New file |
| | |
| | | // CDialogDateTime.cpp: 实现文件
| | | //
| | |
| | | #include "pch.h"
| | | #include "MultiTerminal1.h"
| | | #include "CDialogDateTime.h"
| | | #include "afxdialogex.h"
| | | #include "KLinkProtocol.h"
| | |
| | | // CDialogDateTime 对话框
| | |
| | | IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CDialogDateTime, CDialogEx)
| | |
| | | CDialogDateTime::CDialogDateTime(CWnd* pParent /*=nullptr*/)
| | | : CDialogEx(IDD_DIALOG_DATETIME, pParent)
| | | {
| | |
| | | }
| | |
| | | CDialogDateTime::~CDialogDateTime()
| | | {
| | | }
| | |
| | | void CDialogDateTime::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
| | | {
| | | CDialogEx::DoDataExchange(pDX);
| | | }
| | |
| | |
| | | BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CDialogDateTime, CDialogEx)
| | | ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_SUBMIT, &CDialogDateTime::OnBnClickedButtonSubmit)
| | | ON_WM_TIMER()
| | |
| | |
| | | // CDialogDateTime 消息处理程序
| | |
| | |
| | | BOOL CDialogDateTime::OnInitDialog()
| | | {
| | | CDialogEx::OnInitDialog();
| | |
| | | // TODO: 在此添加额外的初始化
| | | ((CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_CHECK_SYSTIME))->SetCheck(1);
| | | SetTimer(1, 300, NULL);
| | | return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
| | | // 异常: OCX 属性页应返回 FALSE
| | | }
| | |
| | | int CDialogDateTime::ShowParams()
| | | {
| | | // TODO: 在此处添加实现代码.
| | | return 0;
| | | }
| | |
| | |
| | | int CDialogDateTime::UpdateDisplay()
| | | {
| | | // TODO: 在此处添加实现代码.
| | | CString s1;
| | | if (((CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_CHECK_SYSTIME))->GetCheck())
| | | {
| | | CTime time1;
| | | time1 = time1.GetTickCount();
| | |
| | | int year = time1.GetYear();
| | | s1.Format(_T("%02d"), year);
| | | SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_YEAR, s1);
| | | int mon = time1.GetMonth();
| | | s1.Format(_T("%02d"), mon);
| | | SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_MONTH, s1);
| | | int day = time1.GetDay();
| | | s1.Format(_T("%02d"), day);
| | | SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_DAY, s1);
| | |
| | | int hour = time1.GetHour();
| | | s1.Format(_T("%02d"), hour);
| | | SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_HOUR, s1);
| | | int min = time1.GetMinute();
| | | s1.Format(_T("%02d"), min);
| | | SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_MINUTE, s1);
| | | int sec=time1.GetSecond();
| | | s1.Format(_T("%02d"), sec);
| | | SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_SECOND, s1);
| | | }
| | | return 0;
| | | }
| | |
| | |
| | | void CDialogDateTime::OnTimer(UINT_PTR nIDEvent)
| | | {
| | | // TODO: 在此添加消息处理程序代码和/或调用默认值
| | | if (nIDEvent == 1)
| | | {
| | | UpdateDisplay();
| | | }
| | | else
| | | {
| | |
| | | }
| | | CDialogEx::OnTimer(nIDEvent);
| | | }
| | |
| | |
| | | void CDialogDateTime::OnBnClickedButtonSubmit()
| | | {
| | | // TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码
| | | int year, mon, day;
| | | int hour, min, sec;
| | |
| | | year = GetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT_YEAR);
| | | mon = GetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT_MONTH);
| | | day = GetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT_DAY);
| | |
| | | hour = GetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT_HOUR);
| | | min = GetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT_MINUTE);
| | | sec = GetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT_SECOND);
| | | tm tm1;
| | | tm1.tm_year = year;
| | | tm1.tm_mon = mon;
| | | tm1.tm_mday = day;
