPts] = POINT{ EndPt[nEndPts].x,EndPt[nEndPts].y+1 };
+				nStrPts++;
 			case OP_RDS:
 				cx = EndPt[nEndPts - 1].x;
@@ -2386,7 +2495,11 @@
 					Cells[j + 1][cx].bLeftLineUp = 1;
+				nStrPts--;
+				cy = StrPt[nStrPts].y;
+				cx = StrPt[nStrPts].x;
 			case OP_OUT:
 			case OP_SET:
@@ -2415,6 +2528,7 @@
 						Cells[cy][j].nType = typeLine1;
 					Cells[cy][m_CellPerLine - 1].nType = nCellType;
+					Cells[cy][cx].nOpType = nOp;
 					Cells[cy][m_CellPerLine - 1].nProgStep = i;
 					Cells[cy][m_CellPerLine - 1].sParam = pDoc->Progs[i].Params[0].sParamStr;
 					Cells[cy][m_CellPerLine - 1].sCoilName = pDoc->Progs[i].Params[0].sParamStr;
@@ -2424,6 +2538,7 @@
 				else {
 					Cells[cy][cx].nType = nCellType;
+					Cells[cy][cx].nOpType = nOp;
 					Cells[cy][cx].nProgStep = i;
 					Cells[cy][cx].sParam = pDoc->Progs[i].Params[0].sParamStr;
 					Cells[cy][cx].sCoilName = pDoc->Progs[i].Params[0].sParamStr;
@@ -2438,7 +2553,26 @@
 			case OP_TMR:
 			case OP_TMX:
 			case OP_TMY:
+				nCurLine = cy;
+				{
+					int hasData = 1;
+					while (hasData) {
+						hasData = 0;
+						for (int j = cx; j < m_CellPerLine; j++) {
+							if (Cells[nCurLine][j].nType != 0) {
+								nCurLine++; hasData = 1; break;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					//if (nCurLine > maxy)	maxy = nCurLine;
+					for (int j = cy; j < nCurLine; j++) {
+						Cells[j][cx].bLeftLineDn = 1;
+						Cells[j + 1][cx].bLeftLineUp = 1;
+					}
+				}
+				cy = nCurLine;
 				Cells[cy][cx].nType = typeTM;
+				Cells[cy][cx].nOpType = nOp;
 				Cells[cy][cx].nProgStep = i;
 				Cells[cy][cx].sCoilName = ShowTxt;
 				Cells[cy][cx + 1].nType = typeExt1;
@@ -2454,6 +2588,7 @@
 			case OP_INC:
 			case OP_DEC:
 				Cells[cy][cx].nType = typeFN1;
+				Cells[cy][cx].nOpType = nOp;
 				Cells[cy][cx].nProgStep = i;
 				Cells[cy][cx].sCoilName = ShowTxt;
 				Cells[cy][cx + 1].nType = typeExt1;
@@ -2467,6 +2602,7 @@
 			case OP_ADD2:
 			case OP_SUB2:
 				Cells[cy][cx].nType = typeFN2;
+				Cells[cy][cx].nOpType = nOp;
 				Cells[cy][cx].nProgStep = i;
 				Cells[cy][cx].sCoilName = ShowTxt;
 				Cells[cy][cx + 1].nType = typeExt1;
@@ -2485,6 +2621,7 @@
 			case OP_MUL:
 			case OP_DIV:
 				Cells[cy][cx].nType = typeFN3;
+				Cells[cy][cx].nOpType = nOp;
 				Cells[cy][cx].nProgStep = i;
 				Cells[cy][cx].sCoilName = ShowTxt;
 				Cells[cy][cx + 1].nType = typeExt1;
@@ -2505,6 +2642,7 @@
+			if (cy > maxy) { maxy = cy; }
 	catch (const std::exception&)
@@ -2527,7 +2665,1065 @@
 	needReDraw = 1;
 	return 0;
-bool firstCoil = true;//鏈绗竴涓崟鍏冩牸
+int CMTerm1View::AddNode(int nType, int CellX, int CellY, CString sCoilName, int PrevNode)
+	node& theNode = nodes[nNodeCount];
+	theNode.nId = nNodeCount;
+	theNode.bEnable = 1;
+	theNode.nType = nType;
+	theNode.indegree = 0;
+	theNode.outdegree = 0;
+	theNode.firstOut = 0;
+	theNode.firstIn = 0;
+	theNode.input = 0;
+	theNode.result = 0;
+	theNode.nCellX = CellX;
+	theNode.nCellY = CellY;
+	theNode.CoilName = sCoilName;
+	theNode.InProcCount = 0;
+	theNode.OutProcCount = 0;
+	theNode.OutProcAllDone = 0;
+	theNode.prog1.Progs.clear();
+	int nOp = Cells[CellY][CellX].nOpType;
+	int nCoilType, nCoilAddr;
+	if (nType == typeNO)
+	 {
+		CMTerm1Doc::stProg prog0;
+		if (CellX == 0) {
+			prog0.nOpType1 = OP_ST; // OP_AN;
+		}else 
+		if (nOp >= 1 && nOp <= 255) {
+			//prog0.nOpType1 = nOp; // OP_AN;
+			prog0.nOpType1 = OP_AN; // OP_AN;
+		}
+		else {
+			prog0.nOpType1 = OP_AN; // OP_AN;
+		}
+		prog0.nParamCount = 1;
+		prog0.Params[0].sParamStr = sCoilName;
+		CStringA s2A;
+		s2A = sCoilName;
+		GetDocument()->TxtToCoilType(s2A,&nCoilType,&nCoilAddr);
+		prog0.Params[0].nParamType = nCoilType;
+		prog0.Params[0].nParamAddr = nCoilAddr;
+		theNode.prog1.Append(prog0);
+	}
+	else if (nType == typeNC) {
+		CMTerm1Doc::stProg prog0;
+		if (CellX == 0) {
+			prog0.nOpType1 = OP_ST_; // OP_AN;
+		}
+		else if (nOp >= 1 && nOp <= 255) {
+			//prog0.nOpType1 = nOp; // OP_AN;
+			prog0.nOpType1 = OP_AN_; // OP_AN;
+		}
+		else  {
+			prog0.nOpType1 = OP_AN_; // OP_AN;
+		}
+		prog0.nParamCount = 1;
+		prog0.Params[0].sParamStr = Cells[CellY][CellX].sCoilName;
+		CStringA s2A;
+		s2A = sCoilName;
+		GetDocument()->TxtToCoilType(s2A, &nCoilType, &nCoilAddr);
+		prog0.Params[0].nParamType = nCoilType;
+		prog0.Params[0].nParamAddr = nCoilAddr;
+		theNode.prog1.Append(prog0);
+	}
+	else if (nType == typeEND) {
+		theNode.prog1.Append(CMTerm1Doc::stProg(OP_END));
+	}
+	else if (nType == typePP) {
+		CMTerm1Doc::stProg prog0;
+		prog0.nOpType1 = Cells[CellY][CellX].nOpType;
+		prog0.nParamCount = 1;
+		prog0.Params[0].sParamStr = sCoilName;
+		prog0.Params[0].nParamType = Cells[CellY][CellX].nDataType;
+		prog0.Params[0].nParamAddr = Cells[CellY][CellX].nDataAddr;
+		theNode.prog1.Append(prog0);
+	}
+	else if (nType == typePN) {
+		CMTerm1Doc::stProg prog0;
+		prog0.nOpType1 = Cells[CellY][CellX].nOpType;
+		prog0.nParamCount = 1;
+		prog0.Params[0].sParamStr = sCoilName;
+		prog0.Params[0].nParamType = Cells[CellY][CellX].nDataType;
+		prog0.Params[0].nParamAddr = Cells[CellY][CellX].nDataAddr;
+		theNode.prog1.Append(prog0);
+	}
+	else if (nType == typeNOT) {
+		theNode.prog1.Append(CMTerm1Doc::stProg(OP_NOT));
+	}
+	else if (nType == typeDF) {
+		theNode.prog1.Append(CMTerm1Doc::stProg(OP_DF));
+	}
+	else if (nType == typeDF_) {
+		theNode.prog1.Append(CMTerm1Doc::stProg(OP_DF_));
+	}
+	else if (nType == typeOUT) {
+		CMTerm1Doc::stProg prog0;
+		prog0.nOpType1 = OP_OUT;
+		prog0.nParamCount = 1;
+		prog0.Params[0].sParamStr = sCoilName;
+		CStringA s2A;
+		s2A = sCoilName;
+		GetDocument()->TxtToCoilType(s2A, &nCoilType, &nCoilAddr);
+		prog0.Params[0].nParamType = nCoilType;
+		prog0.Params[0].nParamAddr = nCoilAddr;
+		theNode.prog1.Append(prog0);
+	}
+	else if (nType == typeSET) {
+		CMTerm1Doc::stProg prog0;
+		prog0.nOpType1 = OP_SET;
+		prog0.nParamCount = 1;
+		prog0.Params[0].sParamStr = sCoilName;
+		CStringA s2A;
+		s2A = sCoilName;
+		GetDocument()->TxtToCoilType(s2A, &nCoilType, &nCoilAddr);
+		prog0.Params[0].nParamType = nCoilType;
+		prog0.Params[0].nParamAddr = nCoilAddr;
+		theNode.prog1.Append(prog0);
+	}
+	else if (nType == typeRESET) {
+		CMTerm1Doc::stProg prog0;
+		prog0.nOpType1 = OP_RESET;
+		prog0.nParamCount = 1;
+		prog0.Params[0].sParamStr = sCoilName;
+		CStringA s2A;
+		s2A = sCoilName;
+		GetDocument()->TxtToCoilType(s2A, &nCoilType, &nCoilAddr);
+		prog0.Params[0].nParamType = nCoilType;
+		prog0.Params[0].nParamAddr = nCoilAddr;
+		theNode.prog1.Append(prog0);
+	}
+	else if (nType == typeCMP) {
+		CMTerm1Doc::stProg prog0;
+		Cells[CellY][CellX];
+		prog0.nOpType1 = Cells[CellY][CellX].nOpType;
+		prog0.nParamCount = 2;
+		prog0.Params[0].sParamStr = Cells[CellY][CellX + 1].sParam;
+		prog0.Params[0].nParamType = Cells[CellY][CellX + 1].nDataType;
+		prog0.Params[0].nParamAddr = Cells[CellY][CellX + 1].nDataAddr;
+		prog0.Params[1].sParamStr = Cells[CellY][CellX + 2].sParam;
+		prog0.Params[1].nParamType = Cells[CellY][CellX + 2].nDataType;
+		prog0.Params[1].nParamAddr = Cells[CellY][CellX + 2].nDataAddr;
+		theNode.prog1.Append(prog0);
+	}
+	else if (nType == typeTM) {
+		CMTerm1Doc::stProg prog0;
+		prog0.nOpType1 = Cells[CellY][CellX].nOpType;
+		prog0.nParamCount = 2;
+		prog0.Params[0].sParamStr = Cells[CellY][CellX + 1].sParam;
+		prog0.Params[0].nParamType = Cells[CellY][CellX + 1].nDataType;
+		prog0.Params[0].nParamAddr = Cells[CellY][CellX + 1].nDataAddr;
+		prog0.Params[1].sParamStr = Cells[CellY][CellX + 2].sParam;
+		prog0.Params[1].nParamType = Cells[CellY][CellX + 2].nDataType;
+		prog0.Params[1].nParamAddr = Cells[CellY][CellX + 2].nDataAddr;
+		theNode.prog1.Append(prog0);
+	}
+	else if (nType == typeFN1) {
+		CMTerm1Doc::stProg prog0;
+		prog0.nOpType1 = Cells[CellY][CellX].nOpType;;
+		prog0.nParamCount = 1;
+		prog0.Params[0].sParamStr = Cells[CellY][CellX + 1].sParam;
