From e1f35018c4dec304b00f50d9dbe12204fd57a623 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: QuakeGod <>
Date: 星期四, 29 九月 2022 15:35:10 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] update infoblock step 1

 Inc/KMachine.h |  223 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 files changed, 194 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Inc/KMachine.h b/Inc/KMachine.h
index 72a5daf..827a591 100644
--- a/Inc/KMachine.h
+++ b/Inc/KMachine.h
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 #define STORE_PRG_PAGESIZE (0x00000400)							//Page Size = 1K
 #define STORE_PRG_PAGES 4													//use 4 pages
-#define ALT_PRG_BASE (FLASH_BASE + 0x00009000)		//36k //and FLASH_BANK1_END
+#define ALT_PRG_BASE (FLASH_BASE + 0x0000A000)		//36k //and FLASH_BANK1_END
 #define ALT_PRG_PAGESIZE (0x00000400)							//Page Size = 1K
 #define ALT_PRG_PAGES 4													//use 4 pages
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 #define STORE_SYSREG_PAGESIZE (0x00000400)							//Page Size = 1K
 #define STORE_SYSREG_PAGES 1														//use 1 pages
-#define STORE_RUNSTAT_BASE (FLASH_BASE + 0x0000B000)		//44k K //and 
+#define STORE_RUNSTAT_BASE (FLASH_BASE + 0x0000A800)		//44k K //and 
 #define STORE_RUNSTAT_PAGESIZE (0x00000400)							//Page Size = 1K
 #define STORE_RUNSTAT_PAGES 1														//use 1 pages
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 #define STORE_LOG_BASE (FLASH_BASE + 0x0000C000)		//48k and FLASH_BANK1_END
 #define STORE_LOG_PAGESIZE (0x00000400)							//Page Size = 1K
 #define STORE_LOG_PAGES 4														//use 4 pages
 typedef unsigned char uchar;
 typedef unsigned char UCHAR;
@@ -97,6 +98,23 @@
+typedef struct tagInfoBlock
+	USHORT nDeviceType;
+	USHORT ProgVer;
+	USHORT KlinkVer;
+	USHORT nCapacity;
+	UCHAR nDInput;
+	UCHAR nDOutput;
+	UCHAR nAInput;
+	UCHAR nAOutput;
+	UCHAR nHInput;
+	UCHAR nHOutput;
+	UCHAR nExt1;
 typedef struct tagKMFuncParam
 	USHORT EnablePLC:1;		//使能内部PLC功能
@@ -107,7 +125,7 @@
 typedef struct tagComPortParam
-	USHORT PortType:4;				/* 0-4=None,Odd,Even,Mark,Space    */
+	USHORT PortType:4;				/* 0-5=Com,Gen,KLink,KBus,KNet,RTU */
   USHORT ByteSize:2;        /* 0-1=Number of bits/byte, 7-8    */
 	USHORT Parity:4;					/* 0-4=None,Odd,Even,Mark,Space    */
   USHORT StopBits:2;        /* 0,1,2 = 1, 1.5, 2               */
@@ -159,19 +177,34 @@
 	unsigned short EndSign1;
 }stKMSysCfg,* pKMSysCfg;
+typedef struct tagFactData
+	USHORT Sign;					//
+	USHORT nLength;				//
+	UCHAR LOT_NO[16];			//
+	UINT MANDate;					//
+	UINT SN;							//
+	UINT REV1[24];				//
+	USHORT rev9;
 typedef struct tagFactoryData		//工厂量产参数,数据
-	unsigned short Sign1;
-	unsigned short Seq1;
-	unsigned int nModelNo;
-	unsigned int nModelVer;
-	unsigned int SN1;
-	unsigned int nProtocalVer;
- 	unsigned int nProductDateTime;
-	unsigned int nLotNo;
-	unsigned int nDefaultFunc;
-	char ModelStr[16];
