From 61deef5cdf96cbfdd6ad45be49e80d597c00ca65 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: QuakeGod <>
Date: 星期二, 24 十二月 2024 08:37:21 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] 2024-12-24

 MTerm1/MTerm1Doc.cpp | 2564 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 2,559 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/MTerm1/MTerm1Doc.cpp b/MTerm1/MTerm1Doc.cpp
index b6f6123..0f5cf09 100644
--- a/MTerm1/MTerm1Doc.cpp
+++ b/MTerm1/MTerm1Doc.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-// MTerm1Doc.cpp: CMTerm1Doc 绫荤殑瀹炵幇
+// MultiTerminal2Doc.cpp: CMTerm1Doc 绫荤殑瀹炵幇
 #include "pch.h"
@@ -12,17 +12,157 @@
 #include "MTerm1Doc.h"
+#include "MTerm1View.h"
+#include "MTerm1LdsView.h"
+#include "MTerm1BldView.h"
+#include "MTerm1BnlView.h"
+#include "MTerm1CoilView.h"
+#include "MTerm1DataView.h"
+#include "MTerm1CtrlView.h"
+#include "MTerm1TestView.h"
+#include "MTerm1ProgTxt.h"
+#include "MTerm1CommDevView.h"
 #include <propkey.h>
+#include "DialogCommSet1.h"
+#include "DialogStatusShow.h"
+#include "DialogSysRegSet.h"
+#include "DialogFactCfg.h"
+#include "DialogDateTime.h"
+#include "DialogEventLog.h"
+//#include "HvSerialPort.h"
+#include <functional>
 #ifdef _DEBUG
 #define new DEBUG_NEW
 // CMTerm1Doc
+CMTerm1Doc::stTypeNameDef CMTerm1Doc::CoilTypeNameDef[] =
+	{KLCoilTypeX,"X"},
+	{KLCoilTypeY,"Y"}, 
+	{KLCoilTypeR,"R"},
+	{KLCoilTypeLX,"LX"},
+	{KLCoilTypeLY,"LY"},
+	{KLCoilTypeLR,"LR"},
+	{KLCoilTypeSR,"SR"},
+	{KLCoilTypeC,"C"},
+	{KLCoilTypeT,"T"},
+	{KLCoilTypeP,"P"},
+	{KLCoilTypeE,"E"},
+int CMTerm1Doc::nCoilTypeDefCount = sizeof(CMTerm1Doc::CoilTypeNameDef) / sizeof(stTypeNameDef);
+CMTerm1Doc::stTypeNameDef CMTerm1Doc::DataTypeNameDef[] =
+	{KLDataTypeDEC,"K"},
+	{KLDataTypeHEX,"H"},
+	{KLDataTypeWX,"WX"},
+	{KLDataTypeWY,"WY"},
+	{KLDataTypeWR,"WR"},
+	{KLDataTypeDT,"DT"},
+	{KLDataTypeWLX,"WLX"},
+	{KLDataTypeWLY,"WLY"},
+	{KLDataTypeSDT,"SDT"},
+	{KLDataTypeWSR,"WSR"},
+	{KLDataTypeEV,"EV"},
+	{KLDataTypeSV,"SV"},
+	{KLDataTypeLD,"LD"},
+int CMTerm1Doc::nDataTypeDefCount = sizeof(CMTerm1Doc::DataTypeNameDef) / sizeof(stTypeNameDef);
+CMTerm1Doc::stOpDef CMTerm1Doc::OpDef[] =
+	{OP_NOP,"NOP",0},
+	{OP_END,"ED",0},
+	{OP_ST,"ST",1,KLParamCoil},
+	{OP_ST_,"ST/",1,KLParamCoil},
+	{OP_AN,"AN",1,KLParamCoil},
+	{OP_AN_,"AN/",1,KLParamCoil},
+	{OP_OR,"OR",1,KLParamCoil},
+	{OP_OR_,"OR/",1,KLParamCoil},
+	{OP_NOT,"NOT"},
+	{OP_ANS,"ANS"},
+	{OP_ORS,"ORS"}
+	,
+	{OP_RDS,"RDS"},
+	{OP_OUT,"OUT",1,KLParamCoil},
+	{OP_SET,"SET",1,KLParamCoil},
+	{OP_RESET,"RESET",1,KLParamCoil},
+	{OP_DF,"DF"},
+	{OP_DF_,"DF/"},
+	{OP_ST_EQ,"ST=",2,KLParamWord,"="},
+	{OP_ST_LT,"ST<",2,KLParamWord,"<"},
+	{OP_ST_GT,"ST>",2,KLParamWord,">"},
+	{OP_ST_LE,"ST<=",2,KLParamWord,"<="},
+	{OP_ST_GE,"ST>=",2,KLParamWord,">="},
+	{OP_ST_NE,"ST<>",2,KLParamWord,"<>"},
+	{OP_AN_EQ,"AN=",2,KLParamWord,"="},
+	{OP_AN_LT,"AN<",2,KLParamWord,"<"},
+	{OP_AN_GT,"AN>",2,KLParamWord,">"},
+	{OP_AN_LE,"AN<=",2,KLParamWord,"<="},
+	{OP_AN_GE,"AN>=",2,KLParamWord,">="},
+	{OP_AN_NE,"AN<>",2,KLParamWord,"<>"},
+	{OP_OR_EQ,"OR=",2,KLParamWord,"="},
+	{OP_OR_LT,"OR<",2,KLParamWord,"<"},
+	{OP_OR_GT,"OR>",2,KLParamWord,">"},
+	{OP_OR_LE,"OR<=",2,KLParamWord,"<="},
+	{OP_OR_GE,"OR>=",2,KLParamWord,">="},
+	{OP_OR_NE,"OR<>",2,KLParamWord,"<>"},
+	{OP_TML,"TML",2,KLParamWord,"TML"},
+	{OP_TMR,"TMR",2,KLParamWord,"TMR"},
+	{OP_TMX,"TMX",2,KLParamWord,"TMX"},
+	{OP_TMY,"TMY",2,KLParamWord,"TMY"},
+	{OP_MV,"MV",2,KLParamWord,"MV"},
+	{OP_INC,"INC",1,KLParamWord,"+1"},
+	{OP_ADD2,"ADD2",2,KLParamWord,"+"},
+	{OP_ADD3,"ADD3",3,KLParamWord,"+"},
+	{OP_DEC,"DEC",1,KLParamWord,"-1"},
+	{OP_SUB2,"SUB2",2,KLParamWord,"-"},
+	{OP_SUB3,"SUB3",3,KLParamWord,"-"},
+	{OP_MUL,"MUL",3,KLParamWord,"X"},
+	{OP_DIV,"DIV",3,KLParamWord,"/"},
+int CMTerm1Doc::nOpDefCount = sizeof(CMTerm1Doc::OpDef) / sizeof(stOpDef);
+	ON_COMMAND(ID_ONLINE, &CMTerm1Doc::OnOnline)
+	ON_COMMAND(ID_OFFLINE, &CMTerm1Doc::OnOffline)
+	ON_COMMAND(ID_SIMULATE, &CMTerm1Doc::OnSimulate)
@@ -32,37 +172,128 @@
 	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ娣诲姞涓�娆℃�ф瀯閫犱唬鐮�
+	KLink1::stCallBackFuncs callbackfuncs;
+//	callbackfuncs.OpenFunc = std::bind(&HvSerialPort::Open, &myHvSerialPort1);
+//	callbackfuncs.CloseFunc = std::bind(&HvSerialPort::Close, &myHvSerialPort1);
+//	callbackfuncs.ClearBufFunc = std::bind(&HvSerialPort::ClearBuf, &myHvSerialPort1);
+//	callbackfuncs.SendPkgFunc = std::bind(&HvSerialPort::Send, &myHvSerialPort1, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2);
+//	callbackfuncs.RecvPkgFunc = std::bind(&HvSerialPort::Recv, &myHvSerialPort1, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2);
+//	theApp.MyKLink1.SetCallBackFuncs(&callbackfuncs);
+//	StartTime = myHvSerialPort1.GetTimemS();
+int CMTerm1Doc::SendPacket(void * pBuf, int Len)
+	return myHvSerialPort1.Send((char *)pBuf, Len);
+int CMTerm1Doc::RecvPacket(void * pBuf, int Len)
+	int j = 0;
+	j = myHvSerialPort1.Recv((char *)pBuf, Len);
+	if (j <= 0)
+	{
+		CString s1;
+		s1.Format(_T("Read %d R=%d %s"), Len, j, myHvSerialPort1.m_strResult);
+		SysLog(s1);
+	}
+	return j;
+/// <summary>
+/// 澶勭悊鏂版枃妗g殑鍒涘缓浜嬩欢
+/// </summary>
+/// <returns></returns>
 BOOL CMTerm1Doc::OnNewDocument()
 	if (!CDocument::OnNewDocument())
+	{
 		return FALSE;
+	}
 	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ娣诲姞閲嶆柊鍒濆鍖栦唬鐮�
 	// (SDI 鏂囨。灏嗛噸鐢ㄨ鏂囨。)
+	//LoadFromFile(_T("0prog1.txt"));
+	return TRUE;
+/// <summary>
+/// 澶勭悊鎵撳紑鐨勬枃妗�
+/// </summary>
+/// <param name="lpszPathName">鎸囧悜瑕佹墦寮�鐨勬枃浠惰矾寰勭殑鎸囬拡</param>
+/// <returns></returns>
+BOOL CMTerm1Doc::OnOpenDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName)
+//	if (!CDocument::OnOpenDocument(lpszPathName))
+//		return FALSE;
+	CString s1;//鏃ュ織淇℃伅
+	s1.Format(_T("OnOpenDocument %s"), lpszPathName);
+	SysLog(s1);
+	//鍔犺浇鏂囦欢鍐呭
+	LoadFromFile(lpszPathName);
 	return TRUE;
+/// <summary>
+/// 澶勭悊淇濆瓨鏂囨。鐨勪簨浠�
+/// </summary>
+/// <param name="lpszPathName">鎸囧悜瑕佹墦寮�鐨勬枃浠惰矾寰勭殑鎸囬拡</param>
+/// <returns></returns>
+BOOL CMTerm1Doc::OnSaveDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName)
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ娣诲姞涓撶敤浠g爜鍜�/鎴栬皟鐢ㄥ熀绫�
+	CString s1;
+	s1.Format(_T("OnSaveDocument %s"), lpszPathName);
+	SysLog(s1);
+	//0912-zxd-Modify
+ 	int result = SaveToFile(lpszPathName);
+	return result == 1 ? TRUE : FALSE;
+//	return CDocument::OnSaveDocument(lpszPathName);
+/// <summary>
+/// 澶勭悊鍏抽棴鏂囨。鐨勪簨浠�
+/// </summary>
+void CMTerm1Doc::OnCloseDocument()
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ娣诲姞涓撶敤浠g爜鍜�/鎴栬皟鐢ㄥ熀绫�
+//	CString s1;
+//	s1.Format(_T("OnCloseDocument %s"));
+//	SysLog(s1);
+	CDocument::OnCloseDocument();
-// CMTerm1Doc 搴忓垪鍖�
+/// <summary>
+///  CMTerm1Doc 搴忓垪鍖�
+/// </summary>
+/// <param name="ar"></param>
 void CMTerm1Doc::Serialize(CArchive& ar)
+	CString s1;
 	if (ar.IsStoring())
 		// TODO: 鍦ㄦ娣诲姞瀛樺偍浠g爜
+		ar.GetFile();
+		s1.Format(_T("Serialize Saving"));
+		SysLog(s1);
 		// TODO: 鍦ㄦ娣诲姞鍔犺浇浠g爜
+		s1.Format(_T("Serialize Loading"));
+		SysLog(s1);
@@ -100,6 +331,10 @@
+/// <summary>
+/// 璁剧疆鏂囨。鐨勬悳绱㈠唴瀹�
+/// </summary>
+/// <param name="value">瑕佹悳绱㈠唴瀹圭殑瀛楃涓插��</param>
 void CMTerm1Doc::SetSearchContent(const CString& value)
 	if (value.IsEmpty())
@@ -123,11 +358,17 @@
 // CMTerm1Doc 璇婃柇
 #ifdef _DEBUG
+/// <summary>
+/// 楠岃瘉瀵硅薄鐨勬湁鏁堟��
+/// </summary>
 void CMTerm1Doc::AssertValid() const
+/// <summary>
+/// 璇婃柇淇℃伅鐨勮緭鍑�
+/// </summary>
+/// <param name="dc"></param>
 void CMTerm1Doc::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const
@@ -135,4 +376,2317 @@
 #endif //_DEBUG
-// CMTerm1Doc 鍛戒护
+/// <summary>
+/// 鍔犺浇鎸囧畾鐨勬枃浠�
+/// </summary>
+/// <param name="sFilePathName">闇�瑕佸姞杞界殑鏂囦欢鐨勮矾寰勫悕</param>
+/// <returns></returns>
+int CMTerm1Doc::LoadFromFile(CString sFilePathName)
+	CFile file1;//鎵撳紑鎸囧畾鐨勬枃浠�
+	CFileException e;
+	bool r = file1.Open(sFilePathName, CFile::modeRead, &e);
+	if (r)
+	{
+		int l = (int)file1.GetLength();
+		CStringA s1A;
+		file1.Read(s1A.GetBuffer(l + 2048), l);
+		file1.Close();
+		s1A.ReleaseBuffer(l);
+		TransFileToProg(s1A);//鏂囦欢鍐呭杞崲涓篜rog鏍煎紡
+		UpdateAllViews(NULL);//鏇存柊鎵�鏈夌殑瑙嗗浘锛屼互鍙嶆槧鏂板姞杞界殑鍐呭
+	}