+		prog0.Params[0].nParamType = Cells[CellY][CellX + 1].nDataType;
+		prog0.Params[0].nParamAddr = Cells[CellY][CellX + 1].nDataAddr;
+		theNode.prog1.Append(prog0);
+	}
+	else if (nType == typeFN2) {
+		CMTerm1Doc::stProg prog0;
+		prog0.nOpType1 = Cells[CellY][CellX].nOpType;;
+		prog0.nParamCount = 2;
+		prog0.Params[0].sParamStr = Cells[CellY][CellX + 1].sParam;
+		prog0.Params[0].nParamType = Cells[CellY][CellX + 1].nDataType;
+		prog0.Params[0].nParamAddr = Cells[CellY][CellX + 1].nDataAddr;
+		prog0.Params[1].sParamStr = Cells[CellY][CellX + 2].sParam;
+		prog0.Params[1].nParamType = Cells[CellY][CellX + 2].nDataType;
+		prog0.Params[1].nParamAddr = Cells[CellY][CellX + 2].nDataAddr;
+		theNode.prog1.Append(prog0);
+	}
+	else if (nType == typeFN3) {
+		CMTerm1Doc::stProg prog0;
+		prog0.nOpType1 = Cells[CellY][CellX].nOpType;;
+		prog0.nParamCount = 3;
+		prog0.Params[0].sParamStr = Cells[CellY][CellX + 1].sParam;
+		prog0.Params[0].nParamType = Cells[CellY][CellX + 1].nDataType;
+		prog0.Params[0].nParamAddr = Cells[CellY][CellX + 1].nDataAddr;
+		prog0.Params[1].sParamStr = Cells[CellY][CellX + 2].sParam;
+		prog0.Params[1].nParamType = Cells[CellY][CellX + 2].nDataType;
+		prog0.Params[1].nParamAddr = Cells[CellY][CellX + 2].nDataAddr;
+		prog0.Params[2].sParamStr = Cells[CellY][CellX + 3].sParam;
+		prog0.Params[2].nParamType = Cells[CellY][CellX + 3].nDataType;
+		prog0.Params[2].nParamAddr = Cells[CellY][CellX + 3].nDataAddr;
+		theNode.prog1.Append(prog0);
+	}
+	else if (nType == typeFN4) {
+		CMTerm1Doc::stProg prog0;
+		prog0.nOpType1 = Cells[CellY][CellX].nOpType;;
+		prog0.nParamCount = 4;
+		prog0.Params[0].sParamStr = Cells[CellY][CellX + 1].sParam;
+		prog0.Params[0].nParamType = Cells[CellY][CellX + 1].nDataType;
+		prog0.Params[0].nParamAddr = Cells[CellY][CellX + 1].nDataAddr;
+		prog0.Params[1].sParamStr = Cells[CellY][CellX + 2].sParam;
+		prog0.Params[1].nParamType = Cells[CellY][CellX + 2].nDataType;
+		prog0.Params[1].nParamAddr = Cells[CellY][CellX + 2].nDataAddr;
+		prog0.Params[2].sParamStr = Cells[CellY][CellX + 3].sParam;
+		prog0.Params[2].nParamType = Cells[CellY][CellX + 3].nDataType;
+		prog0.Params[2].nParamAddr = Cells[CellY][CellX + 3].nDataAddr;
+		prog0.Params[3].sParamStr = Cells[CellY][CellX + 4].sParam;
+		prog0.Params[3].nParamType = Cells[CellY][CellX + 4].nDataType;
+		prog0.Params[3].nParamAddr = Cells[CellY][CellX + 4].nDataAddr;
+		theNode.prog1.Append(prog0);
+	}
+	if (PrevNode > 0) {
+		AddArc(PrevNode, nNodeCount);
+	}
+	nNodeCount++;
+	return nNodeCount-1;
+int SearchLastInArc(int nNodeID)
+	int ArcId = 0;
+	return ArcId;
+int SearchLastOutArc(int nNodeID)
+		int ArcId = 0;
+		return ArcId;
+int CMTerm1View::AddArc(int nNodeID1, int nNodeID2)
+	node& theNode1 = nodes[nNodeID1];
+	node& theNode2 = nodes[nNodeID2];
+	arc& theArc = arcs[nArcCount];
+	theArc.nId = nArcCount;
+	theArc.bEnable = 1;
+	theNode2.firstIn;
+	theArc.headNode = nNodeID2;
+	theArc.tailNode = nNodeID1;
+	theArc.hlinkId = 0;
+	theArc.tlinkId = 0;
+	theArc.tailvex = &theNode1;
+	theArc.headvex = &theNode2;
+	theArc.tlink = 0;
+	theArc.hlink = 0;
+	theNode1.outdegree++;
+	theNode2.indegree++;
+	//濡傛灉椤剁偣宸茬粡鏈� 杩炴帴 锛屽皢鏂扮殑寮у姞鍒板凡鏈夊姬鐨勫悗闈€��
+	if (theNode1.firstOut == 0) {
+		theNode1.firstOut = &theArc; 
+	}else {
+		arc * p1 = theNode1.firstOut;
+		for (; p1->tlink != 0;) {
+			 p1 = p1->tlink;
+		}
+		p1->tlink = &theArc;
+		p1->tlinkId = nArcCount;
+	}
+	if (theNode2.firstIn == 0) {
+		theNode2.firstIn = &theArc;
+	}else{
+		arc* p1 = theNode2.firstIn;
+		for (; p1->hlink != 0;) {
+			p1 = p1->hlink;
+		}
+		p1->hlink = &theArc;
+		p1->hlinkId = nArcCount;
+	}
+	nArcCount++;
+	return nArcCount;
+int CMTerm1View::MergeParallelNodeWithinVP(int nVPNodeId1, int nVPNodeId2)		//鍚堝苟涓や釜涓茶仈鐨勮櫄鑺傜偣涔嬮棿鎵�鏈夌殑骞惰 Node锛屽苟琛屾暟閲忓彲鑳藉ぇ浜�2涓��
+	node& theNode1 = nodes[nVPNodeId1];			//铏氳妭鐐�1
+	node& theNode2 = nodes[nVPNodeId2];			//铏氳妭鐐�2
+	// 蹇呴』鍓嶈�� 涓� 鍚庤�� 涔嬮棿鏈変袱鏉′互涓� 涓旇繛缁紝鍏朵腑涓�鏂逛负鍙︿竴鏂圭殑瀛愰泦 鎵嶈兘鍚堝苟銆�
+	// 鍏堟壘鍒颁袱鑰呰繛鎺ョ殑寮�
+	if (!theNode1.bEnable || !theNode2.bEnable) return -1;
+	if (theNode1.outdegree < 2 || theNode2.indegree < 2 ) return -2;
+//	if (theNode1.firstOut != theNode2.firstIn) return -3;
+//  鍏堟壘鍒扮涓�涓繛鎺�
+	CString s1;
+	//鍏堝垽鏂袱鑰呭ぇ灏�
+	int n1 = theNode1.outdegree;
+	int n2 = theNode2.indegree;
+	if (n1 <= n2) {			//鍓嶈�呮槸鍚庣殑鐨勫瓙闆�
+		int n = 0;
+		arc* ptheArc1 = theNode1.firstOut;
+		while (ptheArc1)
+		{	// 鍙栧緱杩炴帴鐨勫疄鑺傜偣鍦板潃;
+			node* pThisNode1 = ptheArc1->headvex;
+			// 鍙栧緱瀹炶妭鐐硅繛鎺ョ殑寮�;
+			arc* ptheArc2 = pThisNode1->firstOut;
+			// 鍙栧嚭寮ц繛鎺ョ殑涓嬩竴涓妭鐐�, 鐩爣铏氳妭鐐�
+			node* pThatNode1 = ptheArc2->headvex;
+			// 鍒ゆ柇杩欎釜鐐规槸涓嶆槸鎸囧畾鐨勮櫄鑺傜偣
+			if (pThatNode1 != &theNode2) { return -3; } // 娌¤繛鎺ュ埌绗簩涓櫄鑺傜偣
+			n++;
+			// 缁х画涓嬩竴涓繛鎺ョ殑寮�;
+			ptheArc1 = ptheArc1->tlink;
+		}
+		if (theNode1.outdegree != n ) return -2;
+		//node& theNode;
+		// 绗簩娆★紝閲嶆潵涓�閬嶏紝寮�濮嬪悎骞剁▼搴� 
+		stProgSection prog2;
+		ptheArc1 = theNode1.firstOut;
+		node* pThisNode1 = ptheArc1->headvex;	// 绗竴涓疄鑺傜偣
+		stProgSection prog1 = pThisNode1->prog1;
+		if (prog1.Progs[0].nOpType1 == OP_AN) { prog1.Progs[0].nOpType1 = OP_ST; }
+		else if (prog1.Progs[0].nOpType1 == OP_AN_) { prog1.Progs[0].nOpType1 = OP_ST_; }
+		else if (prog1.Progs[0].nOpType1 == OP_ST || prog1.Progs[0].nOpType1 == OP_ST_ ){
+			prog1.Prefix += 1;
+			s1.Format(_T(" <+1  %s"),prog1.ToText());	DbgLog(s1);
+		}
+		else {
+			prog1.Prefix += 0;
+			s1.Format(_T(" < +0 %s"),prog1.ToText());	DbgLog(s1);
+		}
+		prog2 = prog1;				// 鍙栧緱绗竴涓疄鑺傜偣鐨勭▼搴�
+		ptheArc1 = ptheArc1->tlink;				//涓嬩竴涓姬
+		while (ptheArc1)
+		{
+			//鍙栧緱鐩歌繛鐨勫疄鑺傜偣鍦板潃
+			node* pThisNode2 = ptheArc1->headvex;
+			stProgSection prog1 = pThisNode2->prog1;
+			if (prog1.Progs[0].nOpType1 == OP_AN) { prog1.Progs[0].nOpType1 = OP_ST; }
+			else if (prog1.Progs[0].nOpType1 == OP_AN_) { prog1.Progs[0].nOpType1 = OP_ST_; }
+			else if (prog1.Progs[0].nOpType1 == OP_ST || prog1.Progs[0].nOpType1 == OP_ST_) {
+				prog1.Prefix += 1;
+				s1.Format(_T(" < 2 +1 %s"), prog1.ToText());	DbgLog(s1);
+				if (theNode1.nType == -1) { prog1.reduce(); }
+			}
+			else {
+				prog1.Prefix += 0;
+				s1.Format(_T(" < 2 +0 %s"),prog1.ToText());	DbgLog(s1);
+			}
+			if (prog1.Progs.size() > 1) {
+				prog1.Append(CMTerm1Doc::stProg(OP_ORS));
+			}
+			else {
+				if (pThisNode2->nType == typeNC) prog1.Progs[0].nOpType1 = OP_OR_;
+				else if (pThisNode2->nType == typeNO) prog1.Progs[0].nOpType1 = OP_OR;
+				else prog1.Progs[0].nOpType1 = OP_OR;
+			}
+			prog2 += prog1;
+			// 鍙栧緱瀹炶妭鐐硅繛鎺ョ殑寮�;
+			arc* ptheArc2 = pThisNode2->firstOut;
+			RemoveArc(ptheArc2->nId);				//鍒犻櫎寮�
+			arc* pTheNextArc = ptheArc1->tlink;		//鍙栧緱涓嬩竴涓姬骞朵繚瀛�
+			RemoveArc(ptheArc1->nId);				//鍒犻櫎褰撳墠寮�
+			pThisNode2->bEnable = 0;				//鍒犻櫎瀹炶妭鐐�
+			ptheArc1 = pTheNextArc;
+		}
+		if (theNode1.nType == -1 && theNode2.nType == -1) { prog2.Append(CMTerm1Doc::stProg(OP_ANS)); }
+		pThisNode1->prog1 = prog2;				//灏嗘墍鏈夌▼搴忔眹鎬诲埌绗竴涓疄鑺傜偣
+	//	pThisNode1->prog1.reduce();
+	//	s1 = prog2.ToText(GetDocument());
+	//	DbgLog(_T("------ ") + s1);
+	}
+	else {			// n1> n2  // 鍚庤�呮槸鍓嶈�呯殑瀛愰泦
+		int n = 0;
+		arc* ptheArc1 = theNode2.firstIn;
+		while (ptheArc1)
+		{
+			//鍙栧緱鐩歌繛鐨勮櫄鑺傜偣鍦板潃
+			// 鍙栧緱杩炴帴鐨勫疄鑺傜偣鍦板潃;
+			node* pThisNode1 = ptheArc1->tailvex;
+			// 鍙栧緱瀹炶妭鐐硅繛鎺ョ殑寮�;
+			arc* ptheArc2 = pThisNode1->firstIn;
+			// 鍙栧嚭寮ц繛鎺ョ殑涓嬩竴涓妭鐐�
+			node* pThatNode1 = ptheArc2->tailvex;
+			// 鍒ゆ柇杩欎釜鐐规槸涓嶆槸鎸囧畾鐨勮櫄鑺傜偣
+			if (pThatNode1 != &theNode1) { return -3; } // 娌¤繛鎺ュ埌绗簩涓櫄鑺傜偣
+			n++;
+			// 缁х画涓嬩竴涓繛鎺ョ殑寮�;
+			ptheArc1 = ptheArc1->hlink;
+		}
+		if (theNode2.indegree != n) return -1;
+		//node& theNode;
+		// 绗簩娆★紝閲嶆潵涓�閬嶏紝寮�濮嬪悎骞剁▼搴� 
+		stProgSection prog2;
+		ptheArc1 = theNode2.firstIn;
+		node* pThisNode1 = ptheArc1->tailvex;	// 绗竴涓疄鑺傜偣
+		stProgSection prog1 = pThisNode1->prog1;
+		if (prog1.Progs[0].nOpType1 == OP_AN) { prog1.Progs[0].nOpType1 = OP_ST; }