-	char SNStr[16];
+	USHORT Sign1;
+	USHORT Seq1;
+	USHORT nModelNo;
+	USHORT nModelVer;
+	UINT nLotNo;
+ 	UINT nProductDateTime;
+	UINT nProtocalVer;
+	UINT nDefaultFunc;
+	UCHAR ModelStr[16];
+	UCHAR LOT_NO[16];			//
+	UCHAR SNStr[16];
 	unsigned short CRC1;
 	unsigned short EndSign1;
@@ -191,11 +224,15 @@
 	unsigned short Sign1;
 	unsigned short Seq1;
-	unsigned short PowerCount;	//
-	unsigned short Reserved1;
-	unsigned int UpTime;		//Seconds;
-	unsigned int UserData1;
-	unsigned int Reserved2[3];
+	volatile unsigned short PowerCount;	//
+	volatile unsigned short Reserved1;
+	volatile unsigned int UpTime;		//Seconds;
+	volatile unsigned int UserData1;
+	volatile unsigned short WorkMode;
+	volatile unsigned short WorkMode2;
+	volatile unsigned short nBinProgBank;
+	volatile unsigned short nBinProgSize;
+	unsigned int Reserved2[1];
 	unsigned short CRC1;
 	unsigned short EndSign1;
 }stRunStat, *pRunStat;
@@ -206,24 +243,138 @@
 //stStoreCfg * GetNextStoreCfgAddr(stStoreCfg * CurCfg );
 extern stKMSysCfg KMSysCfg;
+#define TYPECOIL 0x00
+#define TYPEDATA 0x80
+	enum enKLCoilTypes
+	{
+		KLCoilTypeX = 0 | TYPECOIL ,		//X Input
+		KLCoilTypeY = 1 | TYPECOIL,		//Y Output
+		KLCoilTypeR = 2 | TYPECOIL,		//R register
+		KLCoilTypeLX = 3 | TYPECOIL,		//Link register
+		KLCoilTypeLY = 4 | TYPECOIL,		//Link register
+		KLCoilTypeT = 5 | TYPECOIL,		//Timer
+		KLCoilTypeC = 6 | TYPECOIL,		//Counter
+		KLCoilTypeLR = 7 | TYPECOIL,		//Link register
+		KLCoilTypeSR = 8 | TYPECOIL,		//Link register
+	};
+	enum enKLDataTypes
+	{
+		KLDataTypeDEC = 0 | TYPEDATA,
+		KLDataTypeHEX = 1 | TYPEDATA,
+		KLDataTypeFloat = 2 | TYPEDATA,
+		KLDataTypeWX = 3 | TYPEDATA,
+		KLDataTypeWY = 4 | TYPEDATA,
+		KLDataTypeWR = 5 | TYPEDATA,
+		KLDataTypeWLX = 6 | TYPEDATA,
+		KLDataTypeWLY = 7 | TYPEDATA,
+		KLDataTypeDT = 8 | TYPEDATA,
+		KLDataTypeSDT = 9 | TYPEDATA,
+		KLDataTypeWSR = 10 | TYPEDATA,
+		KLDataTypeSV = 11 | TYPEDATA,
+		KLDataTypeEV = 12 | TYPEDATA,
+		KLDataTypeLD = 13 | TYPEDATA,
+		KLDataSysCfg = 25 | TYPEDATA,
+		KLDataTypeFlash = 33 | TYPEDATA,
+		KLDataTypeTest = 254 | TYPEDATA,
+	};
+enum enKLDataCounts
+	{
+		KLDataDTCount = 256,
+		KLDataSDTCount = 256,
+		KLDataWXCount = 16,
+		KLDataWYCount = 16,
+		KLDataWRCount = 16,
+		KLDataLDCount = 64,
+		KLDataWLCount = 8, 
+		KLCoilXCount = KLDataWXCount * 16,
+		KLCoilYCount = KLDataWYCount * 16,
+		KLCoilRCount = KLDataWRCount * 16,
+		KLCoilTCount = 64,
+		KLCoilCCount = KLCoilTCount,
+		KLDataSVCount = KLCoilTCount,
+		KLDataEVCount = KLCoilTCount,
+		KLCoilLXCount = 128,
+		KLCoilLYCount = 128,
+		KLCoilLRCount = 128,
+		KLCoilSRCount = 128,
+	};
+#define TOTAL_WDFS (16)		//Total DF Count
+#define TOTAL_CurVAL (16)		//
+#define TOTALTIMERS (64)
+typedef struct tagTimerStat
+	unsigned short nScale:2;//Time Scale, 0:1ms 1:10ms 2:100ms 3:1S
+	unsigned short nType:1;	//0 : timer 1:counter ;
+	unsigned short nDir:1;		//0 : count down. 1 count up;