+	return 0;
+/// <summary>
+/// 淇濆瓨鏂囦欢
+/// </summary>
+/// <param name="sFilePathName">闇�瑕佷繚瀛樼殑鏂囦欢鐨勮矾寰勫悕</param>
+/// <returns></returns>
+int CMTerm1Doc::SaveToFile(CString sFilePathName)
+	CString s1;
+	CFile file1;
+	CFileException e;
+	bool r = file1.Open(sFilePathName, CFile::modeCreate|CFile::modeReadWrite, &e);//璇诲啓妯″紡鎵撳紑鏂囦欢
+	if (r)
+	{
+		CStringA s1A;
+		CStringA sSectionNameA;
+		//鍐欏叆绯荤粺閰嶇疆
+		GetSectionName(SectionSysCfg, sSectionNameA); //鑾峰彇绯荤粺閰嶇疆鐨勬枃鏈〃绀�
+		s1A = "[" + sSectionNameA + "]\r\n";
+		file1.Write(s1A, s1A.GetLength());//灏嗚幏鍙栧埌鐨勬枃鏈唴瀹瑰啓鍏ユ枃浠�
+		//鍐欏叆绋嬪簭
+		GetSectionName(SectionProg, sSectionNameA); //鑾峰彇绋嬪簭鐨勬枃鏈〃绀�
+		s1A = "[" + sSectionNameA + "]\r\n";
+		file1.Write(s1A, s1A.GetLength());//鑾峰彇鍒扮殑鏂囨湰鍐呭鍐欏叆鏂囦欢
+		TransToTxt(s1A);//灏嗙▼搴忓唴瀹硅浆鎹负鏂囨湰鏍煎紡
+		file1.Write(s1A, s1A.GetLength());//灏嗚浆鎹㈠悗鐨勬枃鏈唴瀹瑰啓鍏ユ枃浠�
+		//鍐欏叆娉ㄩ噴
+		GetSectionName(SectionAnno, sSectionNameA); //鑾峰彇娉ㄩ噴鐨勬枃鏈〃绀�
+		s1A = "[" + sSectionNameA + "]\r\n";
+		file1.Write(s1A, s1A.GetLength());
+		//寰幆閬嶅巻鎵�鏈夋敞閲婏紝骞跺皢鍏跺啓鍏ユ枃浠�
+		for (int i = 0; i < nCoilAnnoCount; i++)
+		{
+			if (mCoilAnnos[i].sAnno.IsEmpty()) { continue; }
+			s1 = mCoilAnnos[i].sCoilName + _T("\t") + mCoilAnnos[i].sAnno + _T("\r\n");
+			s1A = s1;
+			file1.Write(s1A, s1A.GetLength());
+		}
+		//鍐欏叆瑙︾偣鐩戞帶鍒楄〃
+		GetSectionName(SectionCoilList, sSectionNameA); //鑾峰彇瑙︾偣鐩戞帶鍒楄〃鐨勬枃鏈〃绀�
+		s1A = "[" + sSectionNameA + "]\r\n";
+		file1.Write(s1A, s1A.GetLength());
+		//鍐欏叆鏁版嵁鐩戞帶鍒楄〃
+		GetSectionName(SectionDataList, sSectionNameA); //鑾峰彇鏁版嵁鐩戞帶鍒楄〃鐨勬枃鏈〃绀�
+		s1A = "[" + sSectionNameA + "]\r\n";
+		file1.Write(s1A, s1A.GetLength());
+		file1.Close();
+		return 1;
+	}
+	else//鏂囦欢鎵撳紑澶辫触
+	{
+		return 0;
+	}
+/// <summary>
+/// 鏍规嵁鏂囨湰鍖归厤绫诲瀷鐨凨ey骞惰繑鍥�
+/// </summary>
+/// <param name="txt"></param>
+/// <returns></returns>
+int CMTerm1Doc::TxtToSectionType(CStringA txt)
+	for (int i = 0; i < nSectionDefCount; i++) {
+		if (SectionDef[i].SectionName == txt) {
+			return SectionDef[i].nSectionType;
+		}
+	}
+	return SectionNone;
+/// <summary>
+/// 鏍规嵁Key鍖归厤绫诲瀷鐨勬枃鏈紝閫氳繃txt浼犻�掞紝杩斿洖鏌ヨ鎵ц缁撴灉
+/// </summary>
+/// <param name="nSectionType"></param>
+/// <param name="txt"></param>
+/// <returns></returns>
+int CMTerm1Doc::GetSectionName(int nSectionType, CStringA & txt)
+	for (int i = 0; i < nSectionDefCount; i++) {
+		if (SectionDef[i].nSectionType == nSectionType) {
+			txt = SectionDef[i].SectionName;
+			return true;
+		}
+	}
+	return false;
+/// <summary>
+/// </summary>
+/// <param name="nSectionType">Section绫诲瀷</param>
+/// <param name="nSectionLine">琛屽彿</param>
+/// <param name="nSectionLines">琛屾暟</param>
+/// <returns></returns>
+int CMTerm1Doc::GetSectionPos(int nSectionType, int * nSectionLine, int * nSectionLines)
+	for (int i = 0; i < nSectionCount; i++) {
+		if (Sections[i].nSectionType == nSectionType) {
+			*nSectionLine = Sections[i].nSectionLineNo;
+			*nSectionLines = Sections[i].nLines;
+			return true;
+		}
+	}
+	return false;
+/// <summary>
+/// 鏂囨湰琛ㄧず鐨勬搷浣滆浆鎹负鍏剁浉搴旂殑鎿嶄綔绫诲瀷銆佸弬鏁版暟閲忓拰鍙傛暟绫诲瀷
+/// </summary>
+/// <param name="optxt">琛ㄧず鎿嶄綔鐨勫瓧绗︿覆</param>
+/// <param name="ParamCount">杩斿洖涓庣粰瀹氭搷浣滅浉瀵瑰簲鐨勫弬鏁版暟閲�</param>
+/// <param name="ParamType">杩斿洖涓庣粰瀹氭搷浣滅浉瀵瑰簲鐨勫弬鏁扮被鍨�</param>
+/// <returns>-1锛氬尮閰嶅け璐�</returns>
+int CMTerm1Doc::TxtToOp(CStringA optxt, int* ParamCount, int* ParamType)
+	for (int i = 0; i < nOpDefCount; i++){
+		if (OpDef[i].OpTxt == optxt)	{
+			*ParamCount = OpDef[i].nParamCount;
+			*ParamType = OpDef[i].nParamType;
+			return OpDef[i].nOpType1;
+		}
+	}
+	return -1;
+/// <summary>
+/// 鎿嶄綔绫诲瀷杞崲涓哄叾鐩稿簲鐨勬枃鏈〃绀�
+/// </summary>
+/// <param name="nOp">鎿嶄綔绫诲瀷</param>
+/// <param name="OpTxt">鎿嶄綔鏂囨湰</param>
+/// <returns></returns>
+int CMTerm1Doc::OpToTxt(int nOp, CStringA & OpTxt)
+	for (int i = 0; i < nOpDefCount; i++){
+		if (OpDef[i].nOpType1 == nOp) {
+			OpTxt = OpDef[i].OpTxt;
+			return true;
+		}
+	}
+	return false;
+/// <summary>
+/// 鎿嶄綔绫诲瀷杞崲涓哄叾鐩稿簲鐨勫墠鍙板睍绀烘枃鏈�
+/// </summary>
+/// <param name="nOp">鎿嶄綔绫诲瀷</param>
+/// <param name="OpShowTxt">鍓嶅彴灞曠ず鏂囨湰</param>
+/// <returns></returns>
+int CMTerm1Doc::OpToShowTxt(int nOp, CStringA & OpShowTxt)
+	for (int i = 0; i < nOpDefCount; i++) {
+		if (OpDef[i].nOpType1 == nOp) {
+			OpShowTxt = OpDef[i].ShowTxt;
+			return true;
+		}
+	}
+	return false;
+/// <summary>
+/// 鏂囨湰杞嚎鍦堢被鍨�
+/// </summary>
+/// <param name="Typetxt">绾垮湀绫诲瀷</param>
+/// <param name="nCoilType">绾垮湀绫诲瀷</param>
+/// <param name="nCoilAddr">绾垮湀鍦板潃</param>
+/// <returns></returns>
+int CMTerm1Doc::TxtToCoilType(CStringA Typetxt, int* nCoilType, int* nCoilAddr)
+	Typetxt.MakeUpper();
+	for (int i = 0; i < nCoilTypeDefCount; i++)
+	{
+		if (Typetxt.Find( CoilTypeNameDef[i].TypeTxt)==0) {
+			*nCoilType = CoilTypeNameDef[i].nType;
+			*nCoilAddr = atoi(Typetxt.Mid(CoilTypeNameDef[i].TypeTxt.GetLength()));
+			return true;
+			return CoilTypeNameDef[i].nType;
+		}
+	}
+	return false;;
+/// <summary>
+/// 绾垮湀绫诲瀷杞枃鏈�
+/// </summary>
+/// <param name="nType">绾垮湀绫诲瀷</param>
+/// <param name="typeTxt">绾垮湀鏂囨湰</param>
+/// <returns></returns>
+int CMTerm1Doc::CoilTypeToTxt(int nType, CStringA & typeTxt)
+	for (int i = 0; i < nCoilTypeDefCount; i++)
+	{
+		if (CoilTypeNameDef[i].nType == nType){
+			typeTxt = CoilTypeNameDef[i].TypeTxt;
+			return true;
+		}
+	}
+	return false;
+/// <summary>
+/// </summary>
+/// <param name="Typetxt"></param>
+/// <param name="nDataType"></param>
+/// <param name="nDataAddr"></param>
+/// <returns></returns>
+int CMTerm1Doc::TxtToDataType(CStringA Typetxt, int * nDataType, int* nDataAddr)
+	Typetxt.MakeUpper();
+	for (int i = 0; i < nDataTypeDefCount; i++)
+	{
+		if (Typetxt.Find(DataTypeNameDef[i].TypeTxt) == 0) {
+			*nDataType = DataTypeNameDef[i].nType;
+			*nDataAddr = atoi(Typetxt.Mid(DataTypeNameDef[i].TypeTxt.GetLength()));
+			return true;
+		}
+	}
+	*nDataType = KLDataTypeDEC;
+	*nDataAddr = atoi(Typetxt);
+	return false;
+/// <summary>
+/// </summary>
+/// <param name="nType"></param>
+/// <param name="typeTxt"></param>
+/// <returns></returns>
+int CMTerm1Doc::DataTypeToTxt(int nType, CStringA & typeTxt)
+	for (int i = 0; i < nDataTypeDefCount; i++)
+	{
+		if (DataTypeNameDef[i].nType == nType) {
+			typeTxt = DataTypeNameDef[i].TypeTxt;
+			return true;
+		}
+	}
+	return false;
+/// <summary>
+/// 鑾峰彇涓庣壒瀹氱被鍨嬪拰鍦板潃鐩稿搴旂殑绾垮湀娉ㄩ噴
+/// </summary>
+/// <param name="nType"></param>
+/// <param name="nAddr"></param>
+/// <param name="sAnno"></param>
+/// <returns></returns>
+int CMTerm1Doc::GetAnno(unsigned short nType, unsigned short nAddr, CString & sAnno)
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ澶勬坊鍔犲疄鐜颁唬鐮�.
+	// 浜屽垎娉� 鏌ユ壘銆�
+	// map.
+	for (int i = 0; i < nCoilAnnoCount; i++) {
+		if (mCoilAnnos[i].nType == nType && mCoilAnnos[i].nAddr == nAddr) {
+			sAnno = mCoilAnnos[i].sAnno;
+			return 1;
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+/// <summary>
+/// 璁剧疆鎴栨洿鏂扮壒瀹氱嚎鍦堢殑娉ㄩ噴
+/// </summary>
+/// <param name="sCoilName"></param>
+/// <param name="sAnno"></param>
+/// <returns></returns>
+int CMTerm1Doc::SetAnno(CString sCoilName, CString sAnno)
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ澶勬坊鍔犲疄鐜颁唬鐮�.
+// 浜屽垎娉� 鏌ユ壘銆�
+// map.
+	int bValid = 0;
+	int nType = 0, nAddr = 0;
+	CStringA s1A;
+	s1A = sCoilName;
+	if (TxtToCoilType(s1A, &nType, &nAddr) || TxtToDataType(s1A, &nType, &nAddr)) {
+		bValid = 1;
+	}
+	if (!bValid) return false;
+	for (int i = 0; i < nCoilAnnoCount; i++) {
+		if (mCoilAnnos[i].nType == nType && mCoilAnnos[i].nAddr == nAddr) {
+			mCoilAnnos[i].sAnno = sAnno;
+			return 1;
+		}
+	}
+	mCoilAnnos[nCoilAnnoCount].nType = nType;
+	mCoilAnnos[nCoilAnnoCount].nAddr = nAddr;
+	mCoilAnnos[nCoilAnnoCount].sCoilName = sCoilName;
+	mCoilAnnos[nCoilAnnoCount].sAnno = sAnno;
+	nCoilAnnoCount++;
+	return 2;
+/// <summary>
+/// 鐩存帴浣跨敤绫诲瀷鍜屽湴鍧�鍙傛暟鏉ヨ缃垨鏇存柊鐗瑰畾绾垮湀鐨勬敞閲�
+/// </summary>
+/// <param name="nType">绫诲瀷</param>
+/// <param name="nAddr">鍦板潃</param>
+/// <param name="sCoilName">绾垮湀鍚嶇О</param>
+/// <param name="sAnno">绾垮湀娉ㄩ噴</param>
+/// <returns></returns>
+int CMTerm1Doc::SetAnno(unsigned short nType, unsigned short nAddr, CString sCoilName, CString sAnno)
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ澶勬坊鍔犲疄鐜颁唬鐮�.