+		else if (prog1.Progs[0].nOpType1 == OP_AN_) { prog1.Progs[0].nOpType1 = OP_ST_; }
+		else if (prog1.Progs[0].nOpType1 == OP_ST || prog1.Progs[0].nOpType1 == OP_ST_) {
+			prog1.Prefix += 1;
+			s1.Format(_T(" > +1 %s"),prog1.ToText());	DbgLog(s1);
+		}
+		else {
+			prog1.Prefix += 0;
+			s1.Format(_T(" > +0 %s"), prog1.ToText());	DbgLog(s1);
+		}
+		prog2 = prog1;				// 鍙栧緱绗竴涓疄鑺傜偣鐨勭▼搴�
+		ptheArc1 = ptheArc1->hlink;
+		bool NeedANS = 0;
+		while (ptheArc1)
+		{
+			//鍙栧緱鐩歌繛鐨勮櫄鑺傜偣鍦板潃
+			node* pThisNode2 = ptheArc1->tailvex;
+			stProgSection prog1 = pThisNode2->prog1;
+			if (prog1.Progs[0].nOpType1 == OP_AN) { prog1.Progs[0].nOpType1 = OP_ST; }
+			else if (prog1.Progs[0].nOpType1 == OP_AN_) { prog1.Progs[0].nOpType1 = OP_ST_; }
+			else if (prog1.Progs[0].nOpType1 == OP_ST || prog1.Progs[0].nOpType1 == OP_ST_) {
+				prog1.Prefix += 1;
+				s1.Format(_T(" > 2 +1 %s"),prog1.ToText());	DbgLog(s1);
+			}
+			else {
+				prog1.Prefix += 0;
+				s1.Format(_T(" >2 +0 %s"),prog1.ToText());	DbgLog(s1);
+			}
+			if (prog1.Progs.size() > 1) {
+				prog1.Append(CMTerm1Doc::stProg(OP_ORS));
+				NeedANS = 1;
+			}
+			else {
+				if (pThisNode2->nType == typeNC) prog1.Progs[0].nOpType1 = OP_OR_;
+				else if (pThisNode2->nType == typeNO) prog1.Progs[0].nOpType1 = OP_OR;
+				else prog1.Progs[0].nOpType1 = OP_OR;
+				NeedANS = 1;
+			}
+			prog2 += prog1;
+			arc* ptheArc2 = pThisNode2->firstIn;
+			RemoveArc(ptheArc2->nId);				//鍒犻櫎寮�
+			arc* pTheNextArc = ptheArc1->hlink;		//鍙栧緱涓嬩竴涓姬骞朵繚瀛�
+			RemoveArc(ptheArc1->nId);				//鍒犻櫎褰撳墠寮�
+			pThisNode2->bEnable = 0;				//鍒犻櫎瀹炶妭鐐�
+			ptheArc1 = pTheNextArc;
+		}
+		if (theNode1.nType == -1 && theNode2.nType == -1 && NeedANS) { prog2.Append(CMTerm1Doc::stProg(OP_ANS)); }
+		pThisNode1->prog1 = prog2;				//灏嗘墍鏈夌▼搴忔眹鎬诲埌绗竴涓疄鑺傜偣
+	//	pThisNode1->prog1.reduce();
+	//	s1 = prog2.ToText(GetDocument());
+	//	DbgLog(_T("------ ") + s1);
+	}
+	return 0;
+int CMTerm1View::RemoveArc(int nArcId)
+	arc& theArc = arcs[nArcId];
+	node& theNode1 = *theArc.tailvex;
+	node& theNode2 = *theArc.headvex;
+	// 鍏堢湅 Node1 杩欒竟锛� 
+	// 棣栧姬
+	if (theNode1.firstOut == &theArc) {
+		theNode1.firstOut = theArc.tlink;
+	}
+	else {
+		arc* thatArc = theNode1.firstOut;
+		while (thatArc->tlink !=0){
+			if (thatArc->tlink == &theArc) {
+				thatArc->tlink = theArc.tlink;
+				break;
+			}
+			thatArc = thatArc->tlink;
+		}
+	}
+	// 鍐嶇湅 Node2 杩欒竟锛� 
+	// 棣栧姬
+	if (theNode2.firstIn == &theArc) {
+		theNode2.firstIn = theArc.hlink;
+	}
+	else {
+		arc* thatArc = theNode2.firstIn;
+		while (thatArc->hlink != 0) {
+			if (thatArc->hlink == &theArc) {
+				thatArc->hlink = theArc.hlink;
+				break;
+			}
+			thatArc = thatArc->hlink;
+		}
+	}
+	theNode1.outdegree--;
+	theNode2.indegree--;
+	return nArcCount;
+int CMTerm1View::RemoveNode(int nNodeId)
+	node& theNode = nodes[nNodeId];
+	theNode.bEnable = 0;
+	if (theNode.indegree) {
+	}
+	return nNodeCount;
+int CMTerm1View::MergeNode(int nNodeId1, int nNodeId2)		//鍚堝苟涓や釜涓茶仈鐨� 瀹� Node
+	node& theNode1 = nodes[nNodeId1];
+	node& theNode2 = nodes[nNodeId2];
+	// 蹇呴』鍓嶈�呭嚭搴� 涓�1 鍚庤�� 鍏ュ害 涓�1锛� 涓� 鐩歌繛锛� 鎵嶈兘鍚堝苟銆�
+	// 鍏堟壘鍒颁袱鑰呰繛鎺ョ殑寮�
+	if (!theNode1.bEnable || !theNode2.bEnable) return -1;
+	if (theNode1.outdegree != 1 || theNode2.indegree != 1) return -2;
+	if (theNode1.firstOut != theNode2.firstIn) return -3;
+	// 鍒犻櫎涓よ�呬箣闂寸殑寮с��
+	RemoveArc(theNode1.firstOut->nId);
+	theNode1.firstOut = 0;
+	theNode2.firstIn = 0;
+	// 灏� Node2 鐨� 鍑� 寮э紝 杞Щ 鍒� node1 涓�
+	theNode1.CoilName += _T("  ") + theNode2.CoilName;
+	theNode1.firstOut = theNode2.firstOut;
+	theNode1.outdegree = theNode2.outdegree;
+	theNode1.prog1 += theNode2.prog1;			// 娈电▼搴忓悎骞�
+	arc* thatArc = theNode2.firstOut;
+	while (thatArc != 0)
+	{
+		thatArc->tailvex = &theNode1;
+		thatArc->tailNode = nNodeId1;
+		thatArc = thatArc->tlink;
+		theNode2.outdegree--;
+	}
+	// 
+	// 鐜板湪 Node2 鐨勫叆搴﹀拰鍑哄害 鍧囦负 0锛� 鍒犻櫎 node2
+	RemoveNode(nNodeId2);
+	return 0;
+//  鍚堝苟浠� nNodeId 铏氳妭鐐瑰彂鍑虹殑 鍚勪釜鍗曡 Nodes; 鐩村埌涓嬩竴涓杈撳嚭鐨勮櫄鑺傜偣
+int CMTerm1View::MergeVPSubSerialNodes(int nNodeId)
+	node& theNode = nodes[nNodeId];
+	arc* theArc = theNode.firstOut;
+	while (theArc != 0) {
+		// 浠庡綋鍓嶅姬 鍙栧嚭涓�涓《鐐�
+		node * thisNode = theArc->headvex;
+		// 浠庤繖涓《鐐癸紝鎵惧埌涓嬩竴涓《鐐�
+		if (thisNode->outdegree == 1 && thisNode->firstOut != 0) {
+			node* thatNode = thisNode->firstOut->headvex;
+			while (thatNode->indegree == 1 && thatNode->outdegree <= 1 && thatNode->nType != -2) {
+				if (thatNode->nType == typeOUT || thatNode->nType == typeSET || thatNode->nType == typeRESET) {
+					//break;
+				}
+				MergeNode(thisNode->nId, thatNode->nId);
+				if (thatNode->firstOut) thatNode = thatNode->firstOut->headvex;
+				else break;
+			}
+			if (thatNode->nType == -1) { //鎵惧埌涓嬩竴涓櫄椤剁偣
+				if (!thatNode->OutProcAllDone) {
+					MergeVPSubSerialNodes(thatNode->nId);	//浠庤櫄椤剁偣缁х画
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// 鍚屼竴涓嚭鍙戠偣鐨� 涓嬩竴鏉″姬
+		theArc = theArc->tlink;
+	};
+	theNode.OutProcAllDone = 1;
+	return 0;
+//  鍚堝苟浠� nNodeId 铏氳妭鐐瑰彂鍑虹殑 鍚勪釜鍗曡 Nodes; 鐩村埌涓嬩竴涓� 澶氳緭鍑虹殑铏氳妭鐐�
+int CMTerm1View::MergeVPSerialNodes(int nNodeId)
+	node& theNode = nodes[nNodeId];
+	arc* theArc = theNode.firstOut;
+	while (theArc != 0) {
+		// 浠庡綋鍓嶅姬 鍙栧嚭涓�涓《鐐�
+		node* thisNode = theArc->headvex;
+		// 浠庤繖涓《鐐癸紝鎵惧埌涓嬩竴涓《鐐�
+		if (thisNode->outdegree == 1 && thisNode->firstOut != 0) {
+			node* thatNode = thisNode->firstOut->headvex;
+			while (thatNode->nType != -2 && thatNode->indegree ==1 && thatNode->outdegree <= 1) {
+				if (thatNode->nType == typeOUT || thatNode->nType == typeSET || thatNode->nType == typeRESET) {
+					//break;
+				}
+				MergeNode(thisNode->nId, thatNode->nId);
+				if (thatNode->firstOut) thatNode = thatNode->firstOut->headvex;
+				else break;
+			}
+			if (thatNode->nType == -1) { //鎵惧埌涓嬩竴涓櫄椤剁偣
+				if (!thatNode->OutProcAllDone) {
+					MergeVPSerialNodes(thatNode->nId);	//浠庤櫄椤剁偣缁х画
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// 鍚屼竴涓嚭鍙戠偣鐨� 涓嬩竴鏉″姬
+		theArc = theArc->tlink;
+	};
+	theNode.OutProcAllDone = 1;
+	return 0;
+//浠� X,Y 鐐癸紝鍚戜笂鏌ユ壘 铏氳妭鐐癸紝鏈�澶氱粓姝簬 endy;
+int CMTerm1View::FindVPNode(int x, int y, int endy)
+	int nNodeId = 0;
+	for (int i = nNodeCount -1 ; i>=1; i--) {
+		if (nodes[i].bEnable && nodes[i].nType == -1 && nodes[i].nCellX == x && nodes[i].nCellY <= y &&nodes[i].nCellY >=endy  )
+		{
+			nNodeId = i; break;
+		}
+	}
+	return nNodeId;
+int CMTerm1View::ScanVPAOV(int nVPNodeId1, int nVPNodeId2)
+	MergeParallelNodeWithinVP(nVPNodeId1, nVPNodeId2);
+	return 0;
+int CMTerm1View::ScanAOV1(int nNodeId)
+	node& theNode = nodes[nNodeId];
+	CString s1;
+	int nInput = theNode.indegree;
+	int nOutput = theNode.outdegree;
+	//	s1.Format(_T("%d type %d op %s coil %s  in %d   out %d"), theNode.nId, theNode.nType, theNode.Op, theNode.CoilName, theNode.indegree, theNode.outdegree);
+	//	DbgLog(s1);
+	if (theNode.InProcCount < theNode.indegree) return 0;
+	// 铏氭嫙缁撶偣锛屽畬鎴愭墍鏈夎緭鍏ャ��
+	stProgSection prog2;
+	if (theNode.outdegree > 0) {
+		//  涓�鐩存悳绱笅鍘伙紝閬囧埌 杈撳叆涓嶄负0鐨� 铏氳妭鐐� 鏃� 鍋滄锛岃繘琛屼笅涓�涓凯浠�
+		arc* theArc = theNode.firstOut;
+		int allOutputMerged = 1;
+		int allOutputSimple = 1;
+		for (int i = 0; i < nOutput && theArc != 0; i++) {
+			node* thisNode = theArc->headvex;
+			thisNode->InProcCount++;
+			s1.Format(_T("- %d type %d op %s coil %s  in %d   out %d"), thisNode->nId, thisNode->nType, thisNode->Op, thisNode->CoilName, thisNode->indegree, thisNode->outdegree);
+			DbgLog(s1);
+			s1 = thisNode->prog1.ToText();
+			DbgLog(_T("------ \r\n") + s1);
+			arc* thisArc = thisNode->firstOut;
+			if (thisNode->outdegree > 0) { allOutputMerged = 0; }
+			if (thisNode->nType == typeOUT || thisNode->nType == typeSET || thisNode->nType == typeRESET) {
+				thisNode->prog1.bModifyVal = 0;
+			}
+			else {
+				allOutputSimple = 0;
+				thisNode->prog1.bModifyVal = 1;
+			}
+			while (thisArc) {
+				thisNode = thisArc->headvex;
+				thisNode->InProcCount++;