| | |
| | | tm1.tm_hour = hour;
| | | tm1.tm_min = min;
| | | tm1.tm_sec = sec;
| | |
| | | CTime time1(year,mon,day,hour,min,sec);
| | | __time32_t time2 = time1.GetTime();
| | | MyKLProtocol1.SetDateTime32(1, time2);
| | | // MyKLProtocol1.WriteDataByte(1, 4, MyKLProtocol1.KLDataTypeSDT, 36, (unsigned char *)&time2);
| | |
| | | }
| | |
| | |
New file |
| | |
| | | #pragma once
| | |
| | |
| | | // CDialogDateTime 对话框
| | |
| | | class CDialogDateTime : public CDialogEx
| | | {
| | | DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CDialogDateTime)
| | |
| | | public:
| | | CDialogDateTime(CWnd* pParent = nullptr); // 标准构造函数
| | | virtual ~CDialogDateTime();
| | |
| | | // 对话框数据
| | | #ifdef AFX_DESIGN_TIME
| | | enum { IDD = IDD_DIALOG_DATETIME };
| | | #endif
| | |
| | | protected:
| | | virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV 支持
| | |
| | | public:
| | | afx_msg void OnBnClickedButtonSubmit();
| | | virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();
| | | afx_msg void OnTimer(UINT_PTR nIDEvent);
| | | int ShowParams();
| | | int UpdateDisplay();
| | | };
| | |
| | | res = MyKLProtocol1.GetEventLog(1, i, nReadCount, &KEventLogs[i]);
| | | s1.Format(_T(" Get EventLog %d Result r=%d "),i, res);
| | | s1.AppendFormat(_T("%d %d %d %d %d %d"), KEventLogs[i].Sign1, KEventLogs[i].Seq1, KEventLogs[i].nTime, KEventLogs[i].nType, KEventLogs[i].nParam1, KEventLogs[i].nParam2);
| | | SysLog(s1);
| | | // SysLog(s1);
| | | s1.Format(_T("%d"), i);
| | | m_list_eventlog.InsertItem(i, s1);
| | | s1.Format(_T("%d"), KEventLogs[i].Seq1);
| | | m_list_eventlog.SetItemText(i, 1, s1);
| | |
| | | s1.Format(_T("%d"), KEventLogs[i].nTime);
| | | CTime ctime1 = KEventLogs[i].nTime;
| | | s1 = ctime1.Format(_T("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"));
| | |
| | | m_list_eventlog.SetItemText(i, 2, s1);
| | | s1.Format(_T("%d"), KEventLogs[i].nType);
| | | m_list_eventlog.SetItemText(i, 3, s1);
| | |
| | | m_list_eventlog.SetItemText(i, 4, s1);
| | | s1.Format(_T("%d"), KEventLogs[i].nParam2);
| | | m_list_eventlog.SetItemText(i, 5, s1);
| | |
| | | }
| | |
| | | return 0;
| | |
| | | pPacket->Cmd = nCMD;
| | | pPacket->Type1 = Type;
| | | int Datalen = 0;
| | | int nWordAddr;
| | | int nWordCount;
| | |
| | | switch (nCMD)
| | | {
| | | case KLCmdNone:
| | |
| | |
| | | pKLStat pStat = (pKLStat)&(pPacket->Stat);
| | | int Datalen = 0;
| | | int nWordAddr;
| | | int nWordCount;
| | |
| | | switch (nCMD)
| | | {
| | | case KLCmdNone:
| | |
| | | ParseRplyPacket(m_RecvBuf, len2, &nCmd, &m_DstStat.StatByte, &nCount, m_DataBuf);
| | | return KL_OK;
| | | }
| | | int KLinkProtocol::ReadBits(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nBitAddr, UCHAR * Values)
| | | int KLinkProtocol::ReadBits(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nBitCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nBitAddr, UCHAR * Values)
| | | {
| | | return KL_OK;
| | | }
| | | int KLinkProtocol::WriteBits(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nBitAddr, UCHAR * Values)
| | | int KLinkProtocol::WriteBits(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nBitCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nBitAddr, UCHAR * Values)
| | | {
| | | return KL_OK;
| | | }
| | | int KLinkProtocol::ReadBitsByWord(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nWordAddr, USHORT *Values)
| | | int KLinkProtocol::ReadBitsByWord(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nWordCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nWordAddr, USHORT *Values)
| | | {
| | | return KL_OK;
