* @file : KBus.h
* @brief : Header for KBus.c file.
* This file contains the common defines of the application.
#include "KBusDefine.h"
#include "KMachine.h"
#ifndef __KBUS_H__
#define __KBUS_H__
#define KBUS_VER (0x104)
//#define SYN_PREFIX 1
typedef unsigned char uchar;
extern unsigned char bKBusMaster,bKBusSlave,bKBusRepeater;;
extern unsigned char PacketBuf1[MaxPacketLength];
extern unsigned char PacketBuf2[MaxPacketLength];
extern unsigned char BufferIn[16];
extern unsigned char BufferOut[16];
extern unsigned char nStationID;
extern unsigned char nChilds;
extern int ChildStat[16];
extern unsigned char nCurPollId;
extern unsigned char nSeq;
extern volatile unsigned char KBusMasterRecved;
extern volatile unsigned char KBusMasterRecvOK;
extern volatile unsigned char KBusSlaveRecved;
extern unsigned int KBusSendTimeuS;
extern volatile int KBusRecvTimeuS;
extern int KBusDelayuS;
extern int KBusMaxDelayuS;
extern volatile unsigned int nSlaveTick;
extern stChnStat KBusChnStats[8];
static inline char KWInit(int nPortNum) { };
static inline char KWStart(int nPortNum) { };
static inline char KWGetClientNum(int nPortNum) { };
static inline char KWGetClientInfo(int nPortNum, int nClientId) { };
static inline char KWGetClientInCount(int nPortNum,int nClientId) {};
static inline char KWisSafeState(int nPortNum) { };
static inline char KWisRunState(int nPortNum) { };
static inline char KWGetState(int nPortNum) { };
static inline char KWChangeState(int nPortNum, int nNewState){ };
unsigned char KBusBCC(void * pData, int nSize);
/* Make a Packet and return Packet Length */
int KBusMakePacket(pKBPacket p1,uchar Src, uchar Dst, uchar nType, uchar nStatus, uchar DataLen, void *pData );
/* */
int KBusCheckPacket(int nChn, pKBPacket p1, int len1);
/* */
int KBusParsePacket(int nChn, pKBPacket p1, int Len1);
int InitMachine(stMachineConfig * pConfig);
int SetConfig(void );
int StartConfig(void);
int SetMasterConfig(void);
int StartPolling(void);
int ReadData(void);
int WriteData(void);
int GetStat(void);
int KBusRepeaterFunc(int nChn);
int KBusMasterFunc(int nChn);
int KBusSlaveFunc(int nChn);
#endif /* __KBUS_H__ */