+// 浜屽垎娉�? 鏌ユ壘銆�
+// map.
+	for (int i = 0; i < nCoilAnnoCount; i++) {
+		if (mCoilAnnos[i].nType == nType && mCoilAnnos[i].nAddr == nAddr) {
+			mCoilAnnos[i].sAnno = sAnno;
+			return 1;
+		}
+	}
+	mCoilAnnos[nCoilAnnoCount].nType = nType;
+	mCoilAnnos[nCoilAnnoCount].nAddr = nAddr;
+	mCoilAnnos[nCoilAnnoCount].sCoilName = sCoilName;
+	mCoilAnnos[nCoilAnnoCount].sAnno = sAnno;
+	nCoilAnnoCount++;
+	return 0;
+/// <summary>
+/// 杞崲鏂囨湰琛屼负Prog鏍煎紡
+/// </summary>
+/// <param name="txtLines">鏂囨湰琛岄泦鍚�</param>
+/// <param name="StartLine">寮�濮嬭</param>
+/// <param name="ProgLines">绋嬪簭琛�</param>
+/// <returns></returns>
+int CMTerm1Doc::TransLinesToProg(const CStringArray & txtLines, int StartLine , int ProgLines)
+	CString s1;
+	int txtLineCount = (int)txtLines.GetSize();
+	//璇诲彇绋嬪簭 绔犺妭
+	int nProgStartLine = 0;
+	int nProgLines = 0;
+	nProgStartLine = StartLine;
+	if (ProgLines == -1) nProgLines = txtLineCount;
+	else nProgLines = ProgLines;
+	int nProgPos = 0;
+	//閫愯璇诲彇骞惰浆鍖�
+	for (int i = nProgStartLine; i < nProgStartLine + nProgLines; i++)
+	{
+		CString sLine;
+		sLine = txtLines.GetAt(i);
+		//娓呴櫎绌烘牸鍜屽埗琛ㄧ
+		sLine.Trim();
+		sLine.Replace(_T("\t"), _T(" "));
+		sLine.Replace(_T("   "), _T(" "));
+		sLine.Replace(_T("  "), _T(" "));
+		//浣跨敤绌烘牸鍒嗛殧瀛楃涓诧紝骞跺皢鍏跺瓨鍌ㄥ湪 strarr2 鏁扮粍涓�
+		CStringArray strarr2;
+		DivideStringToArray(sLine, _T(" "), strarr2);
+		if (strarr2.GetSize() == 0)
+		{
+			continue;
+		}
+		//浠庢暟缁勪腑鎻愬彇鎸囦护锛屽苟灏嗗叾杞崲涓哄ぇ鍐欏舰寮�
+		CString sCmd;
+		sCmd = strarr2.GetAt(0);
+		sCmd.MakeUpper();
+		//浣跨敤 TxtToOp 鍑芥暟灏嗘寚浠ゆ枃鏈浆鎹负鎿嶄綔绫诲瀷銆�
+		CStringA s1A;
+		s1A = sCmd;
+		int nParamCount, nParamType;
+		int nType, nAddr;
+		int k = TxtToOp(s1A, &nParamCount, &nParamType);
+		if (k >= 0)
+		{
+			//鏍规嵁鍙傛暟绫诲瀷锛屼娇鐢� TxtToCoilType 鎴� TxtToDataType 鍑芥暟灏嗗弬鏁版枃鏈浆鎹负鍙傛暟绫诲瀷鍜屽湴鍧�
+			Progs[nProgPos].nOpType1 = k;
+			for (int j = 0; j < 3 && j < nParamCount && j < strarr2.GetSize() - 1; j++)
+			{
+				s1A = strarr2.GetAt(j + 1);
+				s1A.MakeUpper();
+				Progs[nProgPos].Params[j].sParamStr = s1A;
+				if (nParamType == KLParamCoil) {
+					TxtToCoilType(s1A, &nType, &nAddr);
+					Progs[nProgPos].Params[j].nParamType = nType;
+					Progs[nProgPos].Params[j].nParamAddr = nAddr;
+				}
+				else if (nParamType == KLParamWord) {
+					TxtToDataType(s1A, &nType, &nAddr);
+					Progs[nProgPos].Params[j].nParamType = nType;
+					Progs[nProgPos].Params[j].nParamAddr = nAddr;
+				}
+				else {                                                                                                                                                                                                 
+				}
+			}
+			Progs[nProgPos].nParamCount = (int)strarr2.GetSize() - 1;
+			Progs[nProgPos].PairTo = 0;
+			nProgPos++;
+		}
+	}
+	m_nProgSteps = nProgPos;
+	s1.Format(_T("DOC::Trans to Prog "));
+	SysLog(s1);
+	FindProgPair();
+	TransProgToBin();
+	return 0;
+int CMTerm1Doc::FindProgPair()
+	CString s1;
+	// 鍏堟壂鎻忓垎寮�鐨勭▼搴忔
+	int stpos[100] = { 0 };
+	int nSts = 0;
+	int StackDeeps[512] = { 0 };
+	int nCurStackDeep = 0;
+	// 鏌ユ壘鍖归厤鎸囦护鍜屽湴鍧�
+	//鍖归厤鎸囦护锛堥敊璇紝姝ゅ鍖归厤鎸囦护浣跨敤鏁板瓧
+	for (int i = 0; i < m_nProgSteps; i++)
+	{
+		int nOpType = Progs[i].nOpType1;
+		int nParamCount = Progs[i].nParamCount;
+		switch (Progs[i].nOpType1)
+		{
+		case OP_ST:
+		case OP_ST_:
+		case OP_ST_EQ:
+		case OP_ST_NE:
+		case OP_ST_LT:
+		case OP_ST_GT:
+		case OP_ST_LE:
+		case OP_ST_GE:
+			nCurStackDeep++;
+			s1.Format(_T("St Deep %d pos %d "), nCurStackDeep, i);
+			//SysLog(s1);
+			stpos[nSts] = i;
+			nSts++;
+			break;
+		case OP_ANS:
+		case OP_ORS:
+			Progs[stpos[nSts - 1]].PairTo = i; // CMTerm1Doc::OP_ANS;
+			s1.Format(_T("Pair deep %d   %d -- %d"), nCurStackDeep, stpos[nSts - 1], i);
+			//SysLog(s1);
+			nCurStackDeep--;
+			nSts--;
+			break;
+		case OP_PSHS:
+			break;
+		case OP_POPS:
+			break;
+			break;
+		default:
+			break;
+		}
+		StackDeeps[i] = nCurStackDeep;
+	}
+	s1.Format(_T("Remaining STs %d \r\n"), nSts);
+//	SysLog(s1);
+	for (int i = 0; i < nSts; i++) {
+		s1.AppendFormat(_T("[%d] %d\t"), i, stpos[i]);
+	}
+	SysLog(s1);
+	s1.Format(_T("Pairs \r\n"));
+//	SysLog(s1);
+	for (int i = 0; i < m_nProgSteps; i++) {
+		int nPairTo = Progs[i].PairTo;
+		if (nPairTo > 0) {
+			s1.AppendFormat(_T("%d - %d  type:%d\t"), i, nPairTo, Progs[nPairTo].nOpType1);
+		}
+	}
+	SysLog(s1);
+	return 0;
+int CMTerm1Doc::TransTxtToProg(CStringA ProgTxtA)
+	CString s1;
+	CString sProg;
+	sProg = ProgTxtA;
+	CStringArray txtLines;
+	sProg.Replace(_T("\r\n"), _T("\n"));
+	sProg.Replace(_T("\r"), _T("\n"));
+	DivideStringToArray(sProg, _T("\n"), txtLines);
+	TransLinesToProg(txtLines);
+	return 0;
+int CMTerm1Doc::AnnoToTxt(CStringA & AnnoTxtA)
+	CString s1;
+	CStringA s1A;
+	CStringA sSectionNameA;
+	GetSectionName(SectionAnno, sSectionNameA); //鑾峰彇娉ㄩ噴鐨勬枃鏈〃绀�
+	s1A = "[" + sSectionNameA + "]\r\n";
+	//寰幆閬嶅巻鎵�鏈夋敞閲婏紝骞跺皢鍏跺啓鍏ユ枃浠�
+	for (int i = 0; i < nCoilAnnoCount; i++)
+	{
+		if (mCoilAnnos[i].sAnno.IsEmpty()) { continue; }
+		s1 = mCoilAnnos[i].sCoilName + _T("\t") + mCoilAnnos[i].sAnno + _T("\r\n");
+		s1A += s1;
+	}
+	AnnoTxtA = s1A;
+	return AnnoTxtA.GetLength();
+int CMTerm1Doc::ReadAnnoFromTxt(CStringA AnnoTxtA)
+	// 璇诲彇娉ㄩ噴绔犺妭
+	CString s1;
+	CString sProg;
+	sProg = AnnoTxtA;
+	CStringArray txtLines;
+	sProg.Replace(_T("\r\n"), _T("\n"));
+	sProg.Replace(_T("\r"), _T("\n"));
+	DivideStringToArray(sProg, _T("\n"), txtLines);
+	int txtLineCount = (int)txtLines.GetSize();
+	nCoilAnnoCount = 0;
+	int nAnnoSectionLine = 0;
+	int nAnnoStartLine = 1;
+	int nAnnoLines = txtLineCount - 1;
+//	int bAnnoSection = GetSectionPos(SectionAnno, &nAnnoSectionLine, &nAnnoLines);
+//	if (bAnnoSection) { nAnnoStartLine = nAnnoSectionLine + 1; }
+	for (int i = nAnnoStartLine; i < nAnnoStartLine + nAnnoLines; i++)
+	{
+		CString sLine;
+		sLine = txtLines.GetAt(i);
+		sLine.Trim();
+		int DivPos = sLine.Find(_T("\t"));
+		if (DivPos < 1) continue;
+		CString sCoilName;
+		sCoilName = sLine.Left(DivPos);
+		sCoilName.MakeUpper();
+		CString sAnno;
+		sAnno = sLine.Mid(DivPos + 1);
+		//		SetAnno(sCoilName, sAnno);
+		CStringA s1A;
+		s1A = sCoilName;
+		int nParamType, nAddr;
+		TxtToCoilType(s1A, &nParamType, &nAddr) || TxtToDataType(s1A, &nParamType, &nAddr);
+		mCoilAnnos[nCoilAnnoCount].nType = nParamType;
+		mCoilAnnos[nCoilAnnoCount].nAddr = nAddr;
+		mCoilAnnos[nCoilAnnoCount].sCoilName = sCoilName;
+		mCoilAnnos[nCoilAnnoCount].sAnno = sAnno;
+		nCoilAnnoCount++;
+	}
+	return 0;
+/// <summary>
+/// 瑙f瀽鏂囦欢涓烘褰㈠浘
+/// </summary>
+/// <param name="ProgTxtA">鏂囨湰</param>
+/// <returns></returns>
+int CMTerm1Doc::TransFileToProg(CStringA ProgTxtA)
+	CString s1;
+	CString sProg;
+	sProg = ProgTxtA;
+	CStringArray txtLines;
+	sProg.Replace(_T("\r\n"), _T("\n"));
+	sProg.Replace(_T("\r"), _T("\n"));
+	//鍒嗗壊鏂囨湰瀛楃涓�
+	DivideStringToArray(sProg, _T("\n"), txtLines);
+	nSectionCount = 0;
+	int nCurSection = 0;
+	int txtLineCount = (int)txtLines.GetSize();
+	for (int i = 0; i < txtLineCount; i++)
+	{
+		CString sLine;
+		sLine = txtLines.GetAt(i);
+		sLine.Trim();
+		int nRightBracket;
+		if (sLine.Find(_T("[")) == 0 && (nRightBracket = sLine.Find(_T("]"))) > 1)
+		{		//鎵惧埌 [ ] 鏍囧織
+			if (nSectionCount > 0) 
+			{
+				Sections[nSectionCount - 1].nLines = i - Sections[nSectionCount - 1].nSectionLineNo - 1;
+				s1.Format(_T("- Line %d  Section %d Ends, %d Lines"), i, nSectionCount -1 ,Sections[nSectionCount - 1].nLines);
+				SysLog(s1);
+			}
+			CString sSectionName;
+			CStringA sSectionNameA;
+			sSectionName = sLine.Mid(1, nRightBracket - 1);
+			sSectionNameA = sSectionName;
+			int theSection = TxtToSectionType(sSectionNameA);
+			s1.Format(_T("+ Line %d  Section %d : [%s] type:%d  "), i + 1, nSectionCount, sSectionName, theSection);
+			SysLog(s1);
+			Sections[nSectionCount].nSectionType = theSection;
+			Sections[nSectionCount].nSectionLineNo = i;
+			nSectionCount++;
+		}
+	}
+	if (nSectionCount > 0) {
+		Sections[nSectionCount - 1].nLines = txtLineCount - Sections[nSectionCount - 1].nSectionLineNo - 1;
+		s1.Format(_T("Section Ends at Line %d  Lines %d "), txtLineCount, Sections[nSectionCount - 1].nLines);
+		SysLog(s1);
+	}
+	//璇诲彇绋嬪簭 绔犺妭
+	int nProgSectionLine = 0;
+	int nProgStartLine = 0;
+	int nProgLines = 0;
+	int bProgSection = GetSectionPos(SectionProg, &nProgSectionLine, &nProgLines);
+	if (bProgSection) { nProgStartLine = nProgSectionLine + 1; }
+	else { nProgStartLine = 0; nProgLines = txtLineCount; }
+	TransLinesToProg(txtLines,nProgStartLine,nProgLines);
+	// 璇诲彇娉ㄩ噴绔犺妭
+	nCoilAnnoCount = 0;
+	int nAnnoSectionLine = 0;