| | | }
| | | int KLinkProtocol::WriteBitsByWord(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nWordAddr, USHORT *Values)
| | | int KLinkProtocol::WriteBitsByWord(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nWordCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nWordAddr, USHORT *Values)
| | | {
| | | return KL_OK;
| | | }
| | |
| | | return m_nSeq;
| | | }
| | |
| | | int KLinkProtocol::ReadDataByte(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nByteAddr, UCHAR * Values)
| | | int KLinkProtocol::ReadDataByte(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nByteCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nByteAddr, UCHAR * Values)
| | | {
| | | m_Dst = nDst;
| | | m_resultStr.Empty();
| | | UCHAR nExpSeq = GetNextSeq();
| | | int len1 = MakeReqPacketEx(m_Packetbuf, nDst, m_Stat1.StatByte, KLCmdReadDataByte, nType, nByteAddr/2, nCount);
| | | int len1 = MakeReqPacketEx(m_Packetbuf, nDst, m_Stat1.StatByte, KLCmdReadDataByte, nType, nByteAddr/2, nByteCount);
| | | SendPacket(m_Packetbuf, len1);
| | | int numToRead = sizeof(stKLRplyPktHdr) + nCount;
| | | int numToRead = sizeof(stKLRplyPktHdr) + nByteCount;
| | | int len2 = 0;
| | | int nTryCount = 0;
| | | for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
| | |
| | |
| | | return KL_OK;
| | | }
| | | int KLinkProtocol::WriteDataByte(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nByteAddr, UCHAR * Values)
| | | int KLinkProtocol::WriteDataByte(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nByteCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nByteAddr, UCHAR * Values)
| | | {
| | | m_Dst = nDst;
| | | UCHAR nExpSeq = GetNextSeq();
| | | int len1 = MakeReqPacketEx(m_Packetbuf, nDst, m_Stat1.StatByte, KLCmdWriteDataByte, nType, nByteAddr/2, nCount, Values);
| | | int len1 = MakeReqPacketEx(m_Packetbuf, nDst, m_Stat1.StatByte, KLCmdWriteDataByte, nType, nByteAddr/2, nByteCount, Values);
| | | SendPacket(m_Packetbuf, len1);
| | | int len2 = RecvPacket(m_RecvBuf, 64);
| | | if (len2 == 0) { len2 = RecvPacket(m_RecvBuf, 64); }
| | |
| | | return res;
| | | }
| | |
| | | int KLinkProtocol::ReadDataWord(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nWordAddr, USHORT * Values)
| | | int KLinkProtocol::ReadDataWord(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nWordCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nWordAddr, USHORT * Values)
| | | {
| | | m_Dst = nDst;
| | | UCHAR nExpSeq = GetNextSeq();
| | | int len1 = MakeReqPacketEx(m_Packetbuf, nDst, m_Stat1.StatByte, KLCmdReadDataWord, nType, nWordAddr, nCount);
| | | int len1 = MakeReqPacketEx(m_Packetbuf, nDst, m_Stat1.StatByte, KLCmdReadDataWord, nType, nWordAddr, nWordCount);
| | | SendPacket(m_Packetbuf, len1);
| | | int len2 = RecvPacket(m_RecvBuf, 64);
| | | if (len2 == 0) { len2 = RecvPacket(m_RecvBuf, 64); }
| | |
| | | Values[0] = m_DataBuf[0];
| | | return res;
| | | }
| | | int KLinkProtocol::WriteDataWord(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nWordAddr, USHORT * Values)
| | | int KLinkProtocol::WriteDataWord(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nWordCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nWordAddr, USHORT * Values)
| | | {
| | | m_Dst = nDst;
| | | UCHAR nExpSeq = GetNextSeq();
| | | int len1 = MakeReqPacketEx(m_Packetbuf, nDst, m_Stat1.StatByte, KLCmdWriteDataWord, nType, nWordAddr, nCount, Values);
| | | int len1 = MakeReqPacketEx(m_Packetbuf, nDst, m_Stat1.StatByte, KLCmdWriteDataWord, nType, nWordAddr, nWordCount, Values);
| | | SendPacket(m_Packetbuf, len1);
