* @file : YDLidar.h
* @brief : Header for YDLidar.c file.
* This file contains the Lidar defines of the application.
#ifndef __YDLIDAR_H__
#define __YDLIDAR_H__
#define YDLIDAR_VER (0x100)
#pragma anon_unions
typedef struct LidarDotData
unsigned char intensity;
unsigned char s1;
struct {
unsigned char flag:2;
unsigned char s1:6;
unsigned char s2;
typedef struct tagLidarDotsPkt
unsigned short StSign;
unsigned char CT;
unsigned char LSN;
unsigned short FSA;
unsigned short LSA;
unsigned short CS;
stLidarDotData LidarDotDatas[40];
}stLidarDotsPkt, *pLidarDotsPkt;
typedef struct tagLidarVector
int intensit;
int angle;
int value;
typedef struct tagLidarDot
int x;
int y;
int distance;
extern int nPosX;
extern int nPosY;
extern int nPosZ;
extern int nPosZ1, nPosZ2;
extern int pCount1;
extern int pCount2;
extern int dCount1;
extern int dCount2;
extern int vCount1;
extern int vCount2;
int YdLidarStart(int nIdx); /* Start LiDar Running , nIde = 0 , 1 , -1 == ALL */
int YdLidarStop(int nIdx); /* stop Lidar Running , nIde = 0 , 1 , -1 == ALL */
int YdLidarParsePkt(int nLidarIdx, stLidarDotsPkt * pLindarPkt, int len1);
#endif /* __YDLIDAR_H__ */