+	int nAnnoStartLine = 0;
+	int nAnnoLines = 0;
+	int bAnnoSection = GetSectionPos(SectionAnno, &nAnnoSectionLine, &nAnnoLines);
+	if (bAnnoSection) 
+	{
+		nAnnoStartLine = nAnnoSectionLine + 1; 
+	}
+	for (int i = nAnnoStartLine; i < nAnnoStartLine + nAnnoLines; i++)
+	{
+		CString sLine;
+		sLine = txtLines.GetAt(i);
+		sLine.Trim();
+		int DivPos = sLine.Find(_T("\t"));
+		if (DivPos < 1) continue;
+		CString sCoilName;
+		sCoilName = sLine.Left(DivPos);
+		sCoilName.MakeUpper();
+		CString sAnno;
+		sAnno = sLine.Mid(DivPos + 1);
+//		SetAnno(sCoilName, sAnno);
+		CStringA s1A;
+		s1A = sCoilName;
+		int nParamType,nAddr;
+		TxtToCoilType(s1A, &nParamType,&nAddr)
+			||TxtToDataType(s1A, &nParamType, &nAddr);
+		mCoilAnnos[nCoilAnnoCount].nType = nParamType;
+		mCoilAnnos[nCoilAnnoCount].nAddr = nAddr;
+		mCoilAnnos[nCoilAnnoCount].sCoilName = sCoilName;
+		mCoilAnnos[nCoilAnnoCount].sAnno = sAnno;
+		nCoilAnnoCount++;
+	}
+	return 0;
+int CMTerm1Doc::TransToTxt(CStringA &ProgTxt)
+	CStringA s1, s2;
+	for (int i = 0; i < m_nProgSteps; i++)
+	{
+		OpToTxt(Progs[i].nOpType1,s1);
+		if (Progs[i].nParamCount > 0) { s1.Append("\t" + Progs[i].Params[0].sParamStr); }
+		if (Progs[i].nParamCount > 1) { s1.Append("\t" + Progs[i].Params[1].sParamStr); }
+		if (Progs[i].nParamCount > 2) { s1.Append("\t" + Progs[i].Params[2].sParamStr); }
+		s1.Append("\r\n");
+		s2 += s1;
+	}
+	ProgTxt = s2;
+	return 0;
+int CMTerm1Doc::TransProgToBin()
+	CString s1;
+	stBinProg15* pBinProg15;
+	stBinProg2 * pBinProg2;
+	stBinProg3 * pBinProg3;
+	nBinProgSteps = 0;
+	for (int i = 0; i < m_nProgSteps; i++)
+	{	
+		int nOpType = Progs[i].nOpType1;
+		Progs[i].nBinStep = nBinProgSteps;
+		int nParamType1 = Progs[i].Params[0].nParamType;
+		int nParamAddr1 = Progs[i].Params[0].nParamAddr;
+		int nParamType2, nParamAddr2;
+		int nParamType3, nParamAddr3;
+		if (Progs[i].nParamCount > 1) {
+			nParamType2 = Progs[i].Params[1].nParamType;
+			nParamAddr2 = Progs[i].Params[1].nParamAddr;
+		}
+		if (Progs[i].nParamCount > 2) {
+			nParamType3 = Progs[i].Params[2].nParamType;
+			nParamAddr3 = Progs[i].Params[2].nParamAddr;
+		}
+		switch (nOpType)
+		{
+		case OP_NONE:
+			break;
+		//case OP_NOP:
+			break;
+			//鏃犲弬鏁� 鎸囦护
+		case OP_END:
+		case OP_NOT:
+		case OP_ANS:
+		case OP_ORS:
+		case OP_PSHS:
+		case OP_RDS:
+		case OP_POPS:
+		case OP_DF:
+		case OP_DF_:
+			BinProgs[nBinProgSteps].nOp = nOpType;
+			nBinProgSteps += 1;
+			break;
+			// 1鍙傛暟鎸囦护
+		case OP_ST:
+		case OP_ST_:
+		case OP_AN:
+		case OP_AN_:
+		case OP_OR:
+		case OP_OR_:
+			BinProgs[nBinProgSteps].nOp = nOpType;
+			BinProgs[nBinProgSteps].nParamType = nParamType1;
+			BinProgs[nBinProgSteps].nParamAddr = nParamAddr1;
+			nBinProgSteps += 1;
+			break;
+			// 1 鍙傛暟 杈撳嚭
+		case OP_OUT:
+		case OP_SET:
+		case OP_RESET:
+			BinProgs[nBinProgSteps].nOp = nOpType;
+			BinProgs[nBinProgSteps].nParamType = nParamType1;
+			BinProgs[nBinProgSteps].nParamAddr = nParamAddr1;
+			nBinProgSteps += 1;
+			break;
+			// 姣旇緝鎸囦护
+		case OP_ST_EQ:
+		case OP_ST_NE:
+		case OP_ST_LT:
+		case OP_ST_GT:
+		case OP_ST_LE:
+		case OP_ST_GE:
+		case OP_AN_EQ:
+		case OP_AN_NE:
+		case OP_AN_LT:
+		case OP_AN_GT:
+		case OP_AN_LE:
+		case OP_AN_GE:
+		case OP_OR_EQ:
+		case OP_OR_NE:
+		case OP_OR_LT:
+		case OP_OR_GT:
+		case OP_OR_LE:
+		case OP_OR_GE:
+			pBinProg2 = (stBinProg2 *)(&BinProgs[nBinProgSteps]);
+			BinProgs[nBinProgSteps].nOp = nOpType;
+			BinProgs[nBinProgSteps].nParamType = 0;
+			BinProgs[nBinProgSteps].nParamAddr = nParamAddr1;
+			BinProgs[nBinProgSteps+1].nOp = nParamType1;
+			BinProgs[nBinProgSteps+1].nParamType = nParamType2;
+			BinProgs[nBinProgSteps+1].nParamAddr = nParamAddr2;
+			nBinProgSteps += 2;
+			break;
+			// 瀹氭椂鍣�
+		case OP_TML:
+		case OP_TMR:
+		case OP_TMX:
+		case OP_TMY:
+			pBinProg15 = (stBinProg15 *)(&BinProgs[nBinProgSteps]);
+			BinProgs[nBinProgSteps].nOp = nOpType;
+			BinProgs[nBinProgSteps].nParamType = nParamAddr1;
+			BinProgs[nBinProgSteps].nParamAddr = nParamAddr2;
+			BinProgs[nBinProgSteps + 1].nOp = nParamType2;
+			BinProgs[nBinProgSteps + 1].nParamType = 0;
+			BinProgs[nBinProgSteps + 1].nParamAddr = 0;
+			pBinProg15->nOpNum = Progs[i].Params[0].nParamAddr;
+			nBinProgSteps += 2;
+			break;
+			// 1 鍙傛暟楂樼骇鎸囦护
+		case OP_INC:
+		case OP_DEC:
+			pBinProg15 = (stBinProg15 *)(&BinProgs[nBinProgSteps]);
+			pBinProg15->nOp = nOpType;
+			pBinProg15->nOpNum = 0;
+			pBinProg15->nParamType1 = nParamType1;
+			pBinProg15->nParamAddr1 = nParamAddr1;
+			pBinProg15->resvr1 = 0;
+			pBinProg15->resvr2 = 0;
+			nBinProgSteps += 2;
+			break;
+			// 2鍙傛暟楂樼骇鎸囦护
+		case OP_MV:
+		case OP_ADD2:
+		case OP_SUB2:
+			pBinProg2 = (stBinProg2 *)(&BinProgs[nBinProgSteps]);
+			pBinProg2->nOp = nOpType;
+			pBinProg2->nOpNum = 0;
+			pBinProg2->nParamType1 = nParamType1;
+			pBinProg2->nParamAddr1 = nParamAddr1;
+			pBinProg2->nParamType2 = nParamType2;
+			pBinProg2->nParamAddr2 = nParamAddr2;
+			nBinProgSteps += 2;
+			break;
+			// 3 鍙傛暟楂樼骇鎸囦护
+		case OP_ADD3:
+		case OP_SUB3:
+		case OP_MUL:
+		case OP_DIV:
+			pBinProg3 = (stBinProg3 *)(&BinProgs[nBinProgSteps]);
+			pBinProg3->nOp = nOpType;
+			pBinProg3->nOpNum = 0;
+			pBinProg3->nParamType1 = nParamType1;
+			pBinProg3->nParamAddr1 = nParamAddr1;
+			pBinProg3->nParamType2 = nParamType2;
+			pBinProg3->nParamAddr2 = nParamAddr2;
+			pBinProg3->nParamType3 = nParamType3;
+			pBinProg3->nParamAddr3 = nParamAddr3;
+			nBinProgSteps += 3;
+			break;
+		default:
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	s1.Format(_T("%d steps to %d binSteps "), m_nProgSteps, nBinProgSteps);
+	DbgLog(s1);
+	return 0;
+int CMTerm1Doc::TransBinToProg()
+	CString s1;
+	//nBinProgSteps = 0;
+	m_nProgSteps = 0;
+	stBinProg2* pBinProg2;
+	stBinProg15* pBinProg15;
+	stBinProg3* pBinProg3;
+	CStringA s1A;
+	CString s2,s3;
+	CStringA s2A, s3A;
+	for (int i = 0; i < nBinProgSteps; i++)
+	{
+		int nOpType = BinProgs[i].nOp;
+		int nParamType1 = BinProgs[i].nParamType;
+		int nParamAddr1 = BinProgs[i].nParamAddr;
+//		int nParamType1 = Progs[i].Params[0].nParamType;
+//		int nParamAddr1 = Progs[i].Params[0].nParamAddr;
+		int nParamType2, nParamAddr2;
+		int nParamType3, nParamAddr3;
+		CoilTypeToTxt(nParamType1, s1A);
+		s1.Format(_T("%S%d"), s1A, nParamAddr1);
+		Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[0].nParamType = nParamType1;
+		Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[0].nParamAddr = nParamAddr1;
+		Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[0].sParamStr = s1;
+		switch (nOpType)
+		{
+		case OP_NONE:
+			break;
+			//case OP_NOP:
+			break;
+			//鏃犲弬鏁� 鎸囦护
+		case OP_END:
+		case OP_NOT:
+		case OP_ANS:
+		case OP_ORS:
+		case OP_PSHS:
+		case OP_RDS:
+		case OP_POPS:
+		case OP_DF:
+		case OP_DF_:
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].nOpType1 = nOpType;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].nParamCount = 0;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[0].nParamType = nParamType1;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[0].nParamAddr = nParamAddr1;
+			//BinProgs[nBinProgSteps].nOp = nOpType;
+			m_nProgSteps += 1;
+			//nBinProgSteps += 1;
+			break;
+			// 1鍙傛暟鎸囦护
+		case OP_ST:
+		case OP_ST_:
+		case OP_AN:
+		case OP_AN_:
+		case OP_OR:
+		case OP_OR_:
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].nOpType1 = nOpType;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].nParamCount = 1;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[0].nParamType = nParamType1;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[0].nParamAddr = nParamAddr1;
+			m_nProgSteps += 1;
+			//i += 1;
+			break;
+			// 1 鍙傛暟 杈撳嚭
+		case OP_OUT:
+		case OP_SET:
+		case OP_RESET:
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].nOpType1 = nOpType;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].nParamCount = 1;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[0].nParamType = nParamType1;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[0].nParamAddr = nParamAddr1;
+			m_nProgSteps += 1;
+			//i += 1;
+			break;
+			// 姣旇緝鎸囦护
+		case OP_ST_EQ:
+		case OP_ST_NE:
+		case OP_ST_LT:
+		case OP_ST_GT:
+		case OP_ST_LE:
+		case OP_ST_GE:
+		case OP_AN_EQ:
+		case OP_AN_NE:
+		case OP_AN_LT:
+		case OP_AN_GT:
+		case OP_AN_LE:
+		case OP_AN_GE:
+		case OP_OR_EQ:
+		case OP_OR_NE:
+		case OP_OR_LT:
+		case OP_OR_GT:
+		case OP_OR_LE:
+		case OP_OR_GE:
+			pBinProg2 = (stBinProg2*)(&BinProgs[i]);
+			nParamType1 = pBinProg2->nParamType1;