| | | int len2 = RecvPacket(m_RecvBuf, 64);
| | | if (len2 == 0) { len2 = RecvPacket(m_RecvBuf, 64); }
| | |
| | | return res;
| | | }
| | |
| | | int KLinkProtocol::ReadData(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nWordAddr, USHORT * Values)
| | | int KLinkProtocol::ReadData(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nWordCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nWordAddr, USHORT * Values)
| | | {
| | | m_Dst = nDst;
| | | UCHAR nExpSeq = GetNextSeq();
| | | int len1 = MakeReqPacketEx(m_Packetbuf, nDst, m_Stat1.StatByte, KLCmdReadData, nType, nWordAddr,nCount);
| | | int len1 = MakeReqPacketEx(m_Packetbuf, nDst, m_Stat1.StatByte, KLCmdReadData, nType, nWordAddr, nWordCount);
| | | SendPacket(m_Packetbuf, len1);
| | | int len2 = RecvPacket(m_RecvBuf, 64);
| | | if (len2 == 0) { len2 = RecvPacket(m_RecvBuf, 64); }
| | |
| | |
| | | return KL_OK;
| | | }
| | | int KLinkProtocol::WriteData(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nWordAddr, USHORT * Values)
| | | int KLinkProtocol::WriteData(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nWordCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nWordAddr, USHORT * Values)
| | | {
| | | m_Dst = nDst;
| | | UCHAR nExpSeq = GetNextSeq();
| | | int len1 = MakeReqPacketEx(m_Packetbuf, nDst, m_Stat1.StatByte, KLCmdWriteData, nType, nWordAddr, nCount, Values);
| | | int len1 = MakeReqPacketEx(m_Packetbuf, nDst, m_Stat1.StatByte, KLCmdWriteData, nType, nWordAddr, nWordCount, Values);
| | | SendPacket(m_Packetbuf, len1);
| | | int len2 = RecvPacket(m_RecvBuf, 64);
| | | if (len2 == 0) { len2 = RecvPacket(m_RecvBuf, 64); }
| | |
| | |
| | | return KL_OK;
| | | }
| | | int KLinkProtocol::GetInfo(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nWordAddr, USHORT * Values)
| | | int KLinkProtocol::GetInfo(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nWordCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nWordAddr, USHORT * Values)
| | | {
| | | m_Dst = nDst;
| | | UCHAR nExpSeq = GetNextSeq();
| | | int len1 = MakeReqPacketEx(m_Packetbuf, nDst, m_Stat1.StatByte, KLCmdGetInfo, nType, nWordAddr, nCount, Values);
| | | int len1 = MakeReqPacketEx(m_Packetbuf, nDst, m_Stat1.StatByte, KLCmdGetInfo, nType, nWordAddr, nWordCount, Values);
| | | SendPacket(m_Packetbuf, len1);
| | | int len2 = RecvPacket(m_RecvBuf, 64);
| | | if (len2 == 0) { len2 = RecvPacket(m_RecvBuf, 64); }
| | |
| | | return KL_OK;
| | | }
| | |
| | | int KLinkProtocol::GetDateTime32(UCHAR nDst, UINT * pValue)
| | | {
| | | int res = KL_OK;
| | | res = ReadDataByte(nDst, 4, KLDataTypeSDT, 36, (UCHAR *)pValue);
| | | return res;
| | |
| | | }
| | |
| | | int KLinkProtocol::SetDateTime32(UCHAR nDst, UINT Value)
| | | {
| | | int res = KL_OK;
| | | res = WriteDataByte(nDst, 4, KLDataTypeSDT, 36, (UCHAR *)&Value);
| | | return res;
| | | }
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | | int ProcessPacket(void *pBuf, int nLen);
| | | int ParseRplyPacket(void *pBuf, int nPkgLen, UCHAR * nCmd, UCHAR * Status, USHORT* nCount, void * pData);
| | |
| | | int GetInfo(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nWordAddr, USHORT * Values);
| | | int GetInfo(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nWordCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nWordAddr, USHORT * Values);
| | | int GetSN(UCHAR nDst, int * nCount);
| | | int GetUID(UCHAR nDst, int * nCount);
| | | int GetTime32(UCHAR nDst, int * nCount);
| | | int SetTime32(UCHAR nDst, int * nCount);
| | | //int GetTime32(UCHAR nDst, int * nCount);
| | | //int SetTime32(UCHAR nDst, int * nCount);