+				s1.Format(_T("-- %d type %d op %s coil %s  in %d   out %d"), thisNode->nId, thisNode->nType, thisNode->Op, thisNode->CoilName, thisNode->indegree, thisNode->outdegree);
+				DbgLog(s1);
+				if (thisNode->nType > 0) //thatNode.indegree == 1 && thatNode.outdegree == 1) 
+				{
+				 thisArc = thisNode->firstOut;
+					//	node* thatNode = thisArc->headvex;
+				}
+				else {
+					ScanVPAOV(nNodeId, thisNode->nId);
+					if (thisNode->InProcCount >= thisNode->indegree) {
+						s1.Format(_T("-> %d type %d op %s coil %s  in %d   out %d"), thisNode->nId, thisNode->nType, thisNode->Op, thisNode->CoilName, thisNode->indegree, thisNode->outdegree);
+						DbgLog(s1);
+						ScanAOV1(thisNode->nId);
+					}
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			//			if (thatNode.nType > 0) {
+			//				prog2.Append(thatNode.prog1);
+			//			}
+						//RemoveArc(theArc->nId);
+						// 鍚屼竴涓嚭鍙戠偣鐨� 涓嬩竴鏉″姬
+			theArc = theArc->tlink;
+		}
+		if (theNode.outdegree >= 2 && allOutputMerged) {
+			s1.Format(_T(" Merge Output %d  %d  allsimple = %d "), nNodeId,theNode.outdegree,allOutputSimple);
+			DbgLog(s1);
+			if (allOutputSimple) {
+				arc * thisArc = theNode.firstOut;
+				node* thisNode = thisArc->headvex;
+				thisArc = thisArc->tlink;
+				for (int i = 1; i < nOutput && thisArc != 0; i++) {
+					node* thatNode = thisArc->headvex;
+					thisNode->prog1 += thatNode->prog1;
+					arc * tempArc = thisArc->tlink;
+					RemoveArc(thisArc->nId);
+					thisArc = tempArc;
+					RemoveNode(thatNode->nId);
+				}
+			}
+			else {
+				arc* thisArc = theNode.firstOut;
+				node* thisNode = thisArc->headvex;
+				stProgSection prog2;
+				prog2.Append(CMTerm1Doc::stProg(OP_PSHS));
+				int bLastModify = 1;
+				prog2 += thisNode->prog1;
+				if (thisNode->prog1.bModifyVal == 0) { bLastModify = 0; s1.Format(_T(" ModifyVal = 0, %s"), thisNode->prog1.ToText()); }
+				thisArc = thisArc->tlink;
+				for (int i = 1; i < nOutput  && thisArc != 0; i++) {
+					node* thatNode = thisArc->headvex;
+					if (i == nOutput - 1) { // 鏈�鍚庝竴涓�
+						prog2.Append(CMTerm1Doc::stProg(OP_POPS));
+					}
+					else {
+						if (bLastModify) { prog2.Append(CMTerm1Doc::stProg(OP_RDS)); }
+					}
+					if (thisNode->prog1.bModifyVal == 0) { bLastModify = 0;s1.Format(_T(" ModifyVal = 0, %s"), thisNode->prog1.ToText()); }
+					else { bLastModify = 1; }
+					prog2 += thatNode->prog1;
+					arc* tempArc = thisArc->tlink;
+					RemoveArc(thisArc->nId);
+					thisArc = tempArc;
+					RemoveNode(thatNode->nId);
+				}
+				thisNode->prog1 = prog2;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+	/*
+		node& theNode = nodes[nNodeId];
+		arc* theArc = theNode.firstOut;
+		while (theArc != 0) {
+			// 浠庡綋鍓嶅姬 鍙栧嚭涓�涓《鐐�
+			node* thisNode = theArc->headvex;
+			// 浠庤繖涓《鐐癸紝鎵惧埌涓嬩竴涓《鐐�
+			if (thisNode->outdegree == 1 && thisNode->firstOut != 0) {
+				node* thatNode = thisNode->firstOut->headvex;
+				while (thatNode->nType != -1) {
+					if (thatNode->nType == typeOUT || thatNode->nType == typeSET || thatNode->nType == typeRESET) {
+						break;
+					}
+					MergeNode(thisNode->nId, thatNode->nId);
+					if (thatNode->firstOut) thatNode = thatNode->firstOut->headvex;
+					else break;
+				}
+				if (thatNode->nType == -1) { //鎵惧埌涓嬩竴涓櫄椤剁偣
+					if (!thatNode->OutProcAllDone) {
+						MergeSerialNodes(thatNode->nId);	//浠庤櫄椤剁偣缁х画
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// 鍚屼竴涓嚭鍙戠偣鐨� 涓嬩竴鏉″姬
+			theArc = theArc->tlink;
+		};
+		theNode.OutProcAllDone = 1;
+	*/
+/// <summary>
+/// 璇曠敤 AOV 鏂瑰紡 姊舰鍥捐浆Prog
+/// </summary>
+/// <returns></returns>
+int CMTerm1View::TransLDSToProgAOV()
+	CMTerm1Doc* pDoc = GetDocument();
+	CString s1;
+	s1.Format(_T("Trans LDS to PRrog"));
+	DbgLog(s1);
+	s1.Format(_T("AOV 鏂瑰紡 灏嗘褰㈠浘杞垚prog鏍煎紡"));
+	DbgLog(s1);
+	//姊舰鍥� ROW鏁伴噺
+	s1.Format(_T("鎬昏琛屾暟 %d"), m_nTotalRow);
+	DbgLog(s1);
+	s1.Format(_T("Total Lines %d"), m_nTotalRow);
+	DbgLog(s1);
+	//鍒嗘
+	int nDivCount = 0;
+	//鍒嗘 鐐归泦鍚�
+	int Divs[100] = { 0 };
+	for (int i = 0; i < m_nTotalRow+5 ; i++)
+	{
+		int nRow = i;
+		int bConnected = 0;
+		//鎵弿绋嬪簭锛屽缓绔嬪崄瀛楅摼琛紵
+		for (int j = 0; j < m_CellPerLine; j++)
+		{
+			int nCol = j;
+			if (Cells[nRow][nCol].bLeftLineDn)
+			{
+				bConnected = 1;
+				//s1.Format(_T("row==%d col==%d 鏈夊乏涓嬬珫绾匡紒锛侊紒"), nRow, nCol);
+				//DbgLog(s1);
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if (!bConnected)
+		{
+			//鎵惧埌涓�澶勫垎鐣岀偣
+			Divs[nDivCount] = i;
+			s1.Format(_T("Div at Line %d 鏄� 锛氾細锛氾細锛氾細锛氾細锛氾細锛氾細鍒嗙晫鐐�"), nRow);
+			DbgLog(s1);
+			nDivCount++;
+		}
+	}
+	stProgSection allprogs;
+	//姣忔鍗曠嫭澶勭悊
+	for (int i = 0; i < nDivCount; i++)
+	{
+		int nStartLine, nEndLine;
+		nNodeCount = 0;
+		if (i == 0)
+		{
+			nStartLine = 0;
+			nEndLine = Divs[i];
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			nStartLine = Divs[i - 1] + 1;
+			nEndLine = Divs[i];
+		}
+		s1.Format(_T("鏈琛屽彿 璧峰-缁堟锛� %d - %d "), nStartLine, nEndLine);
+		DbgLog(s1);
+		//s1.Format(_T("Process Line %d - %d "), nStartLine, nEndLine);
+		//DbgLog(s1);
+		int nCounts[20] = { 0 };
+		int nCounts2[20] = { 0 };
+		int nCounts3[20] = { 0 };
+		s1.Empty();
+		stProgSection section1;
+		CString s2;
+		int PrevNode = 0;
+		nNodeCount = 1;		//娓呯悊瀛樺偍鐨勯《鐐瑰拰寮ф暟鎹��
+		nArcCount = 1;
+		AddNode(-2, 0, 0, _T("Mother"));		//澧炲姞姣嶇嚎椤剁偣
+		for (int j = nStartLine; j <= nEndLine; j++) {
+			int nPosX = 0;
+			PrevNode = 1;		//浠庢瘝绾垮紑濮�
+			s1.Empty();
+			for (int k = 0; k < m_CellPerLine; k++) {
+				stCell theCell = Cells[j][k];
+				int nNextX = 1;
+				int nType;
+				int bRightLineUp = 0;
+				if (k < m_CellPerLine - 1) { bRightLineUp = Cells[j][k + 1].bLeftLineUp; }
+				nType = theCell.nType;
+				if (nType == typeNone) { PrevNode = 0;  } // 涓嶈繛鎺ユ瘝绾�;
+				if (nType ) {
+					if (nType == typeLine1 && !theCell.bLeftLineUp && !theCell.bLeftLineDn && !bRightLineUp) continue;
+					if (nType == typeExt1 || nType == typeExt2 || nType == typeExt3 || nType == typeExt4) continue;
+					if (k!=0 && theCell.bLeftLineDn && !theCell.bLeftLineUp) {
+						PrevNode = AddNode(-1, k, j, _T("VP"),PrevNode);
+					}
+					if (k != 0 && theCell.bLeftLineUp) {
+						int VPNodeId = 0;
+							VPNodeId = FindVPNode(k , j,  nStartLine);
+						PrevNode = VPNodeId;
+					}
+					switch (nType) {
+					case typeLine1:
+						break;
+					case typeEND:
+						PrevNode = AddNode(nType, k, j, theCell.sCoilName, PrevNode);
+						break;
+					case typeNO:
+						PrevNode = AddNode(nType, k, j, theCell.sCoilName, PrevNode);
+						break;
+					case typeNC:
+						PrevNode = AddNode(nType, k, j, theCell.sCoilName +_T("/"), PrevNode);
+						break;
+					case typePP:
+						PrevNode = AddNode(nType, k, j, theCell.sCoilName, PrevNode);
+						break;
+					case typePN:
+						PrevNode = AddNode(nType, k, j, theCell.sCoilName, PrevNode);
+						break;
+					case typeNOT:
+						PrevNode = AddNode(nType, k, j, theCell.sCoilName, PrevNode);
+						break;
+					case typeDF:
+						PrevNode = AddNode(nType, k, j, theCell.sCoilName, PrevNode);
+						break;
+					case typeDF_:
+						PrevNode = AddNode(nType, k, j, theCell.sCoilName, PrevNode);
+						break;
+					case typeOUT:
+					case typeSET:
+					case typeRESET:
+						PrevNode = AddNode(nType, k, j, theCell.sCoilName, PrevNode);
+						break;
+					case typeCMP:
+						nNextX = 3;
+						PrevNode = AddNode(nType, k, j, theCell.sCoilName, PrevNode);
+						break;
+					case typeExt1:
+					case typeExt2:
+					case typeExt3:
+						break;
+					case typeTM:
+						nNextX = 3;
+						PrevNode = AddNode(nType, k, j, theCell.sCoilName, PrevNode);
+						break;
+					case typeFN1:
+						nNextX = 2;
+						PrevNode = AddNode(nType, k, j, theCell.sCoilName, PrevNode);
+						break;
+					case typeFN2:
+						nNextX = 3;
+						PrevNode = AddNode(nType, k, j, theCell.sCoilName, PrevNode);
+						break;
+					case typeFN3:
+						nNextX = 4;