+			nParamAddr1 = pBinProg2->nParamAddr1;
+			nParamType2 = pBinProg2->nParamType2;
+			nParamAddr2 = pBinProg2->nParamAddr2;
+			DataTypeToTxt(nParamType1, s1A);
+			s1.Format(_T("%S%d"), s1A, nParamAddr1);
+			DataTypeToTxt(nParamType2, s2A);
+			s2.Format(_T("%S%d"), s2A, nParamAddr2);
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].nOpType1 = nOpType;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].nParamCount = 2;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[0].nParamType = nParamType1;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[0].nParamAddr = nParamAddr1;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[0].sParamStr = s1;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[1].nParamType = nParamType2;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[1].nParamAddr = nParamAddr2;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[1].sParamStr = s2;
+			m_nProgSteps += 1;
+			i += 1;
+			break;
+			// 瀹氭椂鍣�
+		case OP_TML:
+		case OP_TMR:
+		case OP_TMX:
+		case OP_TMY:
+			//pBinProg2 = (stBinProg2*)(&BinProgs[i]);
+			pBinProg15 = (stBinProg15*)(&BinProgs[i]);
+			nParamType1 = 0;
+			nParamAddr1 = pBinProg15->nOpNum;
+			nParamType2 = pBinProg15->nParamType1;
+			nParamAddr2 = pBinProg15->nParamAddr1;
+			//nParamAddr2 = pBinProg15->nParamAddr2;
+			DataTypeToTxt(nParamType1, s1A);
+			s1.Format(_T("%d"), nParamAddr1);
+			DataTypeToTxt(nParamType2, s2A);
+			s2.Format(_T("%S%d"), s2A, nParamAddr2);
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].nOpType1 = nOpType;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].nParamCount = 2;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[0].nParamType = nParamType1;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[0].nParamAddr = nParamAddr1;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[0].sParamStr = s1;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[1].nParamType = nParamType2;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[1].nParamAddr = nParamAddr2;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[1].sParamStr = s2;
+			m_nProgSteps += 1;
+			i += 1;
+			break;
+			// 1 鍙傛暟楂樼骇鎸囦护
+		case OP_INC:
+		case OP_DEC:
+			pBinProg15 = (stBinProg15*)(&BinProgs[i]);
+			nParamType1 = pBinProg15->nParamType1;
+			nParamAddr1 = pBinProg15->nParamAddr1;
+			DataTypeToTxt(nParamType1, s1A);
+			s1.Format(_T("%S%d"), s1A, nParamAddr1);
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].nOpType1 = nOpType;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].nParamCount = 1;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[0].nParamType = nParamType1;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[0].nParamAddr = nParamAddr1;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[0].sParamStr = s1;
+			m_nProgSteps += 1;
+			i += 1;
+			break;
+			// 2鍙傛暟楂樼骇鎸囦护
+		case OP_MV:
+		case OP_ADD2:
+		case OP_SUB2:
+			pBinProg2 = (stBinProg2*)(&BinProgs[i]);
+			nParamType1 = pBinProg2->nParamType1;
+			nParamAddr1 = pBinProg2->nParamAddr1;
+			nParamType2 = pBinProg2->nParamType2;
+			nParamAddr2 = pBinProg2->nParamAddr2;
+			DataTypeToTxt(nParamType1, s1A);
+			s1.Format(_T("%S%d"), s1A, nParamAddr1);
+			DataTypeToTxt(nParamType2, s2A);
+			s2.Format(_T("%S%d"), s2A, nParamAddr2);
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].nOpType1 = nOpType;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].nParamCount = 2;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[0].nParamType = nParamType1;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[0].nParamAddr = nParamAddr1;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[0].sParamStr = s1;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[1].nParamType = nParamType2;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[1].nParamAddr = nParamAddr2;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[1].sParamStr = s2;
+			m_nProgSteps += 1;
+			i += 1;
+			break;
+			// 3 鍙傛暟楂樼骇鎸囦护
+		case OP_ADD3:
+		case OP_SUB3:
+		case OP_MUL:
+		case OP_DIV:
+			pBinProg3 = (stBinProg3*)(&BinProgs[i]);
+			nParamType1 = pBinProg3->nParamType1;
+			nParamAddr1 = pBinProg3->nParamAddr1;
+			nParamType2 = pBinProg3->nParamType2;
+			nParamAddr2 = pBinProg3->nParamAddr2;
+			nParamType3 = pBinProg3->nParamType3;
+			nParamAddr3 = pBinProg3->nParamAddr3;
+			DataTypeToTxt(nParamType1, s1A);
+			s1.Format(_T("%S%d"), s1A, nParamAddr1);
+			DataTypeToTxt(nParamType2, s2A);
+			s2.Format(_T("%S%d"), s2A, nParamAddr2);
+			DataTypeToTxt(nParamType3, s3A);
+			s3.Format(_T("%S%d"), s3A, nParamAddr3);
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].nOpType1 = nOpType;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].nParamCount = 3;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[0].nParamType = nParamType1;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[0].nParamAddr = nParamAddr1;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[0].sParamStr = s1;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[1].nParamType = nParamType2;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[1].nParamAddr = nParamAddr2;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[1].sParamStr = s2;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[2].nParamType = nParamType3;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[2].nParamAddr = nParamAddr3;
+			Progs[m_nProgSteps].Params[2].sParamStr = s3;
+			m_nProgSteps += 1;
+			i += 2;
+			break;
+		default:
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	s1.Format(_T("%d binsteps to %d Steps "), nBinProgSteps, m_nProgSteps );
+	DbgLog(s1);
+	return 0;
+void CMTerm1Doc::OnUploadFromPlc()
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ娣诲姞鍛戒护澶勭悊绋嬪簭浠g爜
+	int r;
+	CString s1;
+	if (!m_bOnline) {
+		r = Connect();
+	//	theApp.MyKLink1.Open();
+	}
+	if (!m_bOnline) return;
+	r = theApp.MyKLink1.ReadRunStat(1,0,0,32,(unsigned short *)&theApp.MyKLink1.KMRunStat);
+	USHORT read;
+	unsigned short buf1[4096];
+	r = theApp.MyKLink1.ReadSysCfgData(1, 0, 0, sizeof(stKMSysCfg), &read, buf1);
+	pstKMSysCfg pKMSysCfg = (pstKMSysCfg)buf1;
+	pKMSysCfg->nProgBank;
+	if (r != 0) {
+		AfxMessageBox(_T("璇诲彇 PLC 淇℃伅澶辫触"));
+		return;
+	}
+//	AfxMessageBox(_T("UploadFrom PLC From Doc"));
+	CString s2;
+	s2.Format(_T("Cur Programs %d \r\n"), nBinProgSteps);
+	unsigned short * pBinBuf2 = (unsigned short *)BinProgs;
+	for (int i = 0; i < nBinProgSteps * 2; i += 8) {
+		s1.Format(_T("%03X: "), i);
+		for (int j = 0; j < 8 && i+j < nBinProgSteps * 2; j++) {
+			s1.AppendFormat(_T("%04X "), pBinBuf2[i + j]);
+		}
+		s2 += s1 + _T("\r\n");
+	}
+	DbgLog(s2);
+	int nBinSteps = pKMSysCfg->nProgSize; //theApp.MyKLink1.KMRunStat.nBinProgSize;
+	s1.Format(_T("寮�濮嬩笂杞界▼搴� 澶у皬 %d 姝� "), nBinSteps);
+	DbgLog(s1);
+	USHORT Buf3[2048];
+	s2.Empty();
+	int nUploadSize = nBinSteps *2;
+	int nSteps = 64;
+	for (int i = 0; i < nUploadSize; i += nSteps) {
+		if (i + nSteps > nUploadSize) { nSteps = nUploadSize - i; }
+		s1.Format(_T("涓婅浇 %3d to %3d "), i, i + nSteps);
+//		DbgLog(s1);
+		int r = theApp.MyKLink1.ReadPLCProgram(1, 2, i, nSteps*2 , Buf3+i);
+		s1.AppendFormat(_T(" r = %d "), r);
+		DbgLog(s1);
+		//Update Progress Bar
+	}
+	s2.Format(_T(" Uploaded from bank 2 \r\n"));
+	for (int i = 0; i < nBinSteps * 2; i += 8) {
+		s1.Format(_T("%03X: "), i);
+		for (int j = 0; j < 8 && i + j < nBinSteps * 2; j++) {
+			s1.AppendFormat(_T("%04X "), Buf3[i + j]);
+		}
+		s2 += s1 + _T("\r\n");
+	}
+	DbgLog(s2);
+	for (int i = 0; i < nBinSteps * 2; i++)
+	{
+		((USHORT *)BinProgs)[i] = Buf3[i];
+	}
+	nBinProgSteps = nBinSteps;
+	TransBinToProg();
+	FindProgPair();
+	int AnnoSize = pKMSysCfg->nAnnoSize;
+	if (AnnoSize > 4088) { AnnoSize = 4088; }
+	s1.Format(_T("寮�濮嬩笂杞芥敞閲� 澶у皬 %d 瀛楄妭"), AnnoSize);
+	DbgLog(s1);
+	int nBlockSize = 64;
+	UCHAR buf5[4096];
+	for (int i = 0; i < AnnoSize; i += nBlockSize)
+	{
+		if (i + nBlockSize > AnnoSize) { nBlockSize = AnnoSize - i; }
+		s1.Format(_T("涓婅浇娉ㄩ噴 %3d to %3d "), i, i + nBlockSize);
+		int r = theApp.MyKLink1.ReadPLCAnno(1, 2, i, nBlockSize, buf5 + i);
+		s1.AppendFormat(_T(" r = %d \r\n"), r);
+//		for (int j = 0; j < nBlockSize; j++) {
+//			s1.AppendFormat(_T("%02X "), buf5[i+ j]);
+//		}
+		DbgLog(s1);
+	}
+	CStringA s1A;
+	char * p1 = s1A.GetBufferSetLength(4096);
+	memcpy(p1, buf5, AnnoSize);
+	p1[AnnoSize] = 0;
+	s1A.ReleaseBuffer();
+	s1 = s1A;
+//	DbgLog(s1);
+	ReadAnnoFromTxt(s1A);
+	UpdateAllViews(NULL);
+int CMTerm1Doc::DownloadToPLC()
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ澶勬坊鍔犲疄鐜颁唬鐮�.