| | | int GetDateTime32(UCHAR nDst, UINT * pValue);
| | | int SetDateTime32(UCHAR nDst, UINT Value);
| | |
| | |
| | | int GetEventLogCount(UCHAR nDst, int * nCount);
| | |
| | |
| | | int ReadBit(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nType,USHORT nBitAddr, UCHAR * Value);//Read 1 Single bit
| | | int WriteBit(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nType,USHORT nBitAddr, UCHAR Value);//Write 1 Single bit
| | | int ReadBits(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nBitAddr, UCHAR * Values);
| | | int WriteBits(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nBitAddr, UCHAR * Values);
| | | int ReadBitsByWord(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nWordAddr, USHORT *Values);
| | | int WriteBitsByWord(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nWordAddr, USHORT *Values);
| | | int ReadBits(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nBitCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nBitAddr, UCHAR * Values);
| | | int WriteBits(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nBitCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nBitAddr, UCHAR * Values);
| | | int ReadBitsByWord(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nWordCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nWordAddr, USHORT *Values);
| | | int WriteBitsByWord(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nWordCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nWordAddr, USHORT *Values);
| | |
| | | int ReadDataByte(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nByteAddr, UCHAR * Values);
| | | int WriteDataByte(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nByteAddr, UCHAR * Values);
| | | int ReadDataByte(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nByteCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nByteAddr, UCHAR * Values);
| | | int WriteDataByte(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nByteCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nByteAddr, UCHAR * Values);
| | |
| | | int ReadDataWord(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nWordAddr, USHORT * Values);
| | | int WriteDataWord(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nWordAddr, USHORT * Values);
| | | int ReadDataWord(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nWordCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nWordAddr, USHORT * Values);
| | | int WriteDataWord(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nWordCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nWordAddr, USHORT * Values);
| | |
| | | int ReadData(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nWordAddr, USHORT * Values);
| | | int WriteData(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nWordAddr, USHORT * Values);
| | | int ReadData(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nWordCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nWordAddr, USHORT * Values);
| | | int WriteData(UCHAR nDst, UCHAR nWordCount, UCHAR nType, USHORT nWordAddr, USHORT * Values);
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | | <ClInclude Include="CDialogCommSet1.h" />
| | | <ClInclude Include="CDialogCommTest.h" />
| | | <ClInclude Include="CDialogDataMon.h" />
| | | <ClInclude Include="CDialogDateTime.h" />
| | | <ClInclude Include="CDialogEventLog.h" />
| | | <ClInclude Include="CDialogForceIO.h" />
| | | <ClInclude Include="CDialogInfoDisplay.h" />
| | |
| | | <ClInclude Include="targetver.h" />
| | | </ItemGroup>
| | | <ItemGroup>
| | | <ClCompile Include="..\MyLib\Utils.cpp" />
| | | <ClCompile Include="CAnsiParser.cpp" />