+						PrevNode = AddNode(nType, k, j, theCell.sCoilName, PrevNode);
+						break;
+					case typeFN4:
+						nNextX = 5;
+						PrevNode = AddNode(nType, k, j, theCell.sCoilName, PrevNode);
+						break;
+					case typeCoil:
+						break;
+					default:
+						break;
+					}
+					s2 = Cells[j][k].sCoilName;
+					//k += nStep - 1;
+					s1 += s2 + _T(" ") + intToString(nNextX) + _T("  ");
+					if (bRightLineUp) {
+						int VPNodeId = 0;
+							VPNodeId = FindVPNode(k + 1, j, nStartLine);
+						AddArc(PrevNode, VPNodeId);
+						PrevNode = VPNodeId;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			DbgLog(s1);
+		}
+		//杈撳嚭宸茬粡鐢熸垚鐨� AOV 鍥� 椤剁偣淇℃伅
+		for (int j = 1; j < nNodeCount; j++) {
+			s1.Format(_T("%d    %d %s %s  in %d  out %d  %s "), j, nodes[j].nType,nodes[j].Op, nodes[j].CoilName,nodes[j].indegree,nodes[j].outdegree, nodes[j].prog1.ToText());
+			DbgLog(s1);
+		}
+		//杈撳嚭AOV鍥剧殑 寮� 鏁版嵁 
+		for (int j = 1; j < nArcCount; j++) {
+			s1.Format(_T("%3d     %2d - %2d "), j, arcs[j].tailNode, arcs[j].headNode);
+//			DbgLog(s1);
+		}
+		for (int n = 1; n < 8; n++) {
+			s1.Format(_T("澶勭悊姝ラ %d "), n);
+			DbgLog(s1);
+			for (int j = 1; j < nNodeCount; j++) {
+				if (nodes[j].bEnable) nodes[j].OutProcAllDone = 0;
+			}
+			// 澶勭悊 AOV 鍥�
+			// 浠� 姣嶇嚎 寮�濮� 
+			//涓茶仈褰掑苟 // 褰掑苟鍘熷垯锛� 鏅�氳妭鐐癸紝闈炶櫄鑺傜偣锛� 涓や釜铏氳妭鐐逛箣闂� 澶氫釜杩炵画鐨勶紝褰掑苟锛� 闈炶緭鍑恒��
+			s1.Format(_T("鍚堝苟涓茶仈鐨勮妭鐐� %d "), n);
+			DbgLog(s1);
+			MergeVPSubSerialNodes(1);
+			// 澶勭悊铏氳妭鐐�
+			// 铏氳妭鐐圭殑澶氳緭鍏ュ鐞嗭紝 鍗� OR 鎴栬�� 澶� ORS銆�
+			// 铏氳妭鐐圭殑杈撳嚭澶勭悊锛� 
+			// 瀵逛簬鍚庣画杩樻湁鍏卞悓铏氳妭鐐圭殑杈撳嚭锛� 绗竴涓笉澶勭悊锛�
+			// 绗簩涓紝鍗曚笉澶勭悊锛屽澶勭悊 ST锛� 鍚庨潰鐢辫櫄鑺傜偣鍐� ORS锛� ANS銆�
+			// 瀵逛簬鐩存帴杈撳嚭鐨勶紝濡傛灉鍚庨潰娌℃湁鏀瑰彉鐨勮緭鍑猴紝 鐩存帴杈撳嚭涓嶅鐞嗐��
+			// 瀵逛簬鍚庨潰杩樻湁鏀瑰彉鐨勶紝 PSHS, RDS, POPS
+			// 鍙﹀锛屽彲浠ュ悗鏈熺畝鍖栵紝 ST 鍚庣揣璺� ORS 鐨勶紝 绠�鍖栦负 OR銆�
+			// PSHS RDS POPS 鍚庤窡涓嶆敼鍙樼殑銆� 绠�鍖�
+			s1.Format(_T("澶勭悊铏氳妭鐐圭殑杈撳嚭 %d "), n);
+			DbgLog(s1);
+			ScanAOV1(1);
+			if (nodes[2].outdegree == 0) break;
+		}
+		// 杈撳嚭澶勭悊瀹岀殑 AOV 鍥�
+		s1.Format(_T("澶勭悊瀹岀殑AOV鍥�"));
+		DbgLog(s1);
+		for (int j = 2; j < nNodeCount; j++) {
+			CStringA s2;
+			if (nodes[j].bEnable) {
+				s1.Format(_T("%d type %d op %s coil %s  in %d   out %d"), j, nodes[j].nType, nodes[j].Op, nodes[j].CoilName, nodes[j].indegree, nodes[j].outdegree);
+				DbgLog(s1);
+				s1 = nodes[j].prog1.ToText();
+				DbgLog(s1);
+			}
+		}
+		allprogs += nodes[2].prog1;
+		nodes[2].prog1.Progs.clear();
+	}
+	s1.Format(_T("瀹屾暣鐨凱LC绋嬪簭 \r\n"));
+	s1 += allprogs.ToText();
+	DbgLog(s1);
+	// 鍒涘缓 AOV 鍥�
+	//杈撳嚭绋嬪簭
+	int n = (int)allprogs.Progs.size();
+	s1.Format(_T("鎬荤▼搴忔鏁� %d "), n);
+	DbgLog(s1);
+	s1.Format(_T("all prog steps %d "), n);
+	DbgLog(s1);
+	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+	{
+		int optype = allprogs.Progs[i].nOpType1;
+		allprogs.Progs[i].PairTo = 0;//??????????
+		allprogs.Progs[i].nBinStep = i;
+		CStringA OpTxtA, OpShowTxtA;
+		CString OpTxt, OpShowTxt;
+		pDoc->OpToTxt(optype, OpTxtA);
+		pDoc->OpToShowTxt(optype, OpShowTxtA);
+		OpTxt = OpTxtA;
+		OpShowTxt = OpShowTxtA;
+		s1.Format(_T("%d %s %s"), optype, OpTxt, OpShowTxt);
+		pDoc->Progs[i] = allprogs.Progs[i];
+		DbgLog(s1);
+	}
+	pDoc->m_nProgSteps = n;
+	return 0;
 /// <summary>
 /// 姊舰鍥捐浆Prog
@@ -2586,7 +3782,7 @@
 			nStartLine = 0; 
 			nEndLine = Divs[i]; 
-		}
+ 		}
 			nStartLine = Divs[i - 1]+1;
@@ -2665,13 +3861,21 @@
 				firstCoil = true;
-				ScanLDSCells(nStartLine, nEndLine, nCurPosY, nCurPosX, 0, thisprogsec, sProgSec, nSteps);
+				//ScanLDSCells(nStartLine, nEndLine, nCurPosY, nCurPosX, 0, thisprogsec, sProgSec, nSteps);
+				//ScanLDSCells2(nStartLine, nEndLine, nCurPosY, nCurPosX, 0, thisprogsec, sProgSec, nSteps);
-			sProg += sProgSec;
- 			nAllSteps += nSteps;
-			Progsec += thisprogsec;
+			//sProg += sProgSec;
+ 		//	nAllSteps += nSteps;
+			//Progsec += thisprogsec;
+		CString sProgSec;
+		int nSteps = 0;;
+		nCurPosY = i;
+		stProgSection thisprogsec;
+		ScanLDSCells2(nStartLine, nEndLine, nCurPosY, nCurPosX, 16,0, thisprogsec, sProgSec, nSteps);
+		sProg += sProgSec;
+		nAllSteps += nSteps;
+		Progsec += thisprogsec;
 		DbgLog(_T("\r\n")+ sProg);
 		int n = int(Progsec.Progs.size());
 		s1.Format(_T("绋嬪簭娈垫鏁帮細 %d "), n);
@@ -2702,7 +3906,7 @@
 	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)	
 		int optype=allprogs.Progs[i].nOpType1;
-		allprogs.Progs[i].PairTo = 0;
+		allprogs.Progs[i].PairTo = 0;//??????????
 		allprogs.Progs[i].nBinStep = i;
 		CStringA OpTxtA,OpShowTxtA;
 		CString OpTxt,OpShowTxt;
@@ -2712,7 +3916,7 @@
 		OpShowTxt = OpShowTxtA;
 		s1.Format(_T("%d %s %s"), optype, OpTxt, OpShowTxt);
 		pDoc->Progs[i] = allprogs.Progs[i];
-//		DbgLog(s1);
+		DbgLog(s1);
 	pDoc->m_nProgSteps = n;
 	return 0;
@@ -2736,15 +3940,15 @@
 	CString s1;
 	int nCurPosX, nCurPosY;
-	int nNextX = 1;//姝ラ暱
+	int nNextX = 1;//姝ラ暱(涓嬩釜璧峰鐐圭Щ鍔ㄧ殑璺濈)
 	nCurPosY = nPosY;
 	nCurPosX = nPosX;
-	int nCoilType, CoilAddr;
+//	int nCoilType, CoilAddr;
 	CMTerm1Doc* pDoc = GetDocument();
 	for (int j = nPosX; j < m_CellPerLine; j += nNextX)
 		nCurPosX = j;
-		//鍏堝鐞嗗綋鍓嶅崟鍏�;
+		//鍏堝鐞嗗綋鍓嶅崟鍏冨熀鏈俊鎭�;
 		int nType = Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX].nType;
 		CString sCellName = Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX].sCoilName;
 		CMTerm1Doc::stProg theprog;
@@ -2761,30 +3965,28 @@
 			|| Cells[nCurPosY][j + nNextX].bLeftLineDn)
-			////鍏堢湅寰�涓婇潰鏈夋病鏈夎繛鎺�
-			//if (Cells[nCurPosY][j + nNextX].bLeftLineUp)
-			//{
-			//	// 寰�涓婇潰鏈夎繛鎺ヤ笖鏈夎Е鐐硅繛鎺ワ紝鎵嶄娇鐢∣RS
-			//	s1.Format(_T("%d %d ORS "), nCurPosY, nCurPosX);
-			//	DbgLog(s1);
-			//	theprog.nOpType1 = OP_ORS;
-			//	//theprog.nOpType1 = OP_ST;
-			//	//theprog.PairTo = OP_ORS;
-			//	progsec.Append(theprog);
-			//	sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("ORS \r\n"));
-			//	firstCoil = false;
-			//	nSteps += 1;
-			//	nLevel -= 1;
-			//}
-			//宸︿笂鏄惁鏈夐摼鎺�
+			//鍏堢湅寰�涓婇潰鏈夋病鏈夎繛鎺�
+			if (Cells[nCurPosY][j + nNextX].bLeftLineUp)
+			{
+				// 寰�涓婇潰鏈夎繛鎺ヤ笖鏈夎Е鐐硅繛鎺ワ紝鎵嶄娇鐢∣RS
+				s1.Format(_T("%d %d ORS "), nCurPosY, nCurPosX);
+				DbgLog(s1);
+				theprog.nOpType1 = OP_ORS;
+				progsec.Append(theprog);
+				sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("ORS \r\n"));
+				firstCoil = false;
+				nSteps += 1;
+				nLevel -= 1;
+			}
+			//鍙充晶涓�鏍肩殑宸︿笂鏄惁鏈夐摼鎺�
 			int nLeftUpCon = 0;
 			if (Cells[nCurPosY][j + nNextX].bLeftLineUp)
 				nLeftUpCon = 1;
-			//鍚戜笅鏌ユ壘锛岀湅鐪嬬珫绾跨殑宸︿晶涓嬮潰杩樻湁娌℃湁杩炴帴鍏朵粬涓滆タ
-			int nLeftDnCon = 0;//鍗曞厓鏍煎乏渚у悜涓嬭繛鎺ユ暟
-			for (int k = nCurPosY + 1; k <= nEndLine; k++)
+			//鍚戜笅鏌ユ壘锛岀湅鐪嬬珫绾跨殑鍙充晶涓�鏍肩殑宸︿晶涓嬮潰杩樻湁娌℃湁杩炴帴鍏朵粬涓滆タ
+			int nLeftDnCon = 0;//鍗曞厓鏍煎彸渚т竴鏍肩殑宸︿晶鍚戜笅杩炴帴鏁�
+			for (int k = nCurPosY; k <= nEndLine; k++)
 				if (Cells[k][j + nNextX].bLeftLineDn)
@@ -2802,12 +4004,12 @@
 			s1.Format(_T("LeftUp %d   LeftDn  %d"), nLeftUpCon, nLeftDnCon);
-			//宸︿晶涓嬮潰鏈夎繛鎺ワ紝閭d箞鎵弿鍒拌繖涓珫绾挎椂杩斿洖锛岀户缁壂鎻忓乏渚т笅闈㈢殑鍐呭銆�
+			//鍙充晶涓�鏍肩殑宸︿晶涓嬮潰鏈夎繛鎺ワ紝閭d箞鎵弿鍒拌繖涓珫绾挎椂杩斿洖锛岀户缁壂鎻忓乏渚т笅闈㈢殑鍐呭銆�
 			if (nLeftDnCon)
 				return 1;
-			// 宸︿晶涓嬮潰娌℃湁杩炴帴锛岄偅涔堣繖涓氨鏄乏闈㈡渶鍚庣殑鍗曞厓锛屽紑濮嬪鐞嗗彸闈㈢殑鍗曞厓銆�
+			//鍙充晶涓�鏍肩殑宸︿晶涓嬮潰娌℃湁杩炴帴锛岄偅涔堣繖涓氨鏄乏闈㈡渶鍚庣殑鍗曞厓锛屽紑濮嬪鐞嗗彸闈㈢殑鍗曞厓銆�
 				if (nLeftUpCon)
@@ -2854,13 +4056,13 @@
 				if (nRightCon == 1)
-					s1.Format(_T(">>>> Go %d : %d , level %d "), nLineTop, j + nNextX, nLevel);
+ 					s1.Format(_T(">>>> Go %d : %d , level %d "), nLineTop, j + nNextX, nLevel);
 					CString ProgSec;
 					int theSteps = 0;
 					stProgSection thisprogsec;
-					//
+					//杩欐湁闂锛屽簲璇ユ槸鍦ㄦ渶楂樼偣鐨勬椂鍊欙紝鍗曠嫭杩涜涓�娆¤浆鎹紵
 					int r = ScanLDSCells(nStartLine, nEndLine, nLineTop, j + nNextX, nLevel, thisprogsec, ProgSec, theSteps);
 					sProgSec += ProgSec;
@@ -2868,6 +4070,7 @@
 					progsec += thisprogsec;
 					s1.Format(_T("<<<< Re %d : %d , Result %d "), nLineTop, j + nNextX, 0);
+					continue;
@@ -2899,7 +4102,7 @@
 							if (nRightCount == 0)
+								//杩欓噷鏄笉鏄簲璇ュ仛鐐逛粈涔�
 							else if (res[nRightCount - 1] == 0)
@@ -2948,7 +4151,12 @@
+		//濡傛灉娌℃湁绔栫嚎鐩存帴缈昏瘧
+		else
+		{
+			Translate2Prog(nType, j + nNextX, nLevel, sCellName, progsec, sProgSec, nSteps);