+	int r;
+	CString s1;
+	if (!m_bOnline) {
+		r=Connect();
+	//	theApp.MyKLink1.Open();
+	}
+	if (!m_bOnline) return 0;
+	if (m_bPlcRunning) {
+		 r = AfxMessageBox(_T("PLC杩愯涓紝鏄惁鍋滄浠ヤ究涓嬭浇绋嬪簭?"), MB_YESNO);
+		 if (r == IDYES) {	StopPLC();}
+		 else { return 0; }
+	}
+	// 涓嬭浇绋嬪簭
+	s1.Format(_T("Start Download Program ..."));
+	DbgLog(s1);
+	r = theApp.MyKLink1.StartDownloadPLCProgram(1,2,nBinProgSteps * 4);
+	s1.Format(_T("Result = %d"),r);
+	DbgLog(s1);
+	int DownloadSize = nBinProgSteps;
+	int Steps = 16;
+	for (int i = 0; i < DownloadSize; i += Steps) {
+		//int Steps = 16;
+		if (i + Steps > DownloadSize) { Steps = DownloadSize - i; }
+		int n = 0;
+		do {
+			s1.Format(_T("Downloading %d to %d "), i, i + Steps);
+			DbgLog(s1);
+			r = theApp.MyKLink1.DownloadPLCProgram(1, 2, (i) * 4, Steps * 4, (USHORT*)&BinProgs[i]);
+			s1.Format(_T("Download r = %d "), r);
+			DbgLog(s1);
+			n += 1;
+			if (n > 10) break;
+		} while (r != 0);
+		//Update Progress Bar
+	}
+	s1.Format(_T("Finish Downloading "));
+	DbgLog(s1);
+	r = theApp.MyKLink1.FinishDownloadPLCProgram(1,2,nBinProgSteps);
+	s1.Format(_T("Download Finished  r = %d "), r);
+	DbgLog(s1);
+	// 涓嬭浇娉ㄩ噴
+	CStringA AnnoTxtA;
+	int len3 = AnnoToTxt(AnnoTxtA);
+	unsigned char buf1[4096];
+	if (len3 > 4088) { len3 = 4088; }
+	memcpy(buf1, AnnoTxtA.GetBuffer(), len3);
+	AnnoTxtA.ReleaseBuffer();
+	s1.Format(_T("寮�濮嬩笅杞芥敞閲� ... %d bytes "),len3);
+	DbgLog(s1);
+	s1 = AnnoTxtA;
+	DbgLog(s1);
+	r = theApp.MyKLink1.StartDownloadPLCAnno(1, 1, len3);
+	int nBlockSize = 64;
+	for (int i = 0; i < len3; i += nBlockSize) {
+		if (i + nBlockSize > len3) { nBlockSize = len3 - i; }
+		s1.Format(_T("Downloading %d to %d "), i, i + nBlockSize);
+		DbgLog(s1);
+		r = theApp.MyKLink1.DownloadPLCAnno(1, 1,i,nBlockSize,buf1+i);
+		s1.Format(_T("Download r = %d "), r);
+		DbgLog(s1);
+	}
+	s1.Format(_T("Finish Downloading 娉ㄩ噴"));
+	DbgLog(s1);
+	r = theApp.MyKLink1.FinishDownloadPLCAnno(1, 1, len3);
+	s1.Format(_T("Download Finished  r = %d "), r);
+	DbgLog(s1);
+	// 涓嬭浇绯荤粺瀵勫瓨鍣ㄩ厤缃�
+	//鍚姩杩愯
+	r = AfxMessageBox(_T("绋嬪簭涓嬭浇瀹屾垚锛屾槸鍚﹀惎鍔ㄨ繍琛�?"), MB_YESNO);
+	if (r == IDYES) { StartPLC(); }
+	else { return 0; }
+	return 0;
+void CMTerm1Doc::OnDownloadToPlc()
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ娣诲姞鍛戒护澶勭悊绋嬪簭浠g爜
+	DownloadToPLC();
+void CMTerm1Doc::OnUpdateDownloadToPlc(CCmdUI *pCmdUI)
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ娣诲姞鍛戒护鏇存柊鐢ㄦ埛鐣岄潰澶勭悊绋嬪簭浠g爜
+void CMTerm1Doc::OnOnline()
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ娣诲姞鍛戒护澶勭悊绋嬪簭浠g爜
+	int r;
+	if (!m_bOnline)
+	{
+		r = Connect();
+		//theApp.MyKLink1.Open();
+	}
+	if (!m_bOnline) return;
+//	m_bOnline = true;
+	UpdateAllViews(NULL, UpdataHint::UpdateStat);
+void CMTerm1Doc::OnUpdateOnline(CCmdUI *pCmdUI)
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ娣诲姞鍛戒护鏇存柊鐢ㄦ埛鐣岄潰澶勭悊绋嬪簭浠g爜
+	pCmdUI->SetCheck(m_bOnline == true);
+void CMTerm1Doc::OnOffline()
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ娣诲姞鍛戒护澶勭悊绋嬪簭浠g爜
+	int r;
+	if (m_bOnline)
+	{
+		r = DisConnect();
+		theApp.MyKLink1.Close();
+	}
+	m_bPlcRunning = false;
+	m_bOnline = false;
+	UpdateAllViews(NULL, UpdataHint::UpdateStat);
+void CMTerm1Doc::OnUpdateOffline(CCmdUI *pCmdUI)
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ娣诲姞鍛戒护鏇存柊鐢ㄦ埛鐣岄潰澶勭悊绋嬪簭浠g爜
+	pCmdUI->SetCheck(m_bOnline == false);
+//	pCmdUI->SetCheck(false);
+void CMTerm1Doc::OnUpdateSimulate(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ娣诲姞鍛戒护鏇存柊鐢ㄦ埛鐣岄潰澶勭悊绋嬪簭浠g爜
+	pCmdUI->SetCheck(m_bSimulate == true);
+void CMTerm1Doc::OnUpdatePlcRun(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ娣诲姞鍛戒护鏇存柊鐢ㄦ埛鐣岄潰澶勭悊绋嬪簭浠g爜
+	pCmdUI->SetCheck(m_bPlcRunning == true);
+	if (!m_bPlcRunning) 	pCmdUI->SetText(_T("PLC妯″紡[PROG]"));
+	else 	pCmdUI->SetText(_T("PLC妯″紡[RUN]"));
+void CMTerm1Doc::OnSimulate()
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ娣诲姞鍛戒护澶勭悊绋嬪簭浠g爜
+	CString s1;
+	unsigned short* p1 = (unsigned short *)&BinProgs;
+	if (!m_bSimulate) {
+		s1.Format(_T("鍚姩PLC妯℃嫙\r\n"));
+		SysLog(s1);
+		m_bSimulate = true;
+		s1.Empty();
+		for (int i = 0; i < nBinProgSteps; i++) {
+			s1.AppendFormat(_T("%04X %04X "), p1[i*2],p1[i*2+1]);
+		}
+		SysLog(s1);
+		s1.Format(_T("Download %d program to sim PLC"),nBinProgSteps);
+		SysLog(s1);
+		myKMachine1.Download(BinProgs, nBinProgSteps);
+		m_bOnline = true;
+		myKMachine1.StartPLC();
+		s1.Format(_T("Start sim PLC"));
+		SysLog(s1);
+		StartPLC();
+	}
+	else {
+		StopPLC();
+		m_bSimulate = false;
+		m_bOnline = false;
+	}
+	UpdateAllViews(NULL, UpdataHint::UpdateStat);
+int CMTerm1Doc::StartPLC()
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ澶勬坊鍔犲疄鐜颁唬鐮�.
+	if (m_bSimulate) {
+		for (int i = 0; i < KLDataWXCount; i++) {
+			KMem.WX[i] = 0;
+		}
+		for (int i = 0; i < KLDataWYCount; i++) {
+			KMem.WY[i] = 0;
+		}
+		for (int i = 0; i < KLDataWRCount; i++) {
+			KMem.WR[i] = 0;
+		}
+		for (int i = 0; i < KLDataDTCount; i++) {
+			KMem.DT[i] = 0;
+		}
+		for (int i = 0; i < TOTALTIMERS; i++) {
+			KMem.Timers[i] = { 0 };
+		}
+		myKMachine1.nScanCount = 0;
+		nScanCount = 0;
+		m_bPlcRunning = 1;
+	}else {
+		theApp.MyKLink1.ChangeMode(1, 1);
+		m_bPlcRunning = 1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+int CMTerm1Doc::StopPLC()
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ澶勬坊鍔犲疄鐜颁唬鐮�.
+	if (m_bSimulate) {
+		m_bPlcRunning = false;
+	}
+	else {
+		theApp.MyKLink1.ChangeMode(1, 0);
+		m_bPlcRunning = false;
+	}
+	return 0;
+void CMTerm1Doc::OnPlcRun()
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ娣诲姞鍛戒护澶勭悊绋嬪簭浠g爜
+	if (m_bPlcRunning) { StopPLC(); }
+	else
+	{
+		StartPLC();
+	}
+	UpdateAllViews(NULL, UpdataHint::UpdateStat);
+int CMTerm1Doc::SetCommParam()
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ澶勬坊鍔犲疄鐜颁唬鐮�.
+	CString s1;
+	s1.Format(_T("Doc SetupComm"));
+	SysLog(s1);
+	theApp.MyKLink1.SetCommParam();
+	return 0;
+	CDialogCommSet1 dialog1;
+	INT_PTR r = dialog1.DoModal();
+	if (r == IDOK )
+	{
+		nComPort=dialog1.m_nComNum;
+		nBaud=dialog1.m_nBaudRate;
+		ComSettings=dialog1.m_Settings;
+		s1.Format(_T("dialog return port %d baud %d setting %S"),
+			nComPort, nBaud, ComSettings);
+		SysLog(s1);
+		m_bCommParamSet = true;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		return -1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+int CMTerm1Doc::Connect()
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ澶勬坊鍔犲疄鐜颁唬鐮�.
+	CString s1;
+	unsigned short buf1[32];
+	int res = theApp.MyKLink1.Connect();
+	unsigned short len1;
+	int j=theApp.MyKLink1.GetInfo(1, &len1, buf1);
+	s1.Format(_T("GetInfo = %d %d \r\n"), j,len1);
+	if (j==0 && len1 > 0) {
+		for (int i = 0; i < len1/2; i++) {
+			s1.AppendFormat(_T("%04X "), buf1[i]);
+		}
+		s1 += _T("\r\n");
+		pKMInfoBlock pinfob = (pKMInfoBlock)buf1;
+		s1.AppendFormat(_T(" DeviceType %04X \t "),pinfob->nDeviceTypeVer);
+		s1.AppendFormat(_T(" nProgVer %04X \r\n"), pinfob->nProgVer);
+		s1.AppendFormat(_T(" nKLinkVer %04X \t"), pinfob->nKLinkVer);
+		s1.AppendFormat(_T(" nKBusVer %04X \r\n"), pinfob->nKBusVer);
+		s1.AppendFormat(_T(" nCapacity1 %d k \t"), pinfob->nCapacity1);
+		s1.AppendFormat(_T(" nCapacity2 %d k\r\n"), pinfob->nCapacity2);
+		s1.AppendFormat(_T(" nDInput %d \t"), pinfob->nDInput);
+		s1.AppendFormat(_T(" nDOutput %d \r\n"), pinfob->nDOutput);
+		s1.AppendFormat(_T(" nAInput %d \t"), pinfob->nAInput);
+		s1.AppendFormat(_T(" nAOutput %d \r\n"), pinfob->nAOutput);
+		s1.AppendFormat(_T(" nHInput %d   \t"), pinfob->nHInput);
+		s1.AppendFormat(_T(" nHOutput %d \r\n"), pinfob->nHOutput);
+		s1.AppendFormat(_T(" nExt1 %d \t"), pinfob->nExt1);
+		s1.AppendFormat(_T(" nExt2 %d \r\n"), pinfob->nExt2);
+		s1.AppendFormat(_T(" nLogSize %d \r\n"), pinfob->nLogSize);
+		s1.AppendFormat(_T(" nPorts %d \r\n"), pinfob->nPorts);
+		s1.AppendFormat(_T(" nManSize %d \r\n"), pinfob->nManSize);
+		s1.AppendFormat(_T(" nAbility %d \r\n"), pinfob->nAbility);
+		s1.AppendFormat(_T(" nSwitchBits %d \r\n"), pinfob->nSwitchBits);
+	}
+	SysLog(s1);
+	int r = theApp.MyKLink1.ReadRunStat(1, 0, 0, 32, (unsigned short*)&theApp.MyKLink1.KMRunStat);
+	s1.Format(_T("GetRunStat = %d %d \r\n"), r, 32);
+	KLink1::stRunStat RunStat1 = theApp.MyKLink1.KMRunStat;
+	s1.AppendFormat(_T(" Sign1 %04X \t"), RunStat1.Sign1);
+	s1.AppendFormat(_T(" Seq1 %d \r\n"), RunStat1.Seq1);
+	s1.AppendFormat(_T(" PowerCount %d \r\n"), RunStat1.PowerCount);
+	s1.AppendFormat(_T(" Reserved1 %d \r\n"), RunStat1.Reserved1);
+	s1.AppendFormat(_T(" UpTime %d \r\n"), RunStat1.UpTime);
+	s1.AppendFormat(_T(" UserData1 %d \r\n"), RunStat1.UserData1);
+	s1.AppendFormat(_T(" WorkMode %d \t"), RunStat1.WorkMode);
+	s1.AppendFormat(_T(" WorkMode2 %d \r\n"), RunStat1.WorkMode2);
+	s1.AppendFormat(_T(" nBinProgBank %d \t"), RunStat1.nBinProgBank);
+	s1.AppendFormat(_T(" nBinProgSize %d \r\n"), RunStat1.nBinProgSize);
+	s1.AppendFormat(_T(" bLEDFlick %d \r\n"), RunStat1.bLEDFlick);
+	s1.AppendFormat(_T(" Reserved2 %d \r\n"), RunStat1.Reserved2);
+	s1.AppendFormat(_T(" CRC1 %04X \r\n"), RunStat1.CRC1);
+	s1.AppendFormat(_T(" EndSign1 %04X \r\n"), RunStat1.EndSign1);
+	SysLog(s1);
+	unsigned char value;
+	r = theApp.MyKLink1.GetMode(1, 0, &value);
+	if (r == KLink1::KL_OK) { m_bPlcRunning = value; }
+	s1.Format(_T("PLC Mode = %d"), value);
+	SysLog(s1);
+//	m_static_connect.SetCtlColor(RGB(0, 255, 0));
+	if (!m_bCommParamSet)
+	{
+		if (SetCommParam()) return -1;
+	}
+	if (m_bOnline) return 0;
+	myHvSerialPort1.m_nPort = nComPort;
+	myHvSerialPort1.m_nBaudRate = nBaud;
+	myHvSerialPort1.m_Settings = "8,N,1";
+	int r = myHvSerialPort1.Open();
+	s1.Format(_T("Open %s  = %d"), myHvSerialPort1.m_strResult, r);
+	SysLog(s1);
+	if (r == myHvSerialPort1.R_OK)
+	{
+		m_bOnline = true;
+//		theApp.MyKLink1.Open();
+//		m_static_connect.SetCtlColor(RGB(0, 255, 0));
+		return 0;
+	}
+	m_bOnline = true;
+	return 0;
+int CMTerm1Doc::DisConnect()
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ澶勬坊鍔犲疄鐜颁唬鐮�.