| | | <ClCompile Include="CDataParser1.cpp" />
| | | <ClCompile Include="CDialogCoilMon.cpp" />
| | | <ClCompile Include="CDialogCommSet1.cpp" />
| | | <ClCompile Include="CDialogCommTest.cpp" />
| | | <ClCompile Include="CDialogDataMon.cpp" />
| | | <ClCompile Include="CDialogDateTime.cpp" />
| | | <ClCompile Include="CDialogEventLog.cpp" />
| | | <ClCompile Include="CDialogForceIO.cpp" />
| | | <ClCompile Include="CDialogInfoDisplay.cpp" />
| | |
| | | <ClInclude Include="CDialogForceIO.h">
| | | <Filter>头文件</Filter>
| | | </ClInclude>
| | | <ClInclude Include="CDialogDateTime.h">
| | | <Filter>头文件</Filter>
| | | </ClInclude>
| | | </ItemGroup>
| | | <ItemGroup>
| | | <ClCompile Include="MultiTerminal1.cpp">
| | |
| | | <ClCompile Include="CDialogForceIO.cpp">
| | | <Filter>源文件</Filter>
| | | </ClCompile>
| | | <ClCompile Include="..\MyLib\Utils.cpp">
| | | <Filter>源文件</Filter>
| | | </ClCompile>
| | | <ClCompile Include="CDialogDateTime.cpp">
| | | <Filter>源文件</Filter>
| | | </ClCompile>
| | | </ItemGroup>
| | | <ItemGroup>
| | | <ResourceCompile Include="MultiTerminal1.rc">
| | |
| | |
| | | #include "CDialogProgress.h"
| | | #include "CDialogEventLog.h"
| | | #include "CDialogDateTime.h"
| | | #include "CDialogForceIO.h"
| | |
| | | #ifdef _DEBUG
| | |
| | | ON_COMMAND(ID_MENU_EVENT_LOG, &CMultiTerminal1Dlg::OnMenuEventLog)
| | | ON_COMMAND(ID_MENU_COMM_TEST, &CMultiTerminal1Dlg::OnMenuCommTest)
| | | ON_COMMAND(ID_MENU_FORCE_IO, &CMultiTerminal1Dlg::OnMenuForceIo)
| | | ON_COMMAND(ID_MENU_DATETIME, &CMultiTerminal1Dlg::OnMenuDatetime)
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | | // TODO: 在此添加额外的初始化代码
| | |
| | | CString VersionStr = _T("V1.01");
| | | CString BuildStr = _T("20210423");
| | | CString VersionStr = _T("V1.02");
| | | CString BuildStr = _T("20210728");
| | |
| | | MyLogger1.AttachWnd(GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_LOG1)->m_hWnd);
| | | MyLogger1.bShowLog[0] = 1;
| | |
| | |
| | | s1.AppendFormat(_T("跳线 %02X %s 当前 %02X\r\n"), MyKLProtocol1.MEM.SDD[0], intToBinString(MyKLProtocol1.MEM.SDD[0]), MyKLProtocol1.MEM.SDD[1]);
| | | // s1.AppendFormat(_T("当前跳线 %02X %s\r\n"), MyKLProtocol1.MEM.SDD[1], intToBinString(MyKLProtocol1.MEM.SDD[1]));
| | | s1.AppendFormat(_T("Tick计数 %d \r\n"), MyKLProtocol1.MEM.SDD[2]);
| | | s1.AppendFormat(_T("03 nRunCount %d \r\n"), MyKLProtocol1.MEM.SDD[3]);
| | | s1.AppendFormat(_T("Tick计数 %u \r\n"), MyKLProtocol1.MEM.SDD[2]);
| | | s1.AppendFormat(_T("03 nRunCount %u \r\n"), MyKLProtocol1.MEM.SDD[3]);
| | | s1.AppendFormat(_T("04 RunStat %d \r\n"), MyKLProtocol1.MEM.SDD[4]);
| | | s1.AppendFormat(_T("05 ErrStat %d \r\n"), MyKLProtocol1.MEM.SDD[5]);
| | | s1.AppendFormat(_T("06 PwrOnCount %d \r\n"), MyKLProtocol1.MEM.SDD[6]);
| | | s1.AppendFormat(_T("07 ThisRunTime %d \r\n"), MyKLProtocol1.MEM.SDD[7]);
| | |
| | | int nTime1 = MyKLProtocol1.MEM.SDD[7];
| | | s1.AppendFormat(_T("%dd %02d:%02d:%02d \r\n"), nTime1 / 86400, nTime1 / 3600 % 24, nTime1 / 60 % 60, nTime1 % 60);
| | | s1.AppendFormat(_T("08 TotalTime %d \r\n"), MyKLProtocol1.MEM.SDD[8]);
| | |
| | | CString s3;
| | | _tctime32_s(s3.GetBuffer(1024),1024, &time1);
| | | s3.ReleaseBuffer();
| | | s1.Append(s3 + _T("\r\n"));
| | |
| | | CTime ctime1;
| | | ctime1=time1;
| | | s3=ctime1.Format(_T("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"));
| | | s1.Append(s3 + _T("\r\n"));
| | | // s1.AppendFormat(_T("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d \r\n"), nTime1 / 86400, nTime1 / 3600 % 24, nTime1 / 60 % 60, nTime1 % 60);