+		}
+		/*
 		#pragma region  鏍规嵁鍗曞厓鏍肩被鍨嬭浆鎹负鎸囦护鍜宲rog
 		if (nType == typeNO)
@@ -3180,253 +4388,371 @@
 		#pragma endregion
+		*/
 	return 0;
- /*
- void CMTerm1View::chuansileitetoprog(int nStartLine, int nEndLine, int nPosY, int nPosX, int nLevel, stProgSection& progsec, CString& sProgSec, int& nSteps)
- {
-	 CString s1;
-	 int nCurPosX, nCurPosY;
-	 int nNextX = 1;//姝ラ暱
-	 nCurPosY = nPosY;
-	 nCurPosX = nPosX;
-	 int nCoilType, CoilAddr;
-	 CMTerm1Doc* pDoc = GetDocument();
-#pragma region  鏍规嵁鍗曞厓鏍肩被鍨嬭浆鎹负鎸囦护鍜宲rog
+//	璁板綍y,x
-	 if (nType == typeNO)
-	 {
-		 if (firstCoil && nType != typeLine1 && nType != typeLine2)
-		 {
-			 //鍏堢湅寰�涓婇潰鏈夋病鏈夎繛鎺�
-			 if (Cells[nCurPosY][j + nNextX].bLeftLineUp)
-			 {
-				 // 寰�涓婇潰鏈夎繛鎺ヤ笖鏈夎Е鐐硅繛鎺ワ紝鎵嶄娇鐢∣R
-				 s1.Format(_T("%d %d OR %s"), nCurPosY, nCurPosX, sCellName);
-				 sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("OR %s\r\n"), sCellName);
-				   .nOpType1 = OP_OR;
-			 }
-			 else
-			 {
-				 s1.Format(_T("%d %d ST %s"), nCurPosY, nCurPosX, sCellName);
-				 sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("ST %s\r\n"), sCellName);
-				 theprog.nOpType1 = OP_ST;
-			 }
-			 theprog.nParamCount = 1;
-			 pDoc->TxtToCoilType(sCellNameA, &nCoilType, &CoilAddr);
-			 theprog.Params[0].nParamType = nCoilType;
-			 theprog.Params[0].nParamAddr = CoilAddr;
-			 theprog.Params[0].sParamStr = sCellNameA;
-			 progsec.Append(theprog);
-			 firstCoil = false;
-		 }
-		 else
-		 {
-			 s1.Format(_T("%d %d AN %s"), nCurPosY, nCurPosX, sCellName);
-			 sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("NO %s\r\n"), sCellName);
-			 theprog.nOpType1 = OP_AN;
-			 theprog.nParamCount = 1;
-			 pDoc->TxtToCoilType(sCellNameA, &nCoilType, &CoilAddr);
-			 theprog.Params[0].nParamType = nCoilType;
-			 theprog.Params[0].nParamAddr = CoilAddr;
-			 theprog.Params[0].sParamStr = sCellNameA;
-			 progsec.Append(theprog);
-		 }
-		 nSteps += 1;
-		 DbgLog(s1);
-		 nNextX = 1;
-	 }
-	 else if (nType == typeNC)
-	 {
-		 if (firstCoil && nType != typeLine1 && nType != typeLine2)
-		 {
-			 s1.Format(_T("%d %d ST/ %s"), nCurPosY, nCurPosX, sCellName);
-			 sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("ST/ %s\r\n"), sCellName);
-			 theprog.nOpType1 = OP_ST_;
-			 theprog.nParamCount = 1;
-			 pDoc->TxtToCoilType(sCellNameA, &nCoilType, &CoilAddr);
-			 theprog.Params[0].nParamType = nCoilType;
-			 theprog.Params[0].nParamAddr = CoilAddr;
-			 theprog.Params[0].sParamStr = sCellNameA;
-			 progsec.Append(theprog);
-			 firstCoil = false;
-		 }
-		 else
-		 {
-			 s1.Format(_T("%d %d AN/ %s"), nCurPosY, nCurPosX, sCellName);
-			 sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("AN/ %s\r\n"), sCellName);
-			 theprog.nOpType1 = OP_AN_;
-			 theprog.nParamCount = 1;
-			 pDoc->TxtToCoilType(sCellNameA, &nCoilType, &CoilAddr);
-			 theprog.Params[0].nParamType = nCoilType;
-			 theprog.Params[0].nParamAddr = CoilAddr;
-			 theprog.Params[0].sParamStr = sCellNameA;
-			 progsec.Append(theprog);
-		 }
-		 DbgLog(s1);
-		 nSteps += 1;
-		 nNextX = 1;
-	 }
-	 else if (nType == typePP)
-	 {
-		 s1.Format(_T("%d %d PP %s"), nCurPosY, nCurPosX, sCellName);
-		 DbgLog(s1);
-		 //progsec.Append(theprog);
-		 sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("PP %s\r\n"), sCellName);
-		 nSteps += 1;
-		 nNextX = 1;
-	 }
-	 else if (nType == typePN)
-	 {
-		 s1.Format(_T("%d %d PN %s"), nCurPosY, nCurPosX, sCellName);
-		 DbgLog(s1);
-		 //progsec.Append(theprog);
-		 sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("PN %s\r\n"), sCellName, sCellName);
-		 nSteps += 1;
-		 nNextX = 1;
-	 }
-	 else if (nType == typeNOT)
-	 {
-		 s1.Format(_T("%d %d NOT %s"), nCurPosY, nCurPosX, sCellName);
-		 DbgLog(s1);
-		 sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("NOT %s\r\n"), sCellName);
-		 theprog.nOpType1 = OP_NOT;
-		 progsec.Append(theprog);
-		 nSteps += 1;
-		 nNextX = 1;
-	 }
-	 else if (nType == typeDF)
-	 {
-		 s1.Format(_T("%d %d DF %s"), nCurPosY, nCurPosX, sCellName);
-		 DbgLog(s1);
-		 sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("DF %s\r\n"), sCellName);
-		 theprog.nOpType1 = OP_DF;
-		 progsec.Append(theprog);
-		 nSteps += 1;
-		 nNextX = 1;
-	 }
-	 else if (nType == typeDF_)
-	 {
-		 s1.Format(_T("%d %d DF/ %s"), nCurPosY, nCurPosX, sCellName);
-		 DbgLog(s1);
-		 sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("DF/ %s\r\n"), sCellName);
-		 theprog.nOpType1 = OP_DF_;
-		 progsec.Append(theprog);
-		 nSteps += 1;
-		 nNextX = 1;
-	 }
-	 else if (nType == typeOUT)
-	 {
-		 s1.Format(_T("%d %d OUT %s"), nCurPosY, nCurPosX, sCellName);
-		 DbgLog(s1);
-		 sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("OUT %s\r\n"), sCellName);
-		 theprog.nOpType1 = OP_OUT;
-		 theprog.nParamCount = 1;
-		 pDoc->TxtToCoilType(sCellNameA, &nCoilType, &CoilAddr);
-		 theprog.Params[0].nParamType = nCoilType;
-		 theprog.Params[0].nParamAddr = CoilAddr;
-		 theprog.Params[0].sParamStr = sCellNameA;
-		 progsec.Append(theprog);
-		 nSteps += 1;
-		 nNextX = 1;
-	 }
-	 else if (nType == typeSET)
-	 {
-		 s1.Format(_T("%d %d SET %s"), nCurPosY, nCurPosX, sCellName);
-		 DbgLog(s1);
-		 sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("SET %s\r\n"), sCellName);
-		 theprog.nOpType1 = OP_SET;
-		 theprog.nParamCount = 1;
-		 pDoc->TxtToCoilType(sCellNameA, &nCoilType, &CoilAddr);
-		 theprog.Params[0].nParamType = nCoilType;
-		 theprog.Params[0].nParamAddr = CoilAddr;
-		 theprog.Params[0].sParamStr = sCellNameA;
-		 progsec.Append(theprog);
-		 nSteps += 1;
-		 nNextX = 1;
-	 }
-	 else if (nType == typeRESET)
-	 {
-		 s1.Format(_T("%d %d RESET %s"), nCurPosY, nCurPosX, sCellName);
-		 DbgLog(s1);
-		 sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("RESET %s\r\n"), sCellName);
-		 theprog.nOpType1 = OP_RESET;
-		 theprog.nParamCount = 1;
-		 pDoc->TxtToCoilType(sCellNameA, &nCoilType, &CoilAddr);
-		 theprog.Params[0].nParamType = nCoilType;
-		 theprog.Params[0].nParamAddr = CoilAddr;
-		 theprog.Params[0].sParamStr = sCellNameA;
-		 progsec.Append(theprog);
-		 nSteps += 1;
-		 nNextX = 1;
-	 }
-	 else if (nType == typeCMP)
-	 {
-		 s1.Format(_T("%d %d CMP %s %s %s"), nCurPosY, nCurPosX, sCellName, Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX + 1].sParam, Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX + 2].sParam);
-		 DbgLog(s1);
-		 theprog.nOpType1 = OP_ST_GT;
-		 theprog.nParamCount = 1;
-		 progsec.Append(theprog);
-		 sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("CMP %s %s %s \r\n"), sCellName, Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX + 1].sParam, Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX + 2].sParam);
-		 nSteps += 1;
-		 nNextX = 3;
-	 }
-	 else if (nType == typeTM)
-	 {
-		 s1.Format(_T("%d %d TM %s %d %s"), nCurPosY, nCurPosX, sCellName, Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX + 1].sParam, Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX + 2].sParam);
-		 DbgLog(s1);
-		 theprog.nOpType1 = OP_TMX;
-		 theprog.nParamCount = 1;
-		 pDoc->TxtToCoilType(sCellNameA, &nCoilType, &CoilAddr);
-		 theprog.Params[0].nParamType = nCoilType;
-		 theprog.Params[0].nParamAddr = CoilAddr;
-		 theprog.Params[0].sParamStr = sCellNameA;
-		 progsec.Append(theprog);
-		 sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("TM %s %d %s\r\n"), sCellName, Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX + 1].sParam, Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX + 2].sParam);
-		 nSteps += 1;
-		 nNextX = 3;
-	 }
-	 else if (nType == typeFN1)
-	 {
-		 s1.Format(_T("%d %d FN1 %s %s"), nCurPosY, nCurPosX, sCellName, Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX + 1].sParam);
-		 DbgLog(s1);
-		 theprog.nOpType1 = OP_INC;
-		 progsec.Append(theprog);
-		 sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("FN1 %s %s\r\n"), sCellName, Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX + 1].sParam);