+	if (!m_bOnline) return -1;
+//	myHvSerialPort1.Close();
+	theApp.MyKLink1.Close();
+	m_bOnline = false;
+	m_bPlcRunning = false;
+	return 0;
+void CMTerm1Doc::OnComunicationSet()
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ娣诲姞鍛戒护澶勭悊绋嬪簭浠g爜
+	SetCommParam();
+void CMTerm1Doc::OnPlcSysregSet()
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ娣诲姞鍛戒护澶勭悊绋嬪簭浠g爜
+	CDialogSysRegSet dialog1;
+	INT_PTR r = dialog1.DoModal();
+	if (r == IDOK)
+	{
+	}
+void CMTerm1Doc::OnMenuFactCfg()
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ娣诲姞鍛戒护澶勭悊绋嬪簭浠g爜
+	CDialogFactCfg dialog1;
+	INT_PTR r = dialog1.DoModal();
+	if (r == IDOK)
+	{
+	}
+CView * CMTerm1Doc::FindView(CRuntimeClass * pClass)
+	CView* pView=NULL;
+	POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition();
+	while (pos != NULL)
+	{
+		pView = GetNextView(pos);
+		if (pView->IsKindOf(pClass))
+			break;
+	}
+	if (!pView->IsKindOf(pClass))
+	{
+		//AfxMessageBox("Connt Locate the View.");
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	return pView;
+void CMTerm1Doc::OnMenuViewLds()
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ娣诲姞鍛戒护澶勭悊绋嬪簭浠g爜
+	CString s1;
+	CView * pView;
+	pView = FindView(RUNTIME_CLASS(CMTerm1View));
+	if (pView != NULL) {
+		((CMDIFrameWndEx *)AfxGetMainWnd())->MDIActivate(pView->GetParent());
+//		pView->SetActiveWindow();
+	}
+	else {
+		s1 = GetTitle();
+		//AfxMessageBox(s1);
+		ASSERT_VALID(theApp.pDocTemplate);
+		CFrameWnd * pFrame = theApp.pDocTemplate->CreateNewFrame(this, NULL);
+		ASSERT_KINDOF(CFrameWnd, pFrame);
+		theApp.pDocTemplate->InitialUpdateFrame(pFrame, this);
+	}
+void CMTerm1Doc::OnMenuViewBld()
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ娣诲姞鍛戒护澶勭悊绋嬪簭浠g爜
+	CString s1;
+	CView * pView;
+	pView = FindView(RUNTIME_CLASS(CMTerm1BldView));
+	if (pView != NULL) {
+		((CMDIFrameWndEx *)AfxGetMainWnd())->MDIActivate(pView->GetParent());
+//		pView->SetActiveWindow();
+	}
+	else {
+		s1 = GetTitle();
+		//AfxMessageBox(s1);
+		ASSERT_VALID(theApp.m_pBldViewTemplate);
+		CFrameWnd * pFrame = theApp.m_pBldViewTemplate->CreateNewFrame(this, NULL);
+		ASSERT_KINDOF(CFrameWnd, pFrame);
+		theApp.m_pBldViewTemplate->InitialUpdateFrame(pFrame, this);
+	}
+void CMTerm1Doc::OnMenuViewBnl()
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ娣诲姞鍛戒护澶勭悊绋嬪簭浠g爜
+	CString s1;
+	CView * pView;
+	pView = FindView(RUNTIME_CLASS(CMTerm1BnlView));
+	if (pView != NULL) {
+		((CMDIFrameWndEx *)AfxGetMainWnd())->MDIActivate(pView->GetParent());
+//		pView->SetActiveWindow();
+	}
+	else {
+		s1 = GetTitle();
+		//AfxMessageBox(s1);
+		ASSERT_VALID(theApp.m_pBnlViewTemplate);
+		CFrameWnd * pFrame = theApp.m_pBnlViewTemplate->CreateNewFrame(this, NULL);
+		ASSERT_KINDOF(CFrameWnd, pFrame);
+		theApp.m_pBnlViewTemplate->InitialUpdateFrame(pFrame, this);
+	}
+void CMTerm1Doc::OnMenuShowConsole()
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ娣诲姞鍛戒护澶勭悊绋嬪簭浠g爜
+	CString s1;
+	CView * pView;
+	pView = FindView(RUNTIME_CLASS(CMTerm1CtrlView));
+	if (pView != NULL) {
+		((CMDIFrameWndEx *)AfxGetMainWnd())->MDIActivate(pView->GetParent());
+//		pView->SetActiveWindow();
+	}
+	else {
+		s1 = GetTitle();
+		//AfxMessageBox(s1);
+		ASSERT_VALID(theApp.m_pCtrlViewTemplate);
+		CFrameWnd * pFrame = theApp.m_pCtrlViewTemplate->CreateNewFrame(this, NULL);
+		ASSERT_KINDOF(CFrameWnd, pFrame);
+ 		theApp.m_pCtrlViewTemplate->InitialUpdateFrame(pFrame, this);
+	}
+void CMTerm1Doc::OnMenuCommTest()
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ娣诲姞鍛戒护澶勭悊绋嬪簭浠g爜
+	CString s1;
+	CView * pView;
+	pView = FindView(RUNTIME_CLASS(CMTerm1CommDevView));
+	if (pView != NULL) {
+		((CMDIFrameWndEx *)AfxGetMainWnd())->MDIActivate(pView->GetParent());
+		//		pView->SetActiveWindow();
+	}
+	else {
+		s1 = GetTitle();
+		//AfxMessageBox(s1);
+		ASSERT_VALID(theApp.m_pCommDevViewTemplate);
+		CFrameWnd * pFrame = theApp.m_pCommDevViewTemplate->CreateNewFrame(this, NULL);
+		ASSERT_KINDOF(CFrameWnd, pFrame);
+		theApp.m_pCommDevViewTemplate->InitialUpdateFrame(pFrame, this);
+	}
+const unsigned short bitMasks[16] =
+	0x1 << 0,	0x1 << 1,	0x1 << 2,	0x1 << 3,	0x1 << 4,	0x1 << 5,	0x1 << 6,	0x1 << 7,
+	0x1 << 8,	0x1 << 9,	0x1 << 10,	0x1 << 11,	0x1 << 12,	0x1 << 13,	0x1 << 14,	0x1 << 15,
+inline void SetAddrBit(unsigned short * pW, unsigned char bitAddr)
+	(*pW) |= bitMasks[bitAddr & 0xf];
+inline void ResetBit(unsigned short * pW, unsigned char bitAddr)
+	(*pW) &= ~bitMasks[bitAddr & 0xf];
+static inline void SetBitValue(unsigned short * pW, unsigned char bitAddr, unsigned char Value)
+	if (Value) { SetAddrBit(pW, bitAddr); }
+	else { ResetBit(pW, bitAddr); }
+static inline unsigned char GetBitValue(unsigned short W, unsigned char bitAddr)
+	if (W&bitMasks[bitAddr & 0xf]) return 1;
+	else return 0;
+int CMTerm1Doc::GetCoilValue(int nCoilType, int nCoilAddr)
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ澶勬坊鍔犲疄鐜颁唬鐮�.
+	if (m_bOnline && 0)
+	{
+		unsigned char value = 0;
+		theApp.MyKLink1.ReadBit(1, nCoilType, nCoilAddr, &value);
+		return value;
+	}
+	int nWordAddr = nCoilAddr >> 4;
+	int nBitAddr = nCoilAddr & 0x0F;
+	switch (nCoilType)
+	{
+	case KLCoilTypeX:
+		if (nCoilAddr >= KLCoilXCount) return 0;
+		return GetBitValue(KMem.WX[nWordAddr], nBitAddr);
+		break;
+	case KLCoilTypeY:
+		if (nCoilAddr >= KLCoilYCount) return 0;
+		return GetBitValue(KMem.WY[nWordAddr], nBitAddr);
+		break;
+	case KLCoilTypeR:
+		if (nCoilAddr >= KLCoilRCount) return 0;
+		return GetBitValue(KMem.WR[nWordAddr], nBitAddr);
+		break;
+	case KLCoilTypeLX:
+		if (nCoilAddr >= KLCoilLXCount) return 0;
+		return GetBitValue(KMem.WLX[nWordAddr], nBitAddr);
+		break;
+	case KLCoilTypeLY:
+		if (nCoilAddr >= KLCoilLYCount) return 0;
+		return GetBitValue(KMem.WLY[nWordAddr], nBitAddr);
+		break;
+	case KLCoilTypeT:
+		if (nCoilAddr >= KLCoilTCount) return 0;
+		return GetBitValue(KMem.WT[nWordAddr], nBitAddr);
+		break;
+	case KLCoilTypeC:
+		if (nCoilAddr >= KLCoilCCount) return 0;
+		return GetBitValue(KMem.WC[nWordAddr], nBitAddr);
+		break;
+	case KLCoilTypeLR:
+		if (nCoilAddr >= KLCoilLRCount) return 0;
+		return GetBitValue(KMem.WLR[nWordAddr], nBitAddr);
+		break;
+	case KLCoilTypeSR:
+		if (nCoilAddr >= KLCoilSRCount) return 0;
+		return GetBitValue(KMem.WSR[nWordAddr], nBitAddr);
+		break;
+	}
+	return 0;
+int CMTerm1Doc::SetCoilValue(int nCoilType, int nCoilAddr, int nCoilValue)
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ澶勬坊鍔犲疄鐜颁唬鐮�.
+	if (m_bSimulate) {
+		return myKMachine1.SetCoilValue(nCoilType, nCoilAddr, nCoilValue);
+	}else 
+	if (m_bOnline)
+	{
+		unsigned char value =nCoilValue;
+		int res = 0;
+		res = theApp.MyKLink1.WriteBit(1, nCoilType, nCoilAddr, value);
+		return res;
+	}
+	int nWordAddr = nCoilAddr >> 4;
+	int nBitAddr = nCoilAddr & 0x0F;
+	switch (nCoilType)
+	{
+	case KLCoilTypeX:
+		if (nCoilAddr >= KLCoilXCount) return 0;
+		SetBitValue(&KMem.WX[nWordAddr], nBitAddr, nCoilValue);
+		break;
+	case KLCoilTypeY:
+		if (nCoilAddr >= KLCoilYCount) return 0;
+		SetBitValue(&KMem.WY[nWordAddr], nBitAddr, nCoilValue);
+		break;
+	case KLCoilTypeR:
+		if (nCoilAddr >= KLCoilRCount) return 0;
+		SetBitValue(&KMem.WR[nWordAddr], nBitAddr, nCoilValue);
+		break;
+	case KLCoilTypeLX:
+		if (nCoilAddr >= KLCoilLXCount) return 0;
+		SetBitValue(&KMem.WLX[nWordAddr], nBitAddr, nCoilValue);
+		break;
+	case KLCoilTypeLY:
+		if (nCoilAddr >= KLCoilLYCount) return 0;
+		SetBitValue(&KMem.WLY[nWordAddr], nBitAddr, nCoilValue);
+		break;
+	case KLCoilTypeT:
+		if (nCoilAddr >= KLCoilTCount) return 0;
+		SetBitValue(&KMem.WT[nWordAddr], nBitAddr, nCoilValue);
+		break;
+	case KLCoilTypeC:
+		if (nCoilAddr >= KLCoilCCount) return 0;
+		SetBitValue(&KMem.WC[nWordAddr], nBitAddr, nCoilValue);
+		break;
+	case KLCoilTypeLR:
+		if (nCoilAddr >= KLCoilLRCount) return 0;
+		SetBitValue(&KMem.WLR[nWordAddr], nBitAddr, nCoilValue);
+		break;
+	case KLCoilTypeSR:
+		if (nCoilAddr >= KLCoilSRCount) return 0;
+		SetBitValue(&KMem.WSR[nWordAddr], nBitAddr, nCoilValue);
+		break;
+	}
+	if (m_bOnline)
+	{
+//		theApp.MyKLink1.WriteBit(1, nCoilType, nCoilAddr, nCoilValue);
+	}
+	return 0;
+int CMTerm1Doc::GetVarData(int nDataType, int nDataAddr)
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ澶勬坊鍔犲疄鐜颁唬鐮�.
+	unsigned short nCount;
+	if (m_bOnline && 0)
+	{
+		unsigned short value[20];
+		unsigned short svalue = 0;
+		if (nDataType == KLDataTypeDEC || nDataType == KLDataTypeHEX){
+			return nDataAddr;
+		}
+		theApp.MyKLink1.ReadDataWord(1,  nDataType, nDataAddr, 2, &nCount, value);// (unsigned char *)&KMem.DT[nDataAddr]);
+		svalue = value[0];
+		return svalue;
+	}
+	switch (nDataType)
+	{
+	case KLDataTypeDEC:
+	case KLDataTypeHEX:
+		return nDataAddr;
+		break;
+	case KLDataTypeWX:
+		if (nDataAddr >= KLDataWXCount) return 0;
+		return KMem.WX[nDataAddr];
+		break;
+	case KLDataTypeWY:
+		if (nDataAddr >= KLDataWYCount) return 0;
+		return KMem.WY[nDataAddr];
+		break;
+	case KLDataTypeWR:
+		if (nDataAddr >= KLDataWRCount) return 0;
+		return KMem.WR[nDataAddr];
+		break;
+	case KLDataTypeWLX:
+		if (nDataAddr >= KLDataWLCount) return 0;
+		return KMem.WLX[nDataAddr];
+		break;
+	case KLDataTypeWLY:
+		if (nDataAddr >= KLDataWLCount) return 0;
+		return KMem.WLY[nDataAddr];
+		break;
+	case KLDataTypeDT:
+		if (nDataAddr >= KLDataDTCount) return 0;
+		return (signed short)KMem.DT[nDataAddr];
+		break;
+	case KLDataTypeSDT:
+		if (nDataAddr >= KLDataSDTCount) return 0;
+		return KMem.SDT[nDataAddr];
+		break;
+	case KLDataTypeWSR:
+		if (nDataAddr >= KLCoilLRCount) return 0;
+		return KMem.WSR[nDataAddr];
+		break;
+	case KLDataTypeSV:
+		if (nDataAddr >= KLDataSVCount) return 0;
+		return KMem.SV[nDataAddr];
+		break;
+	case KLDataTypeEV:
+		if (nDataAddr >= KLDataEVCount) return 0;
+		return KMem.EV[nDataAddr];
+		break;
+	case KLDataTypeLD:
+		if (nDataAddr >= KLDataLDCount) return 0;
+		return KMem.DT[nDataAddr];
+		break;
+	case KLDataSysCfg:
+		if (nDataAddr >= KLCoilSRCount) return 0;
+		return KMem.SDT[nDataAddr];
+		break;
+	case KLDataTypeFlash:
+		if (nDataAddr >= KLCoilSRCount) return 0;
+		return KMem.SDT[nDataAddr];
+		break;
+	case KLDataTypeTest:
+		if (nDataAddr >= KLCoilSRCount) return 0;
+		return KMem.SDT[nDataAddr];
+		break;
+	}
+	return 0;
+int CMTerm1Doc::SetVarData(int nDataType, int nDataAddr, int nDataValue)
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ澶勬坊鍔犲疄鐜颁唬鐮�.