| | | s1.AppendFormat(_T("10 PwrFailCount %d \r\n"), MyKLProtocol1.MEM.SDD[10]);
| | | s1.AppendFormat(_T("11 LastPwrFailTime %d \r\n"), MyKLProtocol1.MEM.SDD[11]);
| | |
| | | time1 = nTime1;
| | | _tctime32_s(s3.GetBuffer(1024), 1024, &time1);
| | | s3.ReleaseBuffer();
| | | ctime1 = time1;
| | | ctime1 += (30 * 365 + 7 ) * 24 * 3600 ;
| | | ctime1 = CStringToCTime(_T("2000-01-01 08:00:00"));
| | | s3 = ctime1.Format(_T("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"));
| | | s1.Append(s3 + _T("\r\n"));
| | |
| | | s1.AppendFormat(_T("12 LastScanTime uS %d \r\n"), MyKLProtocol1.MEM.SDD[12]);
| | |
| | | void CMultiTerminal1Dlg::OnBnClickedButtonConnect()
| | | {
| | | OnMenuOnline();
| | | if (!m_bResourceOpened)
| | | {
| | | return;
| | | }
| | | m_bMonitoring = false;
| | | // TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码
| | | }
| | |
| | | {
| | | // TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码
| | | OnMenuOnline();
| | | if (! m_bResourceOpened)
| | | {
| | | return;
| | | }
| | | m_bMonitoring = false;
| | | OnMenuMonitor();
| | | return;
| | |
| | | CDialogForceIO dialog1;
| | | INT_PTR r = dialog1.DoModal();
| | | }
| | |
| | |
| | | void CMultiTerminal1Dlg::OnMenuDatetime()
| | | {
| | | // TODO: 在此添加命令处理程序代码
| | | CDialogDateTime dialog1;
| | | INT_PTR r = dialog1.DoModal();
| | | }
| | |
| | | afx_msg void OnMenuEventLog();
| | | afx_msg void OnMenuCommTest();
| | | afx_msg void OnMenuForceIo();
| | | afx_msg void OnMenuDatetime();
| | | };
| | |
| | | #include <afxcontrolbars.h>
| | | #include <afxcontrolbars.h>
| | | #include <afxcontrolbars.h>
| | | #include <afxcontrolbars.h>
| | |
| | | #endif //PCH_H
| | |
| | | #define IDD_DIALOG_PROGRESS 155
| | | #define IDD_DIALOG_EVENTLOG 157
| | | #define IDD_DIALOG_FORCE_IO 159
| | | #define IDD_DIALOG_DATETIME 161
| | | #define IDC_EDIT_LOG1 1001
| | | #define IDC_STATIC_STATUS_CON 1002
| | | #define IDC_COMBO_RES 1003
| | |
| | | #define IDC_EDIT1 1068
| | | #define IDC_EDIT2 1069
| | | #define IDC_RADIO4 1070
| | | #define IDC_EDIT_DAY 1070
| | | #define IDC_RADIO5 1071
| | | #define IDC_EDIT_HOUR 1071
| | | #define IDC_RADIO6 1072
| | | #define IDC_EDIT_MINUTE 1072
| | | #define IDC_RADIO7 1073
| | | #define IDC_EDIT_SECOND 1073
| | | #define IDC_RADIO8 1074
| | | #define IDC_RADIO9 1075
| | | #define IDC_RADIO10 1076
| | |
| | | #define IDC_BUTTON_ON 1094
| | | #define IDC_BUTTON_OFF 1095
| | | #define IDC_STATIC_INFO 1096
| | | #define IDC_CHECK_SYSTEMTIME 1097
| | | #define IDC_CHECK_SYSTIME 1097
| | | #define IDC_BUTTON_SUBMIT 1098
| | | #define IDC_EDIT_YEAR 1099
| | | #define IDC_EDIT_MONTH 1100
| | | #define ID_BUTTON32771 32771
| | | #define ID_BUTTON32772 32772
| | | #define ID_BUTTON32773 32773
| | |
| | | #define ID_32830 32830
| | | #define ID_MENU_COMM_TEST 32831
| | | #define ID_MENU_FORCE_IO 32832
| | | #define ID_MENU_DATETIME 32833
| | | #define ID_MENU_PASSWORD 32834
| | |
| | | // Next default values for new objects
| | | //
| | | #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 161
| | | #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 32833
| | | #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 1097
| | | #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 163
| | | #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 32835
| | | #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 1101
| | | #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 101
| | | #endif
| | | #endif
| | |
| | | #include "StdAfx.h"
| | | #include "pch.h"
| | | //#include "StdAfx.h"
| | | #include "Utils.h"
| | | #include <list>
| | | #include <regex>