-		 nSteps += 1;
-		 nNextX = 2;
-	 }
-	 else if (nType == typeFN2)
-	 {
-		 s1.Format(_T("%d %d FN2 %s %s %s "), nCurPosY, nCurPosX, sCellName, Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX + 1].sParam, Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX + 2].sParam);
-		 DbgLog(s1);
-		 theprog.nOpType1 = OP_MV;
-		 progsec.Append(theprog);
-		 sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("FN2 %s %s %s \r\n"), sCellName, Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX + 1].sParam, Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX + 2].sParam);
-		 nSteps += 1;
-		 nNextX = 3;
-	 }
-	 else if (nType == typeFN3)
-	 {
-		 s1.Format(_T("%d %d FN3 %s %s %s %s"), nCurPosY, nCurPosX, sCellName, Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX + 1].sParam, Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX + 2].sParam, Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX + 3].sParam);
-		 DbgLog(s1);
-		 theprog.nOpType1 = OP_ADD3;
-		 progsec.Append(theprog);
-		 sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("FN3 %s %s %s %s\r\n"), sCellName, Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX + 1].sParam, Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX + 2].sParam, Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX + 3].sParam);
-		 nSteps += 1;
-		 nNextX = 4;
-	 }
-	 else
-	 {
-		 nNextX = 1;
-		 //continue;
-	 }
+int CMTerm1View::ScanLDSCells2(int nStartLine, int nEndLine, int nPosY, int nPosX, int nSizeX,
+	int nLevel, stProgSection& progsec, CString& sProgSec, int& nSteps)
+	CString s1;
+	int nCurPosX, nCurPosY;
+	int nNextX = 0;//姝ラ暱锛堝埌涓嬩釜绾垮湀璧峰浣嶇疆搴旂Щ鍔ㄨ窛绂�
+	nCurPosY = nStartLine;
+	nCurPosX = nPosX;
+//	int nCoilType, CoilAddr;
+	CMTerm1Doc* pDoc = GetDocument();
-#pragma endregion
+	for (int j = nPosX; j < nSizeX; j += nNextX)
+	{
+		nCurPosX = j;
+		//鍏堝鐞嗗綋鍓嶅崟鍏�;
+		int nType = Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX].nType;
+		CString sCellName = Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX].sCoilName;
+		CMTerm1Doc::stProg theprog;
+		CStringA sCellNameA;
+		sCellNameA = sCellName;
+		CString ProgSec;
+		int theSteps = 0;
+		stProgSection thisprogsec;
+		//鍒ゆ柇瓒婄晫
+		if (j + nNextX > m_CellPerLine)
+		{
+			continue;
+		}
+		//if (!firstCoil && Cells[nCurPosY][j].bLeftLineUp)
+		//{
+		//	break;
+		//}
+		if (Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX].nType == typeNone)
+		{
+			nNextX = 1;
+			continue;
+		}
+		//寮�濮嬬炕璇戝崟涓崟鍏冩牸锛屽苟杩斿洖涓嬩釜鍗曞厓鏍间綅缃�
+		nNextX = Translate2Prog(nType, nCurPosY, nCurPosX, sCellName, progsec, sProgSec, nSteps);
+		//1.鍒ゆ柇姝ゅ崟鍏冩牸鍙充晶涓�鏍兼槸鍚︽湁鍚戜笅鐨勭珫绾�
+		if (Cells[nCurPosY][j + nNextX].bLeftLineDn)
+		{
+			//1.1:鏈夊垎鏀紝鐩存帴寮�濮嬭鍙栦笅涓�琛�
+			if (Cells[nCurPosY +1][j].nType == typeNone)
+			{
+				if (Cells[nCurPosY + 1][j + nNextX].nType != typeNone)
+				{
+					firstCoil = true;
+				}
+				continue;
+			}
+			firstCoil = true;
+			ScanLDSCells2(nCurPosY + 1, nCurPosY + 1, nCurPosY + 1, 0, j + nNextX, ++nLevel, thisprogsec, ProgSec, theSteps);
+			//鏈塐R鍏崇郴涓斾笉鍙竴涓妭鐐�
+			if (theSteps > 1 && nLevel > 0)
+			{
+				// 姝ユ暟澶т簬1锛屾槸澶嶅悎缁撴灉锛屾墠浣跨敤ORS
+				s1.Format(_T("%d %d ORS "), nCurPosY, nCurPosX);
+				DbgLog(s1);
+				theprog.nOpType1 = OP_ORS;
+				//progsec.Append(theprog);
+				//sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("ORS \r\n"));
+				thisprogsec.Append(theprog);
+				ProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("ORS \r\n"));
+				firstCoil = false;
+				nSteps += 1;
+			}
+			//1.2:浠庡悗鍚戝墠鏌ユ壘涓嬩竴琛屾槸鍚﹁繕鏈夊悜涓婄殑绔栫嚎锛堝舰鎴愰棴鐜級锛圤RS銆丄NS锛�
+			for (int k = j; k >= 0; k--)
+			{
+				if (Cells[nCurPosY + 1][k].nType == typeNone)
+				{
+					//濡傛灉閬囧埌绌烘牸锛岃繕娌℃悳鍒帮紝灏辩粨鏉熸悳绱�
+					break;
+				}
+				if (Cells[nCurPosY+1][k].bLeftLineUp)
+				{
+					//濡傛灉鏈変竴鏉$珫绾匡紝璇存槑鏄舰鎴愪簡鐜紝瑕佺敤ANS
+					if (theSteps >= 1 && nLevel > 0)
+					{
+						//姝ユ暟澶т簬1锛屾槸澶嶅悎缁撴灉锛屼娇鐢ˋNS
+						s1.Format(_T("%d %d ANS "), nCurPosY, nCurPosX);
+						DbgLog(s1);
+						theprog.nOpType1 = OP_ANS;
+						//progsec.Append(theprog);
+						//sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("ANS \r\n"));
+						thisprogsec.Append(theprog);
+						ProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("ANS \r\n"));
+						nSteps += 1;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			//灏嗚浆鎹㈠畬鎴愮殑閮ㄥ垎鍔犲叆鍒版�婚泦涓�
+			nSteps += theSteps;
+			progsec += thisprogsec;
+			sProgSec += ProgSec;
+			//1.3:鏌ヨ姝ゅ垎鏀笅涓�绾ц繛鎺ョ偣宸﹀彸鍧囧瓨鍦ㄨ妭鐐癸紝瀛樺湪灏盤SHS
+			if (Cells[nCurPosY + 1][j].nType != typeNone 
+				&& Cells[nCurPosY + 1][j + 1].nType != typeNone)
+			{
+				++nPSHS;
+				CString push = _T("PSHS \r\n");
+				theprog.nOpType1 = OP_PSHS;
+				progsec.Append(theprog);
+				sProgSec.Append(push);
+				popsPoint[nPSHS] = std::make_pair(nCurPosY + 1, j + 1);
+			}
+		}//end  1.鍒ゆ柇姝ゅ崟鍏冩牸鍙充晶涓�鏍兼槸鍚︽湁鍚戜笅鐨勭珫绾�
+	}
+	nLevel--;
+	//宸插洖鍒拌捣濮嬪眰
+	if (nLevel == 0)
+	{
+		CMTerm1Doc::stProg theprog;
+		for (int i = nPSHS; i >= 0; i--)
+		{
+			//+POP
+			CString pop = _T("POPS \r\n");
+			theprog.nOpType1 = OP_POPS;
+			progsec.Append(theprog);
+			sProgSec.Append(pop);
+			//+fanyi
+			//寮�濮嬬炕璇戝崟涓崟鍏冩牸锛屽苟杩斿洖涓嬩釜鍗曞厓鏍间綅缃�
+			//firstCoil = true;
+			ScanLDSCells2(popsPoint[nPSHS].first, popsPoint[nPSHS].first, popsPoint[nPSHS].first, popsPoint[nPSHS].second, 16, nLevel, progsec, sProgSec, nSteps);
+			nPSHS--;
+		}
+		if (nPSHS == -1)
+		{
+			fill(popsPoint, popsPoint + 100, std::make_pair(0, 0));
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+int CMTerm1View::Translate2Prog(
+	int nType, int nCurPosY, int nCurPosX, CString sCellName,
+	stProgSection& progsec, CString& sProgSec, int& nSteps)
+	CString s1;
+	int nNextX = 1;//姝ラ暱
+	int nCoilType, CoilAddr;
+	CMTerm1Doc::stProg theprog;
+	CMTerm1Doc* pDoc = GetDocument();
+	CStringA sCellNameA;
+	sCellNameA = sCellName;
+	//if (nType == typeNone)
+	//{
+	//	return 0;
+	//}
+	if (nType == typeNO)
+	{
+		if (firstCoil && nType != typeLine1 && nType != typeLine2)
+		{
+			//鍏堢湅寰�涓婇潰鏈夋病鏈夎繛鎺�
+			if (Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX + nNextX].bLeftLineUp)
+			{
+				// 寰�涓婇潰鏈夎繛鎺ワ紝浣跨敤OR
+				sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("OR %s\r\n"), sCellName);
+				theprog.nOpType1 = OP_OR;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("ST %s\r\n"), sCellName);
+				theprog.nOpType1 = OP_ST;
+			}
+			theprog.nParamCount = 1;
+			pDoc->TxtToCoilType(sCellNameA, &nCoilType, &CoilAddr);
+			theprog.Params[0].nParamType = nCoilType;
+			theprog.Params[0].nParamAddr = CoilAddr;
+			theprog.Params[0].sParamStr = sCellNameA;
+			progsec.Append(theprog);
+			firstCoil = false;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("AN %s\r\n"), sCellName);
+			theprog.nOpType1 = OP_AN;
+			theprog.nParamCount = 1;
+			pDoc->TxtToCoilType(sCellNameA, &nCoilType, &CoilAddr);
+			theprog.Params[0].nParamType = nCoilType;
+			theprog.Params[0].nParamAddr = CoilAddr;
+			theprog.Params[0].sParamStr = sCellNameA;
+			progsec.Append(theprog);
+		}
+		nSteps += 1;
+		nNextX = 1;
+	}
+	else if (nType == typeNC)
+	{
+		if (firstCoil && nType != typeLine1 && nType != typeLine2)
+		{
+			sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("ST/ %s\r\n"), sCellName);
+			theprog.nOpType1 = OP_ST_;
+			theprog.nParamCount = 1;
+			pDoc->TxtToCoilType(sCellNameA, &nCoilType, &CoilAddr);
+			theprog.Params[0].nParamType = nCoilType;
+			theprog.Params[0].nParamAddr = CoilAddr;
+			theprog.Params[0].sParamStr = sCellNameA;
+			progsec.Append(theprog);
+			firstCoil = false;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("AN/ %s\r\n"), sCellName);
+			theprog.nOpType1 = OP_AN_;
+			theprog.nParamCount = 1;
+			pDoc->TxtToCoilType(sCellNameA, &nCoilType, &CoilAddr);
+			theprog.Params[0].nParamType = nCoilType;
+			theprog.Params[0].nParamAddr = CoilAddr;
+			theprog.Params[0].sParamStr = sCellNameA;
+			progsec.Append(theprog);