+	unsigned short nInited:1;
+	unsigned short bSet:1;
+	unsigned short bTon:1;
+typedef struct tagTimer
+	unsigned int LastActTime;
+	union {
+		unsigned short StatByte;
+	 struct 
+	{
+		unsigned short nScale:2;	//Time Scale, 0:1ms 1:10ms 2:100ms 3:1S
+		unsigned short nType:1;		//0 : timer 1	:	counter ;
+		unsigned short nDir:1;		//0 : count down. 1 count up;
+		unsigned short nInited:1;
+		unsigned short bSet:1;
+		unsigned short bTon:1;
+	};		
+//		stTimerStat Stat;
+	};
 typedef struct tagKMem
-	unsigned short WX[16];		//本机的X和Y
-	unsigned short WY[16];		//本机的X和Y
-	unsigned short WR[64];
-	unsigned short DT[256];
+	unsigned short WDFs[TOTAL_WDFS];
+	unsigned char CurVALs[TOTAL_CurVAL];
+	unsigned char CurVAL;
+	stTimer Timers[TOTALTIMERS];
+	unsigned short WX[KLDataWXCount];		//本机的X和Y
+	unsigned short WY[KLDataWYCount];		//本机的X和Y
+	unsigned short WR[KLDataWRCount];
+	unsigned short WT[16];
+	unsigned short WC[16];
+	unsigned short EV[KLDataEVCount];
+	unsigned short SV[KLDataSVCount];
 	unsigned short WLX[16];		//虚拟的X和Y,远程通讯时映射用。
 	unsigned short WLY[16];
+	unsigned short WLR[16];	
 	unsigned short WSR[16];
+	unsigned short DT[KLDataDTCount];
 	// 配置寄存器
 	// 系统状态寄存器
 	// 特殊寄存器
 	// 调试,监控寄存器
 	union {
-		unsigned int SDD[128];
-		unsigned short SDT[256];
-		unsigned char SDB[512];
+		unsigned int SDD[KLDataSDTCount/2];
+		unsigned short SDT[KLDataSDTCount];
+		unsigned char SDB[KLDataSDTCount*2];
 		struct {
 			unsigned int EffJumperSW;
 			unsigned int CurJumperSW;
@@ -252,11 +403,19 @@
 extern stKMem KMem;
+extern const stKMInfoBlock KMInfoBlock;
 int KMachineInit(void);
-int ReadFlashMem(void * pBuf, void * pAddrFlash, int nSize);
-int WriteToFlashMemNoErase(void * pBuf, void * pAddrFlash, unsigned int nSize);
-int EraseAndWriteToFlashMem(void * pBuf, void * pAddrFlash, unsigned int nSize);
+int ReadFlashMem(void * pBuf, void * pAddrFlash, int nByteSize);
+int WriteToFlashMemNoErase(void * pBuf, void * pAddrFlash, unsigned int nByteSize);
+int EraseAndWriteToFlashMem(void * pBuf, void * pAddrFlash, unsigned int nByteSize);
+int ReadFactoryData(void * pDatabuf, int nByteCount);
+int WriteFactoryData(void * pDataBuf, int nByteCount);
+// active Program bank
+int ReadProgram(int nProgByteAddr, void *pBuf, int nByteSize, int nBank);
+int WriteProgram(int nProgByteAddr, void * pBuf, int nByteSize, int nBank);
 int WriteSysCfgToFlash(pKMSysCfg theKMSysCfg);
 int ReadSysCfgFromFlash(pKMSysCfg theKMSysCfg);
@@ -267,4 +426,10 @@
 int LoadRunStat(pRunStat theRunStat);
 int SaveRunStat(pRunStat theRunStat);
+unsigned char GetCoilValue(unsigned char nCoilType, unsigned short nCoilAddr);
+int SetCoilValue(unsigned char nCoilType, unsigned short nCoilAddr, unsigned char nCoilValue);
+int GetVarData(int nDataType, int nDataAddr);
+int SetVarData(int nDataType, int nDataAddr, int nDataValue);
 #endif	/* __KLPROTOCOL_H__ */

Gitblit v1.9.1