+	if (m_bSimulate) {
+		return myKMachine1.SetVarData(nDataType, nDataAddr, nDataValue);
+	}else
+	if (m_bOnline)
+	{
+//		unsigned char value[20];
+		unsigned short svalue[10];
+		svalue[0]=nDataValue;
+		int res = 0;
+		res = theApp.MyKLink1.WriteDataWord(1, nDataType, nDataAddr, 2, svalue);
+		return res;
+	}
+	switch (nDataType)
+	{
+//	case KLDataTypeDEC:
+//	case KLDataTypeHEX:
+//		break;
+	case KLDataTypeWX:
+		if (nDataAddr >= KLDataWXCount) return 0;
+		KMem.WX[nDataAddr] = nDataValue;
+		break;
+	case KLDataTypeWY:
+		if (nDataAddr >= KLDataWYCount) return 0;
+		KMem.WY[nDataAddr] = nDataValue;
+		break;
+	case KLDataTypeWR:
+		if (nDataAddr >= KLDataWRCount) return 0;
+		KMem.WR[nDataAddr] = nDataValue;
+		break;
+	case KLDataTypeWLX:
+		if (nDataAddr >= KLDataWLCount) return 0;
+		KMem.WLX[nDataAddr] = nDataValue;
+		break;
+	case KLDataTypeWLY:
+		if (nDataAddr >= KLDataWLCount) return 0;
+		KMem.WLY[nDataAddr] = nDataValue;
+		break;
+	case KLDataTypeDT:
+		if (nDataAddr >= KLDataDTCount) return 0;
+		KMem.DT[nDataAddr] = nDataValue;
+		break;
+	case KLDataTypeSDT:
+		if (nDataAddr >= KLDataSDTCount) return 0;
+		KMem.SDT[nDataAddr] = nDataValue;
+		break;
+	case KLDataTypeWSR:
+		if (nDataAddr >= KLCoilLRCount) return 0;
+		KMem.WSR[nDataAddr] = nDataValue;
+		break;
+	case KLDataTypeSV:
+		if (nDataAddr >= KLDataSVCount) return 0;
+		KMem.SV[nDataAddr] = nDataValue;
+		break;
+	case KLDataTypeEV:
+		if (nDataAddr >= KLDataEVCount) return 0;
+		KMem.EV[nDataAddr] = nDataValue;
+		break;
+	case KLDataTypeLD:
+		if (nDataAddr >= KLDataLDCount) return 0;
+		KMem.DT[nDataAddr] = nDataValue;
+		break;
+	case KLDataSysCfg:
+		if (nDataAddr >= KLCoilSRCount) return 0;
+		KMem.SDT[nDataAddr] = nDataValue;
+		break;
+	case KLDataTypeFlash:
+		if (nDataAddr >= KLCoilSRCount) return 0;
+		KMem.SDT[nDataAddr] = nDataValue;
+		break;
+	case KLDataTypeTest:
+		if (nDataAddr >= KLCoilSRCount) return 0;
+		KMem.SDT[nDataAddr] = nDataValue;
+		break;
+	}
+	return 0;
+int CMTerm1Doc::AddMonitorCoil(int nCoilType, int nCoilAddr, int nCount)
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ澶勬坊鍔犲疄鐜颁唬鐮�.
+	return 0;
+int CMTerm1Doc::AddMonitorData(int nDataType, int nDataAddr, int nDataCount)
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ澶勬坊鍔犲疄鐜颁唬鐮�.
+	return 0;
+int CMTerm1Doc::ClearMonitor()
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ澶勬坊鍔犲疄鐜颁唬鐮�.
+	return 0;
+int CMTerm1Doc::DoPLCMonitor()
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ澶勬坊鍔犲疄鐜颁唬鐮�.
+	CString s1;
+	if (m_bSimulate) {
+		int nDataType = theApp.MyKLink1.KLDataTypeWX;
+		int nDataAddr = 0;
+		int nDataCount = 4;
+//		int res;
+		for (int i = 0; i < nDataCount; i++) {
+			KMem.WX[i] = myKMachine1.KMem.WX[i];
+		}
+		nDataType = theApp.MyKLink1.KLDataTypeWY;
+		nDataAddr = 0;
+		nDataCount = 4;
+		for (int i = 0; i < nDataCount; i++) {
+			KMem.WY[i] = myKMachine1.KMem.WY[i];
+		}
+		nDataType = theApp.MyKLink1.KLDataTypeWLX;
+		nDataAddr = 0;
+		nDataCount = 4;
+		for (int i = 0; i < nDataCount; i++) {
+			KMem.WLX[i] = myKMachine1.KMem.WLX[i];
+		}
+		nDataType = theApp.MyKLink1.KLDataTypeWLY;
+		nDataAddr = 0;
+		nDataCount = 4;
+		for (int i = 0; i < nDataCount; i++) {
+			KMem.WLY[i] = myKMachine1.KMem.WLY[i];
+		}
+		nDataType = theApp.MyKLink1.KLDataTypeWR;
+		nDataAddr = 0;
+		nDataCount = 10;
+		for (int i = 0; i < nDataCount; i++) {
+			KMem.WR[i] = myKMachine1.KMem.WR[i];
+		}
+		nDataType = theApp.MyKLink1.KLDataTypeDT;
+		nDataAddr = 0;
+		nDataCount = 128;
+		for (int i = 0; i < nDataCount; i++) {
+			KMem.DT[i] = myKMachine1.KMem.DT[i];
+		}
+		nDataType = theApp.MyKLink1.KLDataTypeSV;
+		nDataAddr = 0;
+		nDataCount = 40;
+		for (int i = 0; i < nDataCount; i++) {
+			KMem.SV[i] = myKMachine1.KMem.SV[i];
+		}
+		//res = theApp.MyKLink1.ReadDataWord(1, nDataCount, nDataType, nDataAddr, KMem.SV);// (unsigned char *)&KMem.DT[nDataAddr]);
+		nDataType = theApp.MyKLink1.KLDataTypeEV;
+		nDataAddr = 0;
+		nDataCount = 40;
+		for (int i = 0; i < nDataCount; i++) {
+			KMem.EV[i] = myKMachine1.KMem.EV[i];
+		}
+//		res = theApp.MyKLink1.ReadDataWord(1, nDataCount, nDataType, nDataAddr, KMem.EV);// (unsigned char *)&KMem.DT[nDataAddr]);
+	}else if (m_bOnline)
+	{
+		if (theApp.MyKLink1.m_nContinueErrCount > 10) {
+			DisConnect();
+		}
+		int nDataType = theApp.MyKLink1.KLDataTypeWX;
+		int nDataAddr = 0;
+		int nDataCount = 16;
+		unsigned short nCount;
+		int res;
+		res = theApp.MyKLink1.ReadDataWord(1, nDataType, nDataAddr, nDataCount, &nCount, KMem.WX);// (unsigned char *)&KMem.DT[nDataAddr]);
+		if (res != theApp.MyKLink1.KL_OK) {
+			s1.Format(_T("R:= %d %s  \r\n"), res, theApp.MyKLink1.m_resultStr);
+			SysLog(s1);
+		}
+		nDataType = theApp.MyKLink1.KLDataTypeWY;
+		nDataAddr = 0;
+		nDataCount = 16;
+		res = theApp.MyKLink1.ReadDataWord(1, nDataType, nDataAddr, nDataCount, &nCount, KMem.WY);// (unsigned char *)&KMem.DT[nDataAddr]);
+		if (res != theApp.MyKLink1.KL_OK) {
+			s1.Format(_T("R:= %d %s  \r\n"), res, theApp.MyKLink1.m_resultStr);
+			SysLog(s1);
+		}
+		nDataType = theApp.MyKLink1.KLDataTypeWLX;
+		nDataAddr = 0;
+		nDataCount = 8;
+		res = theApp.MyKLink1.ReadDataWord(1, nDataType, nDataAddr, nDataCount, &nCount, KMem.WLX);// (unsigned char *)&KMem.DT[nDataAddr]);
+		if (res != theApp.MyKLink1.KL_OK) {
+			s1.Format(_T("R:= %d %s  \r\n"), res, theApp.MyKLink1.m_resultStr);
+			SysLog(s1);
+		}
+		nDataType = theApp.MyKLink1.KLDataTypeWLY;
+		nDataAddr = 0;
+		nDataCount = 8;
+		res = theApp.MyKLink1.ReadDataWord(1, nDataType, nDataAddr, nDataCount, &nCount, KMem.WLY);// (unsigned char *)&KMem.DT[nDataAddr]);
+		if (res != theApp.MyKLink1.KL_OK) {
+			s1.Format(_T("R:= %d %s  \r\n"), res, theApp.MyKLink1.m_resultStr);
+			SysLog(s1);
+		}
+		nDataType = theApp.MyKLink1.KLDataTypeWR;
+		nDataAddr = 0;
+		nDataCount = 16;
+		res = theApp.MyKLink1.ReadDataWord(1, nDataType, nDataAddr, nDataCount, &nCount, KMem.WR);// (unsigned char *)&KMem.DT[nDataAddr]);
+		if (res != theApp.MyKLink1.KL_OK) {
+			s1.Format(_T("R:= %d %s  \r\n"), res, theApp.MyKLink1.m_resultStr);
+			SysLog(s1);
+		}
+		nDataType = theApp.MyKLink1.KLDataTypeWSR;
+		nDataAddr = 0;
+		nDataCount = 10;
+		res = theApp.MyKLink1.ReadDataWord(1, nDataType, nDataAddr, nDataCount, &nCount, KMem.WSR);// (unsigned char *)&KMem.DT[nDataAddr]);
+		if (res != theApp.MyKLink1.KL_OK) {
+			s1.Format(_T("R:= %d %s  \r\n"), res, theApp.MyKLink1.m_resultStr);
+			SysLog(s1);
+		}
+		nDataType = theApp.MyKLink1.KLDataTypeDT;
+		nDataAddr = 0;
+		nDataCount = 64;
+		res = theApp.MyKLink1.ReadDataWord(1, nDataType, nDataAddr, nDataCount, &nCount, KMem.DT);// (unsigned char *)&KMem.DT[nDataAddr]);
+		if (res != theApp.MyKLink1.KL_OK) {
+			s1.Format(_T("R:= %d %s  \r\n"), res, theApp.MyKLink1.m_resultStr);
+			SysLog(s1);
+		}
+		nDataAddr = 64;
+		nDataCount = 64;
+		res = theApp.MyKLink1.ReadDataWord(1, nDataType, nDataAddr, nDataCount, &nCount, &KMem.DT[64]);// (unsigned char *)&KMem.DT[nDataAddr]);
+		if (res != theApp.MyKLink1.KL_OK) {
+			s1.Format(_T("R:= %d %s  \r\n"), res, theApp.MyKLink1.m_resultStr);
+			SysLog(s1);
+		}
+		nDataType = theApp.MyKLink1.KLDataTypeSV;
+		nDataAddr = 0;
+		nDataCount = 64;
+		res = theApp.MyKLink1.ReadDataWord(1, nDataType, nDataAddr, nDataCount, &nCount, KMem.SV);// (unsigned char *)&KMem.DT[nDataAddr]);
+		if (res != theApp.MyKLink1.KL_OK) {
+			s1.Format(_T("R:= %d %s  \r\n"), res, theApp.MyKLink1.m_resultStr);
+			SysLog(s1);
+		}
+		nDataType = theApp.MyKLink1.KLDataTypeEV;
+		nDataAddr = 0;
+		nDataCount = 64;
+		res = theApp.MyKLink1.ReadDataWord(1, nDataType, nDataAddr, nDataCount, &nCount, KMem.EV);// (unsigned char *)&KMem.DT[nDataAddr]);
+		if (res != theApp.MyKLink1.KL_OK) {
+			s1.Format(_T("R:= %d %s  \r\n"), res, theApp.MyKLink1.m_resultStr);
+			SysLog(s1);
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+void CMTerm1Doc::OnTimer(UINT_PTR nIDEvent)
+	CString s1;
+//	s1.Format(_T("Doc::OntTimer"));
+//	SysLog(s1);
+	if (m_bSimulate && m_bPlcRunning)
+	{
+		//ProcessPLCProg(Progs, m_nProgSteps);
+		myKMachine1.ProcPLC();
+		// update PLC Stat
+	}
+void CMTerm1Doc::OnMenuStatusShow()
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ娣诲姞鍛戒护澶勭悊绋嬪簭浠g爜
+	CDialogStatusShow dialog1;
+	INT_PTR r = dialog1.DoModal();
+	if (r == IDOK)
+	{
+	}
+void CMTerm1Doc::OnMenuDatetimeSet()
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ娣诲姞鍛戒护澶勭悊绋嬪簭浠g爜
+	CDialogDateTime dialog1;
+	INT_PTR r = dialog1.DoModal();
+	if (r == IDOK)
+	{
+	}
+void CMTerm1Doc::OnMenuEventLog()
+	// TODO: 鍦ㄦ娣诲姞鍛戒护澶勭悊绋嬪簭浠g爜
+	CDialogEventLog dialog1;
+	INT_PTR r = dialog1.DoModal();
+	if (r == IDOK)
+	{
+	}

Gitblit v1.9.1