+		}
+		nSteps += 1;
+		nNextX = 1;
+	}
+	else if (nType == typePP)
+	{
+		//progsec.Append(theprog);
+		sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("PP %s\r\n"), sCellName);
+		nSteps += 1;
+		nNextX = 1;
+	}
+	else if (nType == typePN)
+	{
+		//progsec.Append(theprog);
+		sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("PN %s\r\n"), sCellName, sCellName);
+		nSteps += 1;
+		nNextX = 1;
+	}
+	else if (nType == typeNOT)
+	{
+		sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("NOT %s\r\n"), sCellName);
+		theprog.nOpType1 = OP_NOT;
+		progsec.Append(theprog);
+		nSteps += 1;
+		nNextX = 1;
+	}
+	else if (nType == typeDF)
+	{
+		sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("DF %s\r\n"), sCellName);
+		theprog.nOpType1 = OP_DF;
+		progsec.Append(theprog);
+		nSteps += 1;
+		nNextX = 1;
+	}
+	else if (nType == typeDF_)
+	{
+		sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("DF/ %s\r\n"), sCellName);
+		theprog.nOpType1 = OP_DF_;
+		progsec.Append(theprog);
+		nSteps += 1;
+		nNextX = 1;
+	}
+	else if (nType == typeOUT)
+	{
+		sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("OUT %s\r\n"), sCellName);
+		theprog.nOpType1 = OP_OUT;
+		theprog.nParamCount = 1;
+		pDoc->TxtToCoilType(sCellNameA, &nCoilType, &CoilAddr);
+		theprog.Params[0].nParamType = nCoilType;
+		theprog.Params[0].nParamAddr = CoilAddr;
+		theprog.Params[0].sParamStr = sCellNameA;
+		progsec.Append(theprog);
+		nSteps += 1;
+		nNextX = 1;
+	}
+	else if (nType == typeSET)
+	{
+		sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("SET %s\r\n"), sCellName);
+		theprog.nOpType1 = OP_SET;
+		theprog.nParamCount = 1;
+		pDoc->TxtToCoilType(sCellNameA, &nCoilType, &CoilAddr);
+		theprog.Params[0].nParamType = nCoilType;
+		theprog.Params[0].nParamAddr = CoilAddr;
+		theprog.Params[0].sParamStr = sCellNameA;
+		progsec.Append(theprog);
+		nSteps += 1;
+		nNextX = 1;
+	}
+	else if (nType == typeRESET)
+	{
+		sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("RESET %s\r\n"), sCellName);
+		theprog.nOpType1 = OP_RESET;
+		theprog.nParamCount = 1;
+		pDoc->TxtToCoilType(sCellNameA, &nCoilType, &CoilAddr);
+		theprog.Params[0].nParamType = nCoilType;
+		theprog.Params[0].nParamAddr = CoilAddr;
+		theprog.Params[0].sParamStr = sCellNameA;
+		progsec.Append(theprog);
+		nSteps += 1;
+		nNextX = 1;
+	}
+	else if (nType == typeCMP)
+	{
+		theprog.nOpType1 = OP_ST_GT;
+		theprog.nParamCount = 1;
+		progsec.Append(theprog);
+		sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("CMP %s %s %s \r\n"), sCellName, Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX + 1].sParam, Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX + 2].sParam);
+		nSteps += 1;
+		nNextX = 3;
+	}
+	else if (nType == typeTM)
+	{
+		theprog.nOpType1 = OP_TMX;
+		theprog.nParamCount = 1;
+		pDoc->TxtToCoilType(sCellNameA, &nCoilType, &CoilAddr);
+		theprog.Params[0].nParamType = nCoilType;
+		theprog.Params[0].nParamAddr = CoilAddr;
+		theprog.Params[0].sParamStr = sCellNameA;
+		progsec.Append(theprog);
+		sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("TM %s %d %s\r\n"), sCellName, Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX + 1].sParam, Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX + 2].sParam);
+		nSteps += 1;
+		nNextX = 3;
+	}
+	else if (nType == typeFN1)
+	{
+		theprog.nOpType1 = OP_INC;
+		progsec.Append(theprog);
+		sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("FN1 %s %s\r\n"), sCellName, Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX + 1].sParam);
+		nSteps += 1;
+		nNextX = 2;
+	}
+	else if (nType == typeFN2)
+	{
+		theprog.nOpType1 = OP_MV;
+		progsec.Append(theprog);
+		sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("FN2 %s %s %s \r\n"), sCellName, Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX + 1].sParam, Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX + 2].sParam);
+		nSteps += 1;
+		nNextX = 3;
+	}
+	else if (nType == typeFN3)
+	{
+		theprog.nOpType1 = OP_ADD3;
+		progsec.Append(theprog);
+		sProgSec.AppendFormat(_T("FN3 %s %s %s %s\r\n"), sCellName, Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX + 1].sParam, Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX + 2].sParam, Cells[nCurPosY][nCurPosX + 3].sParam);
+		nSteps += 1;
+		nNextX = 4;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		nNextX = 1;
+		//continue;
+	}
+	return nNextX;
 /// <summary>
 /// 鍏ㄩ儴鍥惧舰鏍¢獙
@@ -3436,75 +4762,75 @@
 /// 璁″垝鍦ㄧ涓�涓繑鍥炲�间腑浣跨敤涓嶅悓鐨勯敊璇唬鐮佷唬琛ㄤ笉鍚岀殑閿欒绫诲瀷锛�
 /// 骞跺湪绗簩涓繑鍥炲�间腑濉厖閿欒鎻愮ず淇℃伅
 /// </remark>
-std::pair<int, CString> CMTerm1View::LDSCheckRule()
-	CString message;
-	int nDivCount = 0;
-	int Divs[100] = { 0 };
-	//浠ヨ涓哄崟浣嶄粠涓婂埌涓嬮亶鍘嗭紙琛岄亶鍘嗭級
-	for (int i = 0; i < m_nTotalRow; i++)	
-	{
-		int nRow = i;
-		int bConnected = 0;
-		bool checkFlag = false;//0鍒楁楠岀粨鏋�
+ std::pair<int, CString> CMTerm1View::LDSCheckRule()
+ {
+	 CString message;
+	 int nDivCount = 0;
+	 int Divs[100] = { 0 };
+	 //浠ヨ涓哄崟浣嶄粠涓婂埌涓嬮亶鍘嗭紙琛岄亶鍘嗭級
+	 for (int i = 0; i < m_nTotalRow; i++)
+	 {
+		 int nRow = i;
+		 int bConnected = 0;
+		 bool checkFlag = false;//0鍒楁楠岀粨鏋�
-		//鏈鐨�0鍒楁鏌�
-		if (Cells[nRow][0].nType == 0)
-		{
-			checkFlag = true;
-		}
+		 //鏈鐨�0鍒楁鏌�
+		 if (Cells[nRow][0].nType == 0)
+		 {
+			 checkFlag = true;
+		 }
-		//閬嶅巻姝よ鐨�1-15鍒楋紙纭畾鍗曞厓鏍硷級
-		for (int j = 1; j < m_CellPerLine; j++)
-		{
-			int nCol = j;
-			//濡傛灉0鍒椾负绌�
-			if (checkFlag)
-			{
-				//鏈夊乏渚т笂绔栫嚎
-				if (Cells[nRow][nCol].bLeftLineUp)
-				{
-					//濡傛灉涓婂眰涓虹┖鍗曞厓鏍硷紝鏃犳晥绔栫嚎锛岀洿鎺ュ垹闄�-----鍙互鍗曠嫭鍒ゆ柇
-					if (nRow - 1 >= 0 && Cells[nRow-1][nCol].nType == 0)
-					{
-						//娓呯悊鍗曞厓鏍�
-						Cells[nRow][nCol].clear();
-					}
-					//濡傛灉鏄痭one锛岄敊璇細鐭矾鎴栧洖璺�
-					else if (Cells[nRow][nCol].nType == 0)
-					{
-						message.Format(_T("((%d,%d) 闄勮繎浣嶇疆浜х敓瑙︾偣鐭矾鎴栧洖璺紒"),nRow,nCol);
-						return std::make_pair(111, message);
-					}
-					//濡傛灉涓嶄负none銆傚彲浠ヨ浆鎹紝浣嗘槸鎻愮ず锛氭棤娉曠粯鍒跺浘褰紙绋嬪簭涓嶅悎鐞嗭級
-					if (Cells[nRow][nCol].nType != 1)
-					{
-						message.Format(_T("((%d,%d) 鏃犳硶缁樺埗鍥惧舰锛堢▼搴忎笉鍚堢悊锛�"), nRow, nCol);
-						return std::make_pair(111, message);
-					}
+		 //閬嶅巻姝よ鐨�1-15鍒楋紙纭畾鍗曞厓鏍硷級
+		 for (int j = 1; j < m_CellPerLine; j++)
+		 {
+			 int nCol = j;
+			 //濡傛灉0鍒椾负绌�
+			 if (checkFlag)
+			 {
+				 //鏈夊乏渚т笂绔栫嚎
+				 if (Cells[nRow][nCol].bLeftLineUp)
+				 {
+					 //濡傛灉涓婂眰涓虹┖鍗曞厓鏍硷紝鏃犳晥绔栫嚎锛岀洿鎺ュ垹闄�-----鍙互鍗曠嫭鍒ゆ柇
+					 if (nRow - 1 >= 0 && Cells[nRow - 1][nCol].nType == 0)
+					 {
+						 //娓呯悊鍗曞厓鏍�
+						 Cells[nRow][nCol].clear();
+					 }
+					 //濡傛灉鏄痭one锛岄敊璇細鐭矾鎴栧洖璺�
+					 else if (Cells[nRow][nCol].nType == 0)
+					 {
+						 message.Format(_T("((%d,%d) 闄勮繎浣嶇疆浜х敓瑙︾偣鐭矾鎴栧洖璺紒"), nRow, nCol);
+						 return std::make_pair(111, message);
+					 }
+					 //濡傛灉涓嶄负none銆傚彲浠ヨ浆鎹紝浣嗘槸鎻愮ず锛氭棤娉曠粯鍒跺浘褰紙绋嬪簭涓嶅悎鐞嗭級
+					 if (Cells[nRow][nCol].nType != 1)
+					 {
+						 message.Format(_T("((%d,%d) 鏃犳硶缁樺埗鍥惧舰锛堢▼搴忎笉鍚堢悊锛�"), nRow, nCol);
+						 return std::make_pair(111, message);
+					 }
-				}
-				//娌℃湁宸︿晶涓婄珫绾匡紝涓旀鍗曞厓鏍肩被鍨� 涓嶄负绌烘垨绾�
-				else if (Cells[nRow][nCol].nType > 2)
-				{
-					//姝ゅ崟鍏冩牸涓哄崟鐙殑绾垮湀鎴栨寚浠ゅ崟鍏冿紝闇�瑕佽Е鐐硅緭鍏�
-					message.Format(_T("((%d,%d) 闇�瑕佽Е鐐硅緭鍏�"), nRow, nCol);
-					return std::make_pair(111, message);
-				}
-				//鏈夊乏渚т笅绔栫嚎锛屼笖姝ゅ崟鍏冩牸绫诲瀷涓虹┖
-				if (Cells[nRow][nCol].bLeftLineDn)
-				{
-					//涓嶆敮鎸佸洖璺�
-				}
-			}
-			//濡�0鍒楅潪绌�
-			else
-			{
+				 }
+				 //娌℃湁宸︿晶涓婄珫绾匡紝涓旀鍗曞厓鏍肩被鍨� 涓嶄负绌烘垨绾�
+				 else if (Cells[nRow][nCol].nType > 2)
+				 {
+					 //姝ゅ崟鍏冩牸涓哄崟鐙殑绾垮湀鎴栨寚浠ゅ崟鍏冿紝闇�瑕佽Е鐐硅緭鍏�
+					 message.Format(_T("((%d,%d) 闇�瑕佽Е鐐硅緭鍏�"), nRow, nCol);
+					 return std::make_pair(111, message);
+				 }
+				 //鏈夊乏渚т笅绔栫嚎锛屼笖姝ゅ崟鍏冩牸绫诲瀷涓虹┖
+				 if (Cells[nRow][nCol].bLeftLineDn)
+				 {
+					 //涓嶆敮鎸佸洖璺�
+				 }
+			 }
+			 //濡�0鍒楅潪绌�
+			 else
+			 {
-			}
-		}
+			 }
+		 }
-	}
-	return std::make_pair(0,message);
+	 }
+	 return std::make_pair(0, message);
